232 research outputs found

    A road to hydrogenating graphene by a reactive ion etching plasma

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    We report the hydrogenation of single and bilayer graphene by an argon-hydrogen plasma produced in a reactive ion etching (RIE) system. Electronic transport measurements in combination with Raman spectroscopy are used to link the electric mean free path to the optically extracted defect concentration. We emphasize the role of the self-bias of the graphene in suppressing the erosion of the akes during plasma processing. We show that under the chosen plasma conditions the process does not introduce considerable damage to the graphene sheet and that hydrogenation occurs primarily due to the hydrogen ions from the plasma and not due to fragmentation of water adsorbates on the graphene surface by highly accelerated plasma electrons. For this reason the hydrogenation level can be precisely controlled. The hydrogenation process presented here can be easily implemented in any RIE plasma system.Comment: 7 page

    Ultrafast Ge-Te bond dynamics in a phase-change superlattice

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    A long-standing question for avant-garde data storage technology concerns the nature of the ultrafast photoinduced phase transformations in the wide class of chalcogenide phase-change materials (PCMs). Overall, a comprehensive understanding of the microstructural evolution and the relevant kinetics mechanisms accompanying the out-of-equilibrium phases is still missing. Here, after overheating a phase-change chalcogenide superlattice by an ultrafast laser pulse, we indirectly track the lattice relaxation by time resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy (tr-XAS) with a sub-ns time resolution. The approach to the tr-XAS experimental results reported in this work provides an atomistic insight of the mechanism that takes place during the cooling process; meanwhile a first-principles model mimicking the microscopic distortions accounts for a straightforward representation of the observed dynamics. Finally, we envisage that our approach can be applied in future studies addressing the role of dynamical structural strain in PCMs.M.M. acknowledges the support of the BACH beamline staff during the synchrotron experiments and Roberta Ciprian for insightful discussions. This work was supported by EU within FP7 project PASTRY [GA 317764]

    A Quantitative Evaluation of the Galaxy Component of COSMOS and APM Catalogs

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    We have carried out an independent quantitative evaluation of the galaxy component of the "COSMOS/UKST Southern Sky Object Catalogue" (SSC) and the "APM/UKST J Catalogue" (APM). Using CCD observations our results corroborate the accuracy of the photometry of both catalogs, which have an overall dispersion of about 0.2 mag in the range 17 <= b_J <= 21.5. The SSC presents externally calibrated galaxy magnitudes that follow a linear relation, while the APM instrumental magnitudes of galaxies, only internally calibrated by the use of stellar profiles, require second-order corrections. The completeness of both catalogs in a general field falls rapidly fainter than b_J = 20.0, being slightly better for APM. The 90% completeness level of the SSC is reached between b_J = 19.5 and 20.0, while for APM this happens between b_J = 20.5 and 21.0. Both SSC and APM are found to be less complete in a galaxy cluster field. Galaxies misclassified as stars in the SSC receive an incorrect magnitude because the stellar ones take saturation into account besides using a different calibration curve. In both cases, the misclassified galaxies show a large diversity of colors that range from typical colors of early-types to those of blue star-forming galaxies. A possible explanation for this effect is that it results from the combination of low sampling resolutions with properties of the image classifier for objects with characteristic sizes close to the instrumental resolution. We find that the overall contamination by stars misclassified as galaxies is < 5% to b_J = 20.5, as originally estimated for both catalogs. Although our results come from small areas of the sky, they are extracted from two different plates and are based on the comparison with two independent datasets.Comment: 14 pages of text and tables, 8 figures; to be published in the Astronomical Journal; for a single postscript version file see ftp://danw.on.br/outgoing/caretta/caretta.p

    The Aquarius Superclusters - I. Identification of Clusters and Superclusters

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    We study the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters in a 10^deg x 6^deg field in the Aquarius region. In addition to 63 clusters in the literature, we have found 39 new candidate clusters using a matched-filter technique and a counts-in-cells analysis. From redshift measurements of galaxies in the direction of these cluster candidates, we present new mean redshifts for 31 previously unobserved clusters, while improved mean redshifts are presented for 35 other systems. About 45% of the projected density enhancements are due to the superposition of clusters and/or groups of galaxies along the line of sight, but we could confirm for 72% of the cases that the candidates are real physical associations similar to the ones classified as rich galaxy clusters. On the other hand, the contamination due to galaxies not belonging to any concentration or located only in small groups along the line of sight is ~ 10%. Using a percolation radius of 10 h^{-1} Mpc (spatial density contrast of about 10), we detect two superclusters of galaxies in Aquarius, at z = 0.086 and at z = 0.112, respectively with 5 and 14 clusters. The latter supercluster may represent a space overdensity of about 160 times the average cluster density as measured from the Abell et al. (1989) cluster catalog, and is possibly connected to a 40 h^{-1} Mpc filament from z ~ 0.11 to 0.14.Comment: LateX text (21 pages) and 12 (ps/eps/gif) figures; figures 5a, 5b and 6 are not included in the main LateX text; to be published in the Astronomical Journal, March issu

    Recipes for spin-based quantum computing

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    Technological growth in the electronics industry has historically been measured by the number of transistors that can be crammed onto a single microchip. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end; spectacular growth in the number of transistors on a chip requires spectacular reduction of the transistor size. For electrons in semiconductors, the laws of quantum mechanics take over at the nanometre scale, and the conventional wisdom for progress (transistor cramming) must be abandoned. This realization has stimulated extensive research on ways to exploit the spin (in addition to the orbital) degree of freedom of the electron, giving birth to the field of spintronics. Perhaps the most ambitious goal of spintronics is to realize complete control over the quantum mechanical nature of the relevant spins. This prospect has motivated a race to design and build a spintronic device capable of complete control over its quantum mechanical state, and ultimately, performing computations: a quantum computer. In this tutorial we summarize past and very recent developments which point the way to spin-based quantum computing in the solid-state. After introducing a set of basic requirements for any quantum computer proposal, we offer a brief summary of some of the many theoretical proposals for solid-state quantum computers. We then focus on the Loss-DiVincenzo proposal for quantum computing with the spins of electrons confined to quantum dots. There are many obstacles to building such a quantum device. We address these, and survey recent theoretical, and then experimental progress in the field. To conclude the tutorial, we list some as-yet unrealized experiments, which would be crucial for the development of a quantum-dot quantum computer.Comment: 45 pages, 12 figures (low-res in preprint, high-res in journal) tutorial review for Nanotechnology; v2: references added and updated, final version to appear in journa
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