4 research outputs found

    The Italian forestry regulation: history of forest protection in Italy and prospects for a more sustainable future

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    reservedL'ordinamento forestale italiano verrĂ  analizzato nella sua evoluzione storica e giuridica. L'analisi storica andrĂ  ad indagare sul valore che hanno avuto gli alberi e le foreste nella storia dell'uomo, e verranno ricostruiti i cambiamenti giuridici avvenuti in Italia dall'epoca della Repubblica Romana, passando per il Medioevo e la Repubblica di Venezia, per finire alla Repubblica Italiana. L'analisi giuridica si focalizzerĂ  sull'normative regionali, nazionali e sovranazionali del XXI secolo, con una particolare attenzione verso il d.lgs. n. 34 del 2018, il Testo Unico in materia di Foreste e Filiere Forestali. L'ultima parte del testo sarĂ  dedicata alle prospettive future in ambito della tutela ambientale, come il Green New Deal europeo e il Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza

    2020 Dataset on local gambling regulations in Italy

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    The dataset provides the complete enumeration of gambling policies implemented by Italian Municipalities between 2003 and 2021. The dataset comprises information on all municipalities existing in 2017 and following years (thus considering also merging). The following variables are available: Municipality ISTAT Code (ID), Municipality Name (Name) Province, Region, Researcher, and a series of variables identifying the number and the type of rulings adopted ('regolamento', 'ordinanza' and 'delibera'). The rulings are distinguished between identified and downloaded or only identified (because the document is no longer available). Additional variables describe municipal activism with other administrative acts (Anti-gambling Manifesto, events, projects or tax reductions). Overall, the dataset comprises 8031 units

    2020 Dataset on local gambling regulations in Italy

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    The dataset provides the complete enumeration of gambling policies implemented by Italian Municipalities between 2003 and 2021. The dataset comprises information on all municipalities existing in 2017 and following years (thus considering also merging). The following variables are available: Municipality ISTAT Code (ID), Municipality Name (Name) Province, Region, Researcher, and a series of variables identifying the number and the type of rulings adopted (“regolamento”, “ordinanza” and “delibera”). The rulings are distinguished between identified and downloaded or only identified (because the document is no longer available). Additional variables describe municipal activism with other administrative acts (Anti-gambling Manifesto, events, projects or tax reductions). Overall, the dataset comprises 8031 units