70 research outputs found

    Interpretable Clustering on Dynamic Graphs with Recurrent Graph Neural Networks

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    We study the problem of clustering nodes in a dynamic graph, where the connections between nodes and nodes' cluster memberships may change over time, e.g., due to community migration. We first propose a dynamic stochastic block model that captures these changes, and a simple decay-based clustering algorithm that clusters nodes based on weighted connections between them, where the weight decreases at a fixed rate over time. This decay rate can then be interpreted as signifying the importance of including historical connection information in the clustering. However, the optimal decay rate may differ for clusters with different rates of turnover. We characterize the optimal decay rate for each cluster and propose a clustering method that achieves almost exact recovery of the true clusters. We then demonstrate the efficacy of our clustering algorithm with optimized decay rates on simulated graph data. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs), a popular algorithm for sequence learning, use a similar decay-based method, and we use this insight to propose two new RNN-GCN (graph convolutional network) architectures for semi-supervised graph clustering. We finally demonstrate that the proposed architectures perform well on real data compared to state-of-the-art graph clustering algorithms

    Observe Before Play: Multi-armed Bandit with Pre-observations

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    We consider the stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem in a setting where a player can pay to pre-observe arm rewards before playing an arm in each round. Apart from the usual trade-off between exploring new arms to find the best one and exploiting the arm believed to offer the highest reward, we encounter an additional dilemma: pre-observing more arms gives a higher chance to play the best one, but incurs a larger cost. For the single-player setting, we design an Observe-Before-Play Upper Confidence Bound (OBP-UCB) algorithm for KK arms with Bernoulli rewards, and prove a TT-round regret upper bound O(K2logT)O(K^2\log T). In the multi-player setting, collisions will occur when players select the same arm to play in the same round. We design a centralized algorithm, C-MP-OBP, and prove its TT-round regret relative to an offline greedy strategy is upper bounded in O(K4M2logT)O(\frac{K^4}{M^2}\log T) for KK arms and MM players. We also propose distributed versions of the C-MP-OBP policy, called D-MP-OBP and D-MP-Adapt-OBP, achieving logarithmic regret with respect to collision-free target policies. Experiments on synthetic data and wireless channel traces show that C-MP-OBP and D-MP-OBP outperform random heuristics and offline optimal policies that do not allow pre-observations

    Proportional Fair RAT Aggregation in HetNets

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    Heterogeneity in wireless network architectures (i.e., the coexistence of 3G, LTE, 5G, WiFi, etc.) has become a key component of current and future generation cellular networks. Simultaneous aggregation of each client's traffic across multiple such radio access technologies (RATs) / base stations (BSs) can significantly increase the system throughput, and has become an important feature of cellular standards on multi-RAT integration. Distributed algorithms that can realize the full potential of this aggregation are thus of great importance to operators. In this paper, we study the problem of resource allocation for multi-RAT traffic aggregation in HetNets (heterogeneous networks). Our goal is to ensure that the resources at each BS are allocated so that the aggregate throughput achieved by each client across its RATs satisfies a proportional fairness (PF) criterion. In particular, we provide a simple distributed algorithm for resource allocation at each BS that extends the PF allocation algorithm for a single BS. Despite its simplicity and lack of coordination across the BSs, we show that our algorithm converges to the desired PF solution and provide (tight) bounds on its convergence speed. We also study the characteristics of the optimal solution and use its properties to prove the optimality of our algorithm's outcomes.Comment: Extended version of the 31st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 2019) conference pape

    Intelligent Communication Planning for Constrained Environmental IoT Sensing with Reinforcement Learning

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    Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have enabled numerous data-driven mobile applications and have the potential to significantly improve environmental monitoring and hazard warnings through the deployment of a network of IoT sensors. However, these IoT devices are often power-constrained and utilize wireless communication schemes with limited bandwidth. Such power constraints limit the amount of information each device can share across the network, while bandwidth limitations hinder sensors' coordination of their transmissions. In this work, we formulate the communication planning problem of IoT sensors that track the state of the environment. We seek to optimize sensors' decisions in collecting environmental data under stringent resource constraints. We propose a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) method to find the optimal communication policies for each sensor that maximize the tracking accuracy subject to the power and bandwidth limitations. MARL learns and exploits the spatial-temporal correlation of the environmental data at each sensor's location to reduce the redundant reports from the sensors. Experiments on wildfire spread with LoRA wireless network simulators show that our MARL method can learn to balance the need to collect enough data to predict wildfire spread with unknown bandwidth limitations.Comment: To be published in the 20th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2023

    Near-optimal Online Algorithms for Joint Pricing and Scheduling in EV Charging Networks

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    With the rapid acceleration of transportation electrification, public charging stations are becoming vital infrastructure in a smart sustainable city to provide on-demand electric vehicle (EV) charging services. As more consumers seek to utilize public charging services, the pricing and scheduling of such services will become vital, complementary tools to mediate competition for charging resources. However, determining the right prices to charge is difficult due to the online nature of EV arrivals. This paper studies a joint pricing and scheduling problem for the operator of EV charging networks with limited charging capacity and time-varying energy cost. Upon receiving a charging request, the operator offers a price, and the EV decides whether to admit the offer based on its own value and the posted price. The operator then schedules the real-time charging process to satisfy the charging request if the EV admits the offer. We propose an online pricing algorithm that can determine the posted price and EV charging schedule to maximize social welfare, i.e., the total value of EVs minus the energy cost of charging stations. Theoretically, we prove the devised algorithm can achieve the order-optimal competitive ratio under the competitive analysis framework. Practically, we show the empirical performance of our algorithm outperforms other benchmark algorithms in experiments using real EV charging data