13 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of vector control methods for the control of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis: A meta-review.

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    Elimination of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Southeast Asia and global control of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) and VL are priorities of the World Health Organization (WHO). But is the existing evidence good enough for public health recommendations? This meta-review summarises the available and new evidence for vector control with the aims of establishing what is known about the value of vector control for the control of CL and VL, establishing gaps in knowledge, and particularly focusing on key recommendations for further scientific work. This meta-review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria, including (1) systematic reviews and meta-analyses (SRs/MAs) for (2) vector control methods and strategies and (3) for the control of CL and/or VL. Nine SRs/MAs were included, with different research questions and inclusion/exclusion criteria. The methods analysed for vector control can be broadly classified into (1) indoor residual spraying (IRS); (2) insecticide-treated nets (ITNs; including insecticide-impregnated bednets); (3) insecticide-treated curtains (ITCs; including insecticide-treated house screening); (4) insecticide-treated bedsheets (ITSs) and insecticide-treated fabrics (ITFs; including insecticide-treated clothing) and (5) durable wall lining (treated with insecticides) and other environmental measures to protect the house; (6) control of the reservoir host; and (7) strengthening vector control operations through health education. The existing SRs/MAs include a large variation of different primary studies, even for the same specific research sub-question. Also, the SRs/MAs are outdated, using available information until earlier than 2018 only. Assessing the quality of the SRs/MAs, there is a considerable degree of variation. It is therefore very difficult to summarise the results of the available SRs/MAs, with contradictory results for both vector indices and-if available-human transmission data. Conclusions of this meta-review are that (1) existing SRs/MAs and their results make policy recommendations for evidence-based vector control difficult; (2) further work is needed to establish efficacy and community effectiveness of key vector control methods with specific SRs and MAs (3) including vector and human transmission parameters; and (4) attempting to conclude with recommendations in different transmission scenarios

    Interventions against Aedes/dengue at the household level: a systematic review and meta-analysisResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Because the evidence for the role of structural housing and combinations of interventions (domestic or peri-domestic) against Aedes mosquitoes or dengue is still lacking, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to analyse and synthesize research focusing on the household as the unit of allocation. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, LILACS, and Web of Science databases until February 2023 using three general keyword categories: (1) “Aedes” or “dengue”; (2) structural housing interventions including “house”, “water”, or “drainage”; and (3) vector control interventions of potential relevance and their combinations. We performed a qualitative content analysis and a meta-analysis for 13 entries on dengue seroconversion data. Findings: 14,272 articles were screened by titles, 615 by abstracts, 79 by full-text. 61 were selected. Satisfactory data quality allowed for detailed content analysis. Interventions at the household level against the immature mosquito stages (21 studies, 34%) showed positive or mixed results in entomological and epidemiological outcomes (86% and 75% respectively). Combined interventions against immature and adult stages (11 studies, 18%) performed similarly (91% and 67%) while those against the adult mosquitoes (29 studies, 48%) performed less well (79%, 22%). A meta-analysis on seroconversion outcomes showed a not-statistically significant reduction for interventions (log odds-ratio: −0.18 [−0.51, 0.14 95% CI]). Interpretation: No basic research on housing structure or modification was eligible for this systematic review but many interventions with clear impact on vector indices and, to a lesser extent, on dengue were described. The small and not-statistically significant effect size of the meta-analysis highlights the difficulty of proving effectiveness against this highly-clustered disease and of overcoming practical implementation obstacles (e.g. efficacy loss, compliance). The long-term success of interventions depends on suitability, community commitment and official support and promotion. The choice of a specific vector control package needs to take all these context-specific aspects into consideration. Funding: This work was funded by a grant from the World Health Organization (2021/1121668-0, PO 202678425, NTD/VVE)

    Spatial Variations in Dengue Transmission in Schools in Thailand

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue is an important neglected tropical disease, with more than half of the world's population living in dengue endemic areas. Good understanding of dengue transmission sites is a critical factor to implement effective vector control measures. METHODS: A cohort of 1,811 students from 10 schools in rural, semi-rural and semi-urban Thailand participated in this study. Seroconversion data and location of participants' residences and schools were recorded to determine spatial patterns of dengue infections. Blood samples were taken to confirm dengue infections in participants at the beginning and the end of school term. Entomological factors included a survey of adult mosquito density using a portable vacuum aspirator during the school term and a follow up survey of breeding sites of Aedes vectors in schools after the school term. Clustering analyses were performed to detect spatial aggregation of dengue infections among participants. RESULTS: A total of 57 dengue seroconversions were detected among the 1,655 participants who provided paired blood samples. Of the 57 confirmed dengue infections, 23 (40.0%) occurred in students from 6 (6.8%) of the 88 classrooms in 10 schools. Dengue infections did not show significant clustering by residential location in the study area. During the school term, a total of 66 Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were identified from the 278 mosquitoes caught in 50 classrooms of the 10 schools. In a follow-up survey of breeding sites, 484 out of 2,399 water containers surveyed (20.2%) were identified as active mosquito breeding sites. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that dengue infections were clustered among schools and among classrooms within schools. The schools studied were found to contain a large number of different types of breeding sites. Aedes vector densities in schools were correlated with dengue infections and breeding sites in those schools. Given that only a small proportion of breeding sites in the schools were subjected to vector control measures (11%), this study emphasizes the urgent need to implement vector control strategies at schools, while maintaining efforts at the household level

    Numbers of active breeding sites of <i>Aedes</i> vectors vs. dengue infections in each school.

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    <p>Each circle represents a school, and the size of the circle is proportional to the number of participating students. The regression line is weighted by the number of participating students in each school.</p