1,247 research outputs found

    Vascular risk factors for male and female urgency urinary incontinence at age 68 years from a British birth cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of urgency urinary incontinence (UUI) at age 68 years and the contribution of vascular risk factors to male and female UUI pathogenesis in addition to the associations with raised body mass index (BMI). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: In all, 1 762 participants from the Medical Research Council (MRC) National Survey for Health and Development birth cohort who answered the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire short form (ICIQ-SF), at age 68 years, were included. Logistic regression was used to estimate associations between UUI and earlier life vascular risk factors including: lipid status, diabetes, hypertension, BMI, previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) diagnosis; adjusting for smoking status, physical activity, co-presentation of stress UI symptoms, educational attainment; and in women only, type of menopause, age at period cessation, and use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). RESULTS: UUI was reported by 12% of men and 19% of women at age 68 years. Female sex, previous stroke or TIA diagnosis, increased BMI and hypertension (in men only) at age 60-64 years were independent risk factors for UUI. Female sex, increased BMI, and a previous diagnosis of stroke/TIA increased the relative risk of more severe UUI symptoms. Type and timing of menopause and HRT use did not alter the estimated associations between UUI and vascular risk factors in women. CONCLUSION: Multifactorial mechanisms lead to UUI and vascular risk factors may contribute to the pathogenesis of bladder overactivity in addition to higher BMI. Severe UUI appears to be a distinct presentation with more specific contributory mechanisms than milder UUI

    Growth, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Economy in Two \u3ci\u3eLotus Glaber\u3c/i\u3e Mill. Cytotypes Grown Under Contrasting P-Availability

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    Lotus glaber Mill. (lotus) is a forage legume with its origin in Europe which has shown an excellent adaptation to the Depressed Pampas of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The soils colonized by lotus usually have poor drainage, moderate sodium and low extractable P concentrations. An experiment was performed with the aim of comparing the early growth and economy of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) within two L. glaber cytotypes differing in their ploidy level, a commercial diploid versus an induced autotetraploid population (Barufaldi et al., 2001)

    Aeromonas no processamento de queijos tipos Minas Frescal e Colonial.

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    Resumo: Com o objetivo de estabelecer, durante o processamento do queijo Minas Frescal e Colonial os possíveis pontos de contaminação e a forma de disseminação de bactérias do gênero Aeromonas, foram analisados, quanto à presença do micro-organismo, diferentes produtos e pontos do fluxograma de produção. Para o Queijo Minas Frescal, Aeromonas spp. foram isoladas no leite cru, leite pasteurizado, ambiente de produção e nas mãos dos manipuladores. A. caviae foi a espécie mais frequentemente identificada, sendo também isoladas A. sobria e A. schubertii. Durante o processamento do queijo Colonial, as espécies A. hydrophila, A. caviae, A. sobria, A. veronii e A. jandaei foram isoladas a partir da água, mãos dos manipuladores, utensílios, leite cru e após tratamento térmico e de massa coagulada. Os resultados demonstram que o gênero Aeromonas encontra-se disseminado nas diferentes etapas do processamento de queijos, destacando-se o leite cru como principal fonte de contaminação para o processamento industrial e artesanal. [Aeromonas in processing line of Minas Frescal and Colonial cheeses]. Abstract: The aim of this study is to establish possible contamination points and dissemination forms of the bacteria genus Aeromonas during the processing of the Brazilian cheeses Minas Frescal and Colonial. Therefore, different products and production points of the process were analyzed to determine the presence of the microorganism. In Minas Frescal cheese, Aeromonas spp. was isolated in raw and pasteurized milk, in the environment and on the handlers? hands. A. caviae was the most frequently identified species, but A. sobria and A. schubertii were also isolated. During the processing of Colonial cheese, the species A. hydrophila, A. caviae, A. sobria, A. veronii and A. jandaei were isolated in the water, raw milk, after thermal treatment and curd, as well as on the handlers' hands and utensils. The results showed that the genus Aeromonas is disseminated throughout different stages of both cheese processes while the raw milk stands out as the main source of contamination in the industrial and handmade processing

    Controle genético dos teores de polifenóis totais, taninos e cafeína em progênies de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) cultivadas em três classes de solos.

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    A herdabilidade no sentido restrito, em nível de média, foi estimada, por ocasião da segunda poda, aos 4 anos de idade para teores de polifenóis totais, cafeína e tanino em 16 progênies de meios-irmãos de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) plantadas em três classes distintas de solo. As estimativas obtidas foram de alta magnitude, indicando que as características avaliadas podem ser melhoradas pela seleção de progênies. Com base em estimativas de correlações genéticas entre locais, conclui-se que o teor de cafeína pode ser melhorado com sucesso para os três locais, pela seleção de progênies em apenas um local, enquanto que o melhoramento para tanino e polifenóis totais deve ser efetuado em nível local.bitstream/CNPF-2009-09/36780/1/BPD16.pd


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    A study of the two-neutron transfer reaction of the O-18 + Ni-64 system at 84 MeV incident energy to the ground and first 2(+) excited state of the residual Ni-66 nucleus is presented. The experiment was performed at the INFN-LNS (Italy) by using the large acceptance MAGNEX spectrometer. Theoretical models are used in order to disentangle the competition between long-range and short-range correlations

    Long-range versus short-range correlations in the two-neutron transfer reaction Ni 64 (O 18, O 16) Ni 66

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    Recently, various two-neutron transfer studies using the (18O,16O) reaction were performed with a large success. This was achieved because of a combined use of the microscopic quantum description of the reaction mechanism and of the nuclear structure. In the present work we use this methodology to study the two-neutron transfer reaction of the 18O+64Ni system at 84 MeV incident energy, to the ground and first 2+ excited state of the residual 66Ni nucleus. All the experimental data were measured by the large acceptance MAGNEX spectrometer at the Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare \u2013Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (Italy). We have performed exact finite range cross section calculations using the coupled channel Born approximation (CCBA) and coupled reaction channel (CRC) method for the sequential and direct two-neutron transfers, respectively. Moreover, this is the first time that the formalism of the microscopic interaction boson model (IBM-2) was applied to a two-neutron transfer reaction. From our results we conclude that for two-neutron transfer to the ground state of 66Ni, the direct transfer is the dominant reaction mechanism, whereas for the transfer to the first excited state of 66Ni, the sequential process dominates. A competition between long-range and short-range correlations is discussed, in particular, how the use of two different models (Shell model and IBM's) help to disentangle long- and short-range correlations

    Frequencies of Salmonella enterica in growing pigs in Paraguay

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    The objective of this study was to (1) estimate frequencies of Salmonella enterica in growing pigs and (2) investigate farmers' perception and practices towards pig farming in Central Department, Paraguay. Twelve out of 19 districts in the department were selected and 33 farms with growers in the selected districts were recruited. Questionnaire interviews for each study farm, in combination with faecal sample collections (n = 30 per farm), which were microbiologic ally examined and visual inspection of pig production facilities were performed between March and November 2009. A questionnaire was designed to obtain basic information of a farm such as the number of pigs owned and some selected farming management practices. Faecal samples were used for Salmonella isolation, using buffered peptone water to have salmonellae pre-enriched, followed by xylose lysine tergitol 4 agar and brilliant green sulfapyridine agar. Suspect colonies were bio chemically tested by triple sugar iron agar in combination with lysine iron agar to confirm the identity. The true frequency probability and associated 95% Bayesian credible intervals (95% BCI) were computed via the Gibbs sampler, a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique. Overall, 18% (95% BCI: 8-31%) of the tested 1000 faecal samples were classified as positive for Salmonella enterica. All the study farms had at least one positive sample for Salmonella enterica (frequency range: 3-60%). Apparent prevalence at farm-level was therefore 100% (one-sided 97.5% confidence limit: 89%). Twenty-eight different serovars for Salmonella enterica were found. Based on increase the number of study districts, farms as well as animals in combination with improvement of sampling methods, possible spatial differences and risk factors/indicators should be clarified by further investigations.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Frequencies of Salmonella enterica in growing pigs in Paraguay

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    The objective of this study was to (1) estimate frequencies of Salmonella enterica in growing pigs and (2) investigate farmers' perception and practices towards pig farming in Central Department, Paraguay. Twelve out of 19 districts in the department were selected and 33 farms with growers in the selected districts were recruited. Questionnaire interviews for each study farm, in combination with faecal sample collections (n = 30 per farm), which were microbiologic ally examined and visual inspection of pig production facilities were performed between March and November 2009. A questionnaire was designed to obtain basic information of a farm such as the number of pigs owned and some selected farming management practices. Faecal samples were used for Salmonella isolation, using buffered peptone water to have salmonellae pre-enriched, followed by xylose lysine tergitol 4 agar and brilliant green sulfapyridine agar. Suspect colonies were bio chemically tested by triple sugar iron agar in combination with lysine iron agar to confirm the identity. The true frequency probability and associated 95% Bayesian credible intervals (95% BCI) were computed via the Gibbs sampler, a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique. Overall, 18% (95% BCI: 8-31%) of the tested 1000 faecal samples were classified as positive for Salmonella enterica. All the study farms had at least one positive sample for Salmonella enterica (frequency range: 3-60%). Apparent prevalence at farm-level was therefore 100% (one-sided 97.5% confidence limit: 89%). Twenty-eight different serovars for Salmonella enterica were found. Based on increase the number of study districts, farms as well as animals in combination with improvement of sampling methods, possible spatial differences and risk factors/indicators should be clarified by further investigations.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria