696 research outputs found

    Changes in protein expression in two cholangiocarcinoma cell lines undergoing formation of multicellular tumor spheroids In vitro

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    Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) is relevant in malignant growth and frequently correlates with worsening disease progression due to its implications in metastases and re- sistance to therapeutic interventions. Although EMT is known to occur in several types of solid tumors, the information concerning tumors arising from the epithelia of the bile tract is still limited. In order to approach the problem of EMT in cholangiocarcinoma, we decided to investigate the changes in protein expression occurring in two cell lines under conditions leading to growth as adherent monolayers or to formation of multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS), which are considered culture models that better mimic the growth characteristics of in-vivo solid tumors. In our system, changes in phenotypes occur with only a decrease in transmembrane E-cadherin and vimentin expression, minor changes in the transglutami- nase protein/activity but with significant differences in the proteome profiles, with declining and increasing expression in 6 and in 16 proteins identified by mass spectrometry. The aris- ing protein patterns were analyzed based on canonical pathways and network analysis. These results suggest that significant metabolic rearrangements occur during the conver- sion of cholangiocarcinomas cells to the MCTS phenotype, which most likely affect the car- bohydrate metabolism, protein folding, cytoskeletal activity, and tissue sensitivity to oxygen

    X-linked heterochromatin distribution in the holocentric chromosomes of the green apple aphid Aphis pomi

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    Chromatin organization in the holocentric chromosomes of the green apple aphid Aphis pomi has been investigated at a cytological level after C-banding, NOR, Giemsa, fluorochrome staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). C-banding technique showed that heterochromatic bands are exclusively located on X chromosomes. This data represents a peculiar feature that clearly contradicts the equilocal distribution of heterochromatin typical of monocentric chromosomes. Moreover, silver staining and FISH carried out with a 28S rDNA probe localized rDNA genes on one telomere of each X chromosome; CMA(3) staining reveals that these silver positive telomeres are, the only GC-rich regions among A. pomi heterochromatin, whereas all other C-positive bands are DAPI positive thus containing AT-rich DNA

    Radioprotection calculations for the TRADE experiment

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    The TRADE project is based on the coupling of, in a sub-critical configuration, of a 115 MeV, 2 mA proton cyclotron with a TRIGA research reactor at the ENEA Casaccia centre (Rome). Detailed radioprotection calculations using the FLUKA and EA-MC Monte Carlo codes were performed during the feasibility study. The study concentrated on dose rates due to beam losses in normal operating conditions and in the calculation of activation in the most sensitive components of the experiment. Results show that a shielding of 1.4 m of barytes concrete around the beam line will be sufficient to maintain the effective doses below the level of 10 Mu Sv/h, provided that the beam losses are at the level of 10 nA/m. The activation level around the beam line and in the water will be negligible, while the spallation target will reach an activation level comparable to the one of a fuel element at maximum burnup

    Graphene-Based Interconnects for Stable Dye-Sensitized Solar Modules

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    We present Z-Type Dye Sensitized Solar Modules (DSSMs) with screen printed graphene-based vertical interconnects. This prevents corrosion of interconnects in contact with electrolytic species, unlike conventional Ag interconnects. By enlarging the width of single cells, or by increasing the number of cells, we get an enhancement of the aperture power conversion efficiency similar to+12% with respect to Ag-based modules, with 1000 h stability under 85 degrees C stress test. This paves the way to original design layouts with decreased dead area and increased generated power per aperture area

    R&D on co-working transport schemes in Geant4

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    A research and development (R&D) project related to the extension of the Geant4 toolkit has been recently launched to address fundamental methods in radiation transport simulation. The project focuses on simulation at different scales in the same experimental environment; this problem requires new methods across the current boundaries of condensed-random-walk and discrete transport schemes. The new developments have been motivated by experimental requirements in various domains, including nanodosimetry, astronomy and detector developments for high energy physics applications.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of the CHEP (Computing in High Energy Physics) 2009 conferenc
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