729 research outputs found

    An evocative and taste experience in food design. The Design discipline meets starry chef’s competencies for the “Flavours Abecedary” project development.

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    The paper investigates new perspectives of food design, suggesting a multidisciplinary and collaborative research experience, in which the project interprets the concept of conviviality and food tasting through its narrative and evocative component that becomes tools of territorial valorization, of its resources and history. The paradigm change that occurred in the last two decades has led to consider food as an object (Giuxù, 2020), focused on the observation of the changes in habits, conviviality and hospitality and has spawned new project fields and new alliances between skills, disciplines and community. The connection between the project and food has evolved and enriched of themes that go beyond the need to feed and therefore transforming, cooking and eating meals by attributing to the food aesthetic and formal values, but also speculative. (Finessi, 2013) The actions of the project are able to strengthen the expressive and functional levels of food, implementing its “emotional features” and consolidating the connection between senses and behaviour

    Natural and artificial interaction. Symbiotic processes between science, art and design

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    The contribution will focus on how the concept of ‘living’ in the contemporary vision of design, with regard to vegetation, influences design culture, a concept constantly faced with the environmental context through practices of imitation of the logic of natural world interpretation of its evolutionary dynamics, the transformation of its elements and, more recently, with activities that investigate the fragile relationship and coexistence with man, to raise awareness of conscious behaviour. The interpretation of the projects will highlight the visions of contemporary design on the links between the anthropic world and the plant and animal world and will investigate design scenarios aimed at prefiguring possible worlds. Critical reflections will connect to the interdisciplinary New European Bauhaus initiative, which contemplates new synergies between natural and cultural, social inclusion, science and technology.Il contributo si incentra sulle modalitĂ  con cui nella contemporanea visione del design, il concetto di ‘vivente’ riferito alla vegetazione, incide sulla cultura del progetto, che si Ăš confrontata da sempre con il contesto ambientale, attraverso pratiche di imitazione delle logiche della natura, di interpretazione delle sue dinamiche evolutive, di trasformazione dei suoi elementi e, piĂč recentemente, con attivitĂ  che indagano la fragile relazione e la convivenza con l’uomo, in un’ottica di sensibilizzazione verso comportamenti consapevoli. L’interpretazione dei progetti metterĂ  in evidenza le visioni del design contemporaneo sui legami tra mondo antropico, mondo vegetale e animale e indagherĂ  gli scenari progettuali volti alla prefigurazione di mondi possibili. Le riflessioni critiche sono legate all’iniziativa interdisciplinare New European Bauhaus, che contempla nuove sinergie tra natura e cultura, inclusione sociale, scienza e tecnologia
