7 research outputs found

    Advanced mask manufacturing

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    A CMOL-Like Memristor-CMOS Neuromorphic Chip-Core Demonstrating Stochastic Binary STDP

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    The advent of nanoscale memristors raised hopes of being able to build CMOL (CMOS/nanowire/molecular) type ultra-dense in-memory-computing circuit architectures. In CMOL, nanoscale memristors would be fabricated at the intersection of nanowires. The CMOL concept can be exploited in neuromorphic hardware by fabricating lower density neurons on CMOS and placing massive analog synaptic connectivity with nanowire and nanoscale-memristor fabric post-fabricated on top. However, technical problems have hindered such developments for presently available reliable commercial monolithic CMOS-memristor technologies. On one hand, each memristor needs a MOS selector transistor in series to guarantee forming and programming operations in large arrays. This results in compound MOS-memristor synapses (called 1T1R) which are no longer synapses at the crossing of nanowires. On the other hand, memristors do not yet constitute highly reliable, stable analog memories for massive analog-weight synapses with gradual learning. Here we demonstrate a pseudo-CMOL monolithic chip core that circumvents the two technical problems mentioned above by: (a) exploiting a CMOL-like geometrical chip layout technique to improve density despite the 1T1R limitation, and (b) exploiting a binary weight stochastic Spike-Timing-Dependent-Plasticity (STDP) learning rule that takes advantage of the more reliable binary memory capability of the memristors used. Experimental results are provided for a spiking neural network (SNN) CMOL-core with 64 input neurons, 64 output neurons and 4096 1T1R synapses, fabricated in 130nm CMOS with 200nm-sized Ti/HfOx/TiN memristors on top. The CMOL-core uses query-driven event read-out, which allows for memristor variability insensitive computations. Experimental system-level demonstrations are provided for plain template matching tasks, as well as regularized stochastic binary STDP feature-extraction learning, obtaining perfect recognition in hardware for a 4-letter recognition experiment.This work was supported in part by EU H2020 under Grant 687299 “NeuRAM3” and Grant 871371 “MeM-Scales;” and in part by the Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation, with support from the European Regional Development Fund, under Grant PID2019-105556GB-C31 (NANOMIND). The work of Luis A. Camuñas-Mesa was supported by the VI PPIT through the Universidad de Sevilla.Peer reviewe

    A CMOL-Like Memristor-CMOS Neuromorphic Chip-Core Demonstrating Stochastic Binary STDP

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/The advent of nanoscale memristors raised hopes of being able to build CMOL (CMOS/nanowire/molecular) type ultra-dense in-memory-computing circuit architectures. In CMOL, nanoscale memristors would be fabricated at the intersection of nanowires. The CMOL concept can be exploited in neuromorphic hardware by fabricating lower density neurons on CMOS and placing massive analog synaptic connectivity with nanowire and nanoscale-memristor fabric post-fabricated on top. However, technical problems have hindered such developments for presently available reliable commercial monolithic CMOS-memristor technologies. On one hand, each memristor needs a MOS selector transistor in series to guarantee forming and programming operations in large arrays. This results in compound MOS-memristor synapses (called 1T1R) which are no longer synapses at the crossing of nanowires. On the other hand, memristors do not yet constitute highly reliable, stable analog memories for massive analog-weight synapses with gradual learning. Here we demonstrate a pseudo-CMOL monolithic chip core that circumvents the two technical problems mentioned above by: (a) exploiting a CMOL-like geometrical chip layout technique to improve density despite the 1T1R limitation, and (b) exploiting a binary weight stochastic Spike-Timing-Dependent-Plasticity (STDP) learning rule that takes advantage of the more reliable binary memory capability of the memristors used. Experimental results are provided for a spiking neural network (SNN) CMOL-core with 64 input neurons, 64 output neurons and 4096 1T1R synapses, fabricated in 130nm CMOS with 200nm-sized Ti/HfOx/TiN memristors on top. The CMOL-core uses query-driven event read-out, which allows for memristor variability insensitive computations. Experimental system-level demonstrations are provided for plain template matching tasks, as well as regularized stochastic binary STDP feature-extraction learning, obtaining perfect recognition in hardware for a 4-letter recognition experiment. © 2011 IEEE.Horizon 2020 Framework Programme 687299, 871371Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España PID2019-105556GB-C31European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) PID2019-105556GB-C3

    A Current Attenuator for Efficient Memristive Crossbars Read-Out

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    This paper presents a new current attenuator circuit to scale down the inference currents in memristor based crossbars that drive integrate-and-fire neurons, which subsequently allows to reduce the size of integrating capacitors by several orders of magnitude, making IC integration possible. The proposed circuit uses a linear switch to divide the inference current and scale it down by a factor of about 104. The proposed attenuator has been designed in 130nm CMOS technology. Simulation results considering noise, process and temperature variations are shown to validate the presented approach.European Union's Horizon 2020 No 687299 NeuRAMEuropean Union's Horizon 2020 No 824164 HERME

    Experimental Body-input Three-stage DC offset Calibration Scheme for Memristive Crossbar

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    Reading several ReRAMs simultaneously in a neuromorphic circuit increases power consumption and limits scalability. Applying small inference read pulses is a vain attempt when offset voltages of the read-out circuit are decisively more. This paper presents an experimental validation of a three-stage calibration scheme to calibrate the DC offset voltage across the rows of the memristive crossbar. The proposed method is based on biasing the body terminal of one of the differential pair MOSFETs of the buffer through a series of cascaded resistor banks arranged in three stages- coarse, fine and finer stages. The circuit is designed in a 130 nm CMOS technology, where the OxRAM-based binary memristors are built on top of it. A dedicated PCB and other auxiliary boards have been designed for testing the chip. Experimental results validate the presented approach, which is only limited by mismatch and electrical noise.EU H2020 grant 687299 NeuRAM3EU H2020 grant 824164 HERMESEU H2020 grant 871501 NeurONNEU H2020 grant 871371 MeM-ScalesSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness TEC2015-63884-C2-1-P (COGNET)Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness G0086 ICONUniversidad de Sevilla (España) VI PPI

    Measurement of the optical parameters of the Virgo interferometer

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    The Virgo interferometer, aimed at detecting gravitational waves, is now in a commissioning phase. Measurements of its optical properties are needed for the understanding of the instrument. We present the techniques developed for the measurement of the optical parameters of Virgo. These parameters are compared with the Virgo specifications. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America