80 research outputs found

    ACTN-3 and ACE genotypes in elite male Italian athletes

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    The ACE I/D and the ACTN-3 R577X polymorphisms are the most studied genes associated with elite athlete status, even if this association has been often conflicting. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between the ACE and the ACTN3 genotypes and elite performance in Italian male athletes. The ACTN-3 R577X and the ACE I/D genotype distributions of 59 elite male Italian athletes practicing gymnastics (G; n = 17), 100 m-400 m running (R; n = 12), and playing soccer (S; n= 30) were compared with controls from Italian (C; n = 31) populations. For ACE distribution, athletes did not differ from controls (G, X2 = 0.37, df = 2, p = 0.82; R, X2 = 1.90, df = 2, p = 0.45; S, X2 = 1.48, df = 2, p = 0.47) and the DD genotype was at very high frequency in all groups (G = 53%, R= 50%, S = 60%, C = 45%). For ACTN-3 distribution, elite gymnasts showed a significant difference from controls (X2 = 6.57, df = 2, p = 0.03), showing an absence of XX genotype. Soccer players and runners did not differ from controls in ACTN-3 genotype distribution (R, X2 =0.43, df = 2, p = 0.80; S, X 2 = 1.25, df = 2, p = 0.53). Even if the ACE DD genotype is often positively associated with elite sprint/power athlete status, its high frequency in Italian populations eliminates the possibility of its exclusive association in Italian athletes. The results of ACTN3 genotypes suggest that RR genotype of ACTN-3 gene is a determinant of elite gymnasts status but it is not the key factor for achieving a top-level performance in soccer or track events

    Population Data for Y-Chromosome Haplotypes Defined by AmpFlSTR YFiler PCR Amplification Kit in North Sardinia (Italy)

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    The 17 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) included in the AmpFlSTR YFiler Amplification Kit (AB Applied Biosystems) (DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635 and GATA H4.1) were typed in 100 samples from North Sardinia (Italy). A total of 91 different haplotypes were found, where 9 haplotypes were shared by two individuals. The overall haplotype diversity (HD) was 0.9982. DYS458 non-consensus alleles were found in one samples, and one in the DYS438. We found a double peak in one sample for the DYS19 with alleles 15/16. Population comparisons with available 10 YSTR loci data in Mediterranean Basin samples were undertaken, significant differences were observed between our sample and all the compared populations, except for a entire sample from Sardinia. Prediction of haplogroups showed I2a1 was found to be the most frequent haplogroup (33%) in our sample. Testing high-resolution Y-chromosome data sets it is useful in autochthonous population and micro-population studies to highlight the most informative loci for evolutionary aims

    The gustin (CA6) gene polymorphism, rs2274333 (A/G), is associated with fungiform papilla density, whereas PROP bitterness is mostly due to TAS2R38 in an ethnically-mixed population

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    PROP responsiveness is associated with TAS2R38 haplotypes and fungiform papilla density. Recently, we showed that a polymorphism in the gene coding for the salivary trophic factor, gustin (CA6), affects PROP sensitivity by acting on cell growth and fungiform papillae maintenance, in a genetically homogeneous cohort. Since population homogeneity can lead to over estimation of gene effects, the primary aim of the present work was to confirm gustin’s role in PROP bitterness intensity and fungiform papillae density in a genetically diverse population. Eighty subjects were genotyped for both genes by PCR techniques. PROP responsiveness was assessed by filter paper method and fungiform papilla density was determined in each subject. As expected, PROP bitterness ratings were lower in individuals with the AVI/AVI diplotype of TAS2R38 than in individuals with PAV/PAV and PAV/AVI diplotype. However, no differences in PROP bitterness among genotypes of the gustin gene, and no differences in the density of fungiform papillae related to TAS2R38 diplotype were found. In contrast, the density of fungiform papillae decreased as the number of minor (G) alleles at the gustin locus increased. In addition, the distribution of TAS2R38 genotypes within each gustin genotype group showed that the occurrence of recessive alleles at both loci was infrequent in the present sample compared to other populations. These findings confirm that papillae density is associated with gustin gene polymorphism, rs2274333 (A/G), in an ancestrally heterogeneous population, and suggest that variations in the frequency of allele combinations for these two genes could provide a salient explanation for discrepant findings for gustin gene effects across population

    Population Data for Y-Chromosome Haplotypes Defined by AmpFlSTR YFiler PCR Amplification Kit in North Sardinia (Italy)

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    The 17 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) included in the AmpFlSTR YFiler Amplification Kit (AB Applied Biosystems) (DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635 and GATA H4.1) were typed in 100 samples from North Sardinia (Italy). A total of 91 different haplotypes were found, where 9 haplotypes were shared by two individuals. The overall haplotype diversity (HD) was 0.9982. DYS458 non-consensus alleles were found in one samples, and one in the DYS438. We found a double peak in one sample for the DYS19 with alleles 15/16. Population comparisons with available 10 YSTR loci data in Mediterranean Basin samples were undertaken, significant differences were observed between our sample and all the compared populations, except for a entire sample from Sardinia. Prediction of haplogroups showed I2a1 was found to be the most frequent haplogroup (33%) in our sample. Testing high-resolution Y-chromosome data sets it is useful in autochthonous population and micro-population studies to highlight the most informative loci for evolutionary aims

    On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the journal Acta Stomatologica Croatica

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    Introduction: Opioid receptors are currently classified as Mu (\u3bc), Delta (\u3b4), Kappa (\u3ba) plus the opioid related nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) peptide receptor (NOP). Despite compelling evidence for interactions and benefits of targeting more than one receptor type in producing analgesia, clinical ligands are Mu agonists. In this study we have designed a Mu-NOP agonist named DeNo. The Mu agonist component is provided by dermorphin, a peptide isolated from the skin of Phyllomedusa frogs and the NOP component by the endogenous agonist N/OFQ. Methods: We have assessed receptor binding profile of DeNo and compared with dermorphin and N/OFQ. In a series of functional screens we have assessed the ability to (i) increase Ca2+ in cells coexpressing recombinant receptors and a the chimeric protein G\u3b1qi5, (ii) stimulate the binding of GTP\u3b3[35S], (iii) inhibit cAMP formation, (iv) activate MAPKinase, (v) stimulate receptor-G protein and arrestin interaction using BRET, (vi) electrically stimulated guinea pig ileum (gpI) assay and (vii) ability to produce analgesia via the intrathecal route in rats. Results: DeNo bound to Mu (pKi; 9.55) and NOP (pKi; 10.22) and with reasonable selectivity. This translated to increased Ca2+ in G\u3b1qi5 expressing cells (pEC50 Mu 7.17; NOP 9.69), increased binding of GTP\u3b3[35S] (pEC50 Mu 7.70; NOP 9.50) and receptor-G protein interaction in BRET (pEC50 Mu 8.01; NOP 9.02). cAMP formation was inhibited and arrestin was activated (pEC50 Mu 6.36; NOP 8.19). For MAPK DeNo activated p38 and ERK1/2 at Mu but only ERK1/2 at NOP. In the gpI DeNO inhibited electrically-evoked contractions (pEC50 8.63) that was sensitive to both Mu and NOP antagonists. DeNo was antinociceptive in rats. Conclusion: Collectively these data validate the strategy used to create a novel bivalent Mu-NOP peptide agonist by combining dermorphin (Mu) and N/OFQ (NOP). This molecule behaves essentially as the parent compounds in vitro. In the antonocicoeptive assays employed in this study DeNo displays only weak antinociceptive properties

    Performance scores and standings during the 43rd Artistic Gymnastics World Championships

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    Scores in artistic gymnastics are subject to changes in the rules that occur each Olympic cycle as outlined in the Code of Points, because rules influence the composition of routines and therefore performance. The aim of this study was to identify the most important routine apparatus for success in a World competition. The data were the official results for the 478 gymnasts (262 men, 216 women) who competed in the 43rd Artistic Gymnastic World Championships in 2011 in Tokyo, Japan. The factors least influenced by the technical standard of competitors were performance scores on uneven bars and balance beam for women, and those on pommel horse for men. For uneven bars, balance beam, and pommel horse, scores were consistently good predictors of final standing. Our results suggest that high scores on these apparatus have a greater influence on overall performance than scores on the other apparatus, regardless of the competitors’ standard
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