55 research outputs found

    Technology research for strapdown inertial experiment and digital flight control and guidance

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    A helicopter flight-test program to evaluate the performance of Honeywell's Tetrad - a strapdown, laser gyro, inertial navitation system is discussed. The results of 34 flights showed a mean final navigational velocity error of 5.06 knots, with a standard deviation of 3.84 knots; a corresponding mean final position error of 2.66 n.mi., with a standard deviation of 1.48 n.m.; and a modeled mean-position-error growth rate for the 34 tests of 1.96 knots, with a standard deviation of 1.09 knots. Tetrad's four-ring laser gyros provided reliable and accurate angular rate sensing during the test program and on sensor failures were detected during the evaluation. Criteria suitable for investigating cockpit systems in rotorcraft were developed. This criteria led to the development of two basic simulators. The first was a standard simulator which could be used to obtain baseline information for studying pilot workload and interactions. The second was an advanced simulator which integrated the RODAAS developed by Honeywell into this simulator. The second area also included surveying the aerospace industry to determine the level of use and impact of microcomputers and related components on avionics systems

    A study of redundancy management strategy for tetrad strap-down inertial systems

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    Algorithms were developed that attempt to identify which sensor in a tetrad configuration has experienced a step failure. An algorithm is also described that provides a measure of the confidence with which the correct identification was made. Experimental results are presented from real-time tests conducted on a three-axis motion facility utilizing an ortho-skew tetrad strapdown inertial sensor package. The effects of prediction errors and of quantization on correct failure identification are discussed as well as an algorithm for detecting second failures through prediction

    Observación del catálogo F.K.Z.

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    Se comunica la terminación de las observaciones realizadas con el Círculo Meridiano del Observatorio Astronómico "Félix Aguilar" para el programa F.K.S.I.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Observación de radio-estrellas con el círculo meridiano de San Juan

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    Se informa sobre el avance del programa de observación de radio-estrellas con el Círculo Meridiano instalado en el Observatorio Astronómico "Félix Aguilar".Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Resultados de observaciones meridianas de radio-estrellas

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    Uno de los principales problemas de la astrometría fundamental es la construcción de un marco inercial de referencia. Actualmente se están realizando importantes esfuerzos para materializarlo en base a las posiciones de radio-fuentes de origen extragaláctico, medidas con interferómetros de linea-base muy larga. La idea de su utilización se fundamenta en que estos objetos, debido a la gran distancia a la que se encuentran; no presentan movimientos propios medibles y por lo tanto son considerados como los mejores candidatos para establecer un sistema de coordenadas no-rotacional.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Use of particle counter system for the optimization of sampling ,identification and decontamination procedures for biological aerosols dispersion in confined environment

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    Abstract In a CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosive) scenario, biological agents hardly allow efficient detection/identification because of the incubation time that provides a lag in symptoms outbreak following their dissemination. The detection of atmospheric dispersion of biological agents (i.e.: toxins, viruses, bacteria and so on) is a key issue for the safety of people and security of environment. Another fundamental aspect is related to the efficiency of the sampling method, which leads to the identification of the agent released, in fact an effective sampling method is needed either to identify the contamination and to check for the decontamination procedure. Environmental monitoring is one of the ways to improve fast detection of biological agents; for instance, particle counters with the ability of discriminating between biological and non-biological particles are used for a first warning when the amount of biological particles exceeds a particular threshold. Nevertheless, these systems are not able to distinguish between pathogen and non-pathogen organisms, thus, classical “laboratory” assays are still required to unambiguously identify the particle which triggered the warning signal. In this work, a combination of commercially available equipment for detection and identification of the atmospheric dispersion of biological agents was evaluated in partnership between the Italian Army, the Department of Industrial Engineering and the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The aim of this work, whose results are presented here, was to conduce preliminary studies on the dynamics of biological aerosols fallout after its dispersion, to improve detection, sampling and identification techniques. This will help minimizing the impact of the release of biological agents, guarantee environmental, and people safety and securit

    Estudio digital de las arterias coronarias

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    Objetivos: Estudiar la morfología de las arterias coronarias utilizando anatomía digital, para poner en evidencia las distintas variaciones y su implicancia clínico-quirúrgica.Facultad de Ciencias Médica


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    ABSTRACT Nowadays Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear (CRBN) risks are one of the main safety concern. The radiological disasters of Fukushima and Chernobyl, the chemical events of Seveso or the release of Sarin in the Tokio Subway,and the biological emergencies such as the H1N1 flue represent few examples of a dreadful evidence: : CBRNe risks are a real and global threat around us. A CBRNe event can be either of an intentional and un-intentional nature and it is important to have highly specialized advisors that can support decision makers and first responders to face this threat. The University of Rome Tor Vergata, in collaboration with the most important Italian and International Bodies that work in the field of CBRN safety and security and supported by NATO and OPCW, organized two International Master Courses in Protection against CBRN events. In this context, a Table Top Exercise (TTX) was organized, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defence, taking into account that, in each country, the system response to CBRNe events strongly depends also on law and procedures, that enforce the advisors and first responders to rely with different skills and roles in function of the administration of origin. The organized TTX was aimed to test the level preparation of the Master students and experts working in Italy in the field of CBRN events and to test the emergency planning preparation. In particular, a radiological release was simulated in a Harbour facility in Urban Area. The students were divided in multidisciplinary groups with heterogeneous competences. Each group was supported by CBRNì experts and was stressed by the injects from a Command and Operative Centre. Responsiveness to the injects and to the stress together with the ability to organize and manage safety and security operations, but also to interpret each role in the team according to according to national laws, were evaluated for each group. The scenario, the logistic organization, on-going adjustments during the exercise and the outcomes will be presented and analyzed by the authors in this paper. PRELIMINARY INDEX 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Table Top Exercise (TTX) 3.1 What is a TTX 3.2 How the TTX is organized 3.3 Scenario and injects 3.4 Organizational and technical solutions 4. Dat

    Fluorescence measurements for the identification of biological agents features for the construction of a spectra database

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    The use of biological weapons represents a great concern both from a military and civilian point of view. The early detection of biological warfare agents (BWAs) in atmosphere is a huge challenge that could be addressed through UV-LIF (Ultra Violet Laser Induced Fluorescence) techniques. Fluorescence measurements of aerosol particles can provide gross discrimination between bio-agents and atmospheric background particles, In this work we intend to investigate the capability of discriminating among different biological warfare agents (BWA) through the analysis of the optical emission spectra. To accomplish this task, a deep knowledge of fluorescence features with different boundary conditions is required, in order to create a database of comparable spectral fingerprints. Preliminary results, obtained through a laboratory setup with a standard UV lamp source, showed that significant differences can be appreciated among BWAs simulants' spectra (Figure 1). This represents a first step towards the implementation of a spectral database and a laser-based biological stand-off identification technique. © 2014 AEIT