94 research outputs found
Long-term radiographic and clinical-functional outcomes of isolated, displaced, closed talar neck and body fractures treated by ORIF: the timing of surgical management
Background: The main purpose of this retrospective case series study was to evaluate long-term radiographic and clinical outcomes of a consecutive series of patients diagnosed with isolated, displaced, closed talar neck or body fractures treated by open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Secondly, the aim was to verify the influence of the location of talar fractures on the outcomes, the prognostic value of the Hawkins sign, whether operative delays promote avascular necrosis (AVN) and if the fractures require emergent surgical management.
Methods: From January 2007 to December 2012, at our institution, 31 patients underwent ORIF through the use of screws. On the basis of Inokuchi criteria, the injuries were divided between neck and body fractures, which were classified according to Hawkins and Sneppen, respectively. The patients included were divided into two groups in relation to fracture location and complexity. Radiographic assessment focused on reduction quality, bone healing, the Hawkins sign and post-traumatic arthritis (PTA) development. For the clinical evaluation, clinical-functional scores (AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot Score; MFS; FFI-17; SF-36) and VAS were determined, and statistical analysis was performed.
Results: 27 patients, 19 males and 8 females, mean age 38.3 years, were included with an average follow-up period of 83.2 months (range 49\u2013119). There were 9 neck and 19 body fractures; their reduction was anatomical or nearly anatomical in 22 cases, and all reached radiographic consolidation after a mean period of 3.4 months (range 1.7\u20137). The Hawkins sign was observed in 9 cases, in which necrosis did not develop. With a 0\u201311 day surgical timing interval, more than 60% of the patients obtained good or fair results with different scores, while 18 (66.7%) were completely satisfied (VAS: 9\u201310). The early complications included malunions (21.4%) and wound problems (25%); the late complications involved AVN (25%) and PTA (78.6%).
Conclusions: Despite a high rate of long-term complications, satisfactory clinical results were achieved. Talar fracture location did not influence the outcomes, the Hawkins sign was confirmed as a positive prognostic factor, and operation timing did not influence AVN development. Hence, these injuries do not require emergent surgical management by ORIF
Climate Change and Childhood Respiratory Health: A Call to Action for Paediatricians
Climate change (CC) is one of the main contributors to health emergencies worldwide. CC appears to be closely interrelated with air pollution, as some pollutants like carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and black carbon are naturally occurring greenhouse gases. Air pollution may enhance the allergenicity of some plants and, also, has an adverse effect on respiratory health. Children are a uniquely vulnerable group that suffers disproportionately from CC burden. The increasing global warming related to CC has a big impact on plants' lifecycles, with earlier and longer pollen seasons, as well as higher pollen production, putting children affected by asthma and allergic rhinitis at risk for exacerbations. Extreme weather events may play a role too, not only in the exacerbations of allergic respiratory diseases but, also, in favouring respiratory infections. Even though paediatricians are already seeing the impacts of CC on their patients, their knowledge about CC-related health outcomes with specific regards to children's respiratory health is incomplete. This advocates for paediatricians' increased awareness and a better understanding of the CC impact on children's respiratory health. Having a special responsibility for children, paediatricians should actively be involved in policies aimed to protect the next generation from CC-related adverse health effects. Hence, there is an urgent need for them to take action and successfully educate families about CC issues. This paper aims at reviewing the evidence of CC-related environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, rainfall and extreme events on respiratory allergic diseases and respiratory infections in children and proposing specific actionable items for paediatricians to deal with CC-related health issues in their clinical practice
Intravesical Instillations of Hyaluronic Acid as First-Line Treatment in Patients with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome: Use, Efficacy and Effects on Quality of Life
: The efficacy of hyaluronic acid instillations as therapy for patients with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS) has been demonstrated in some clinical studies, with response rates up to 70%. The aim of the study is to investigate the change in symptoms and quality of life in female patients with IC/BPS after intravesical instillations of hyaluronic acid used as first-line treatment. A retrospective single-center cohort study was conducted. Female patients, whose symptoms were compatible with the diagnosis of IC/BPS as defined by the International Continence Society, were treated with a variable number of intravesical instillations of a hyaluronic acid-based drug. Three validated questionnaires were administered by telephone to all patients, before the beginning of the treatment and 6 months after the last administration of the drug. A total of 50 patients with symptoms compatible with the diagnosis of IC/BPS were included in the study. The median number of instillations performed is 4. For all questionnaires, the median value was significantly reduced following treatment with intravesical instillations (p = 0.000). The present study has shown that intravesical hyaluronic acid treatment results in both statistically and clinically significant symptomatic improvement, thereby improving the quality of life of patients with IC/BPS
Impatto del microbioma (polmonare e intestinale) sull’asma
L’asma è una delle patologie croniche più diffuse e rappresenta la malattia respiratoria cronica più frequente nell’età pediatrica. Sono sempre più numerosi gli studi volti a individuare delle strategie preventive per ridurne l’incidenza: negli ultimi decenni è stato dimostrato che esiste una “finestra” temporale che si apre già durante la vita intrauterina e nella quale vari fattori ambientali possono interagire con il substrato genetico per favorire l’insorgenza dell’asma e, più in generale, delle malattie allergiche. Negli ultimi anni è stato ampiamente studiato il ruolo del microbioma intestinale dimostrandone la capacità di modulare la risposta immunitaria. Una disbiosi intestinale in epoca precoce, con sbilanciamento della composizione del microbioma a favore di Escherichia coli e Clostridium difficile e a discapito dei Bifidobacteria, può predisporre allo sviluppo delle allergopatie. Più recentemente è stato dimostrato che esiste un microbioma anche a livello delle vie aeree inferiori, la cui composizione può essere influenzata dalle infezioni virali e che, nei soggetti asmatici, è caratterizzata dalla prevalenza del phylum Proteobacteria. Non è stato ancora dimostrato se sia possibile ridurre l’insorgenza dell’asma agendo sul microbioma, mentre è necessario tenere a mente la necessità di ridurre l’impiego degli antibiotici per limitare le interferenze sul microbioma, soprattutto nei neonati e nei lattanti
Il link asma-obesitĂ : aspetti patogenetici, clinico-funzionali e diagnostico-terapeutici
L’asma e l’obesità sono considerate un problema primario di salute pubblica dell’età infantile, che sta assumendo proporzioni globalmente “epidemiche”. Diversi studi epidemiologici hanno chiaramente evidenziato la presenza di un’associazione tra le due patologie. Tale complessa interazione patogenetica vede coinvolti fattori genetici, di sviluppo, di funzione
polmonare, immunologici e comportamentali; alcuni di essi sono ad oggi ancora poco studiati e conosciuti. Per tale motivo, non è possibile identificare un meccanismo prevalente sugli altri che sia alla base della relazione causale tra le due patologie. Il crescente interesse scientifico nei confronti dell’associazione tra asma e obesitĂ ha contribuito a delineare diversi fenotipi di patologia presenti nelle varie epoche della vita. La caratterizzazione clinica dei soggetti asmatici obesi è presupposto fondamentale per identificare terapie mirate a raggiungere il controllo dell’asma e contemporaneamente a ridurre il peso del soggetto prevenendo le complicanze legate all’obesitĂ
I farmaci biologici nell’asma del bambino
I farmaci biologici hanno recentemente rivoluzionato l’approccio terapeutico al paziente con asma grave. Attraverso l’inibizione di precisi target molecolari implicati nella patogenesi della malattia asmatica, questi farmaci trovano un’innovativa applicazione nell’ambito della medicina moderna che, sempre più spesso, si indirizza verso un trattamento personalizzato sulla base delle specifiche caratteristiche infiammatorie (endotipi con relativi biomarcatori) che la patologia presenta nel singolo paziente. Tra i farmaci biologici disponibili per l’età pediatrica, ad oggi omalizumab è il farmaco di scelta per la terapia aggiuntiva dell’asma grave, con significative evidenze di efficacia e sicurezza e con maggiore esperienza clinica in “real life”. Le nuove molecole, come mepolizumab, reslizumab e dupilumab, sono attualmente in fase di sperimentazione clinica per l’età pediatrica, sulla base dei risultati positivi ottenuti negli studi sulla popolazione adulta
Comorbidità nell’asma grave pediatrico
Asthma comorbidities frequently cause adverse outcomes, such as poor asthma control, frequent asthma attacks, reduced quality of life, and higher healthcare costs. Comorbidities are well-known treatable traits whose proper management can help achieve optimal asthma control. Although multimorbidity is frequent among asthmatics, comorbidities are still a potential cause of misdiagnosis and under or overtreatments, and little is known about their impact on severe pediatric asthma.
Over the years, growing scientific evidence has pointed to the existence of a clear epidemiological correlation between asthma and its comorbidities and of possible common pathogenetic mechanisms responsible for a mutual bi-directional influence between the diseases, with sometimes the possibility of describing distinct asthma phenotypes. In this light, the appropriate management of asthma comorbidities could be crucial to propose personalized or adjunctive therapies of apparent efficacy in patients with severe asthma
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