72 research outputs found

    El derecho y el espacio : una mirada al contrato de lanzamiento satelital

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    La industria satelital ha jugado un papel clave en la exploración del espacio ultraterrestre y su reciente privatización, en razón de las ventajas en materia de telecomunicaciones, observación y meteorología, entre otras. Para que todas estas operaciones se puedan llevar a cabo, es necesario que previamente el satélite sea puesto en órbita. El presente trabajo pretende analizar el contrato de lanzamiento satelital celebrado entre quien desea poner en órbita un satélite y quien cuenta con la infraestructura para hacerlo, pues implican un reto para las figuras clásicas del derecho privado.The satellite industry has played a key role in space exploration and its privatization, due to the advantages in the fields of telecommunications, observation and meteorology. In order for these operations to take place, satellites need to be placed in orbit. The aim of this work is to analyze the launch service agreements signed between a customer who desires to launch a satellite and the company that provides the service, due to the fact that it challenges the traditional figures of private law.Abogado (a)Pregrad

    Inspección visual de la carrera 5 desde la calle 27 hasta la calle 14 en la ciudad de Pereira en el año 2016

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    CD-T 625.761 S31; 59 pLa investigación de inspección visual de la carrera 5 desde la calle 27 hasta la calle 14 en la ciudad de Pereira en el año 2016 tiene por objetivo inspeccionar los pavimentos rígidos y flexibles en esta vía. De acuerdo a esto, se identifican las fallas viales que se dan en la zona, se establecen los tipos de daños en las losas de pavimento, se determina la severidad de los daños; se plantean medidas correctivas/preventivas para mejorar el estado de las losas de pavimento, se presupuesta el costo aproximado de las reparaciones de la vía y se establecen las alternativas más eficientes para mejorar la movilidad en este tramo.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Evaluación financiera de un proyecto de reconversión energética en un conjunto residencial en Mosquera Cundinamarca

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    Trabajo de investigaciónSe realiza una investigación en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C Colombia en el mes de junio 2019 sobre la opción de sustituir la energía tradicional a energía fotovoltaica con paneles solares en un conjunto ubicado en el municipio de Mosquera Colombia, de acuerdo a lo establecido se propone una estrategia financiera para la reducción de costos de energía en zonas comunes en dicho conjunto.1. Introducción 2. Resumen 3. Planteamiento del problema 4. Pregunta de investigación 5. Justificación 6. Objetivo general 7. Objetivos específicos 8. Marco conceptual. 9. Métodos e instrumentos de la evaluación 10. Sistema de costos kaizen (identificación de mejoras especificas) 11. Desarrollo 12. Conclusiones 13. BibliografíaEspecializaciónEspecialista en Análisis y Administración Financier

    Comunicación de sistemas eléctricos basados en la Norma IEC 61850: Desarrollo de caso usando sampled values en servicios Cliente-Servidor

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    Este artículo presenta una implementación del estándar internacional IEC 61850, diseñado para automatización, control y protección de subestaciones, usando servicios Cliente / Servidor, permitiendo consultar remotamente datos de variables. Con este propósito, se muestra el procedimiento realizado y se analiza la funcionalidad del protocolo de comunicaciones, desde el intercambio de datos y la información entre los dispositivos que componen la red propuesta. La realización de este trabajo se debe a la mayor penetración e influencia de la norma y cómo se debe implementar, entre otros aspectos.This article presents an implementation of IEC 61850 international standard, designed for automation, control and protection of substations, using Client / Server services, allowing to remotely query variable data. For this purpose, the procedure performed is shown and the functionality of the communications protocol is analyzed, from the exchange of data and information between the devices that make up the proposed network. The realization of this work is due to the greater penetration and influence of the norm, how it should be implemented, among other aspects

    Alelopatía: como alternativa ancestral para el control de plagas en huertas familiares

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    Soils and their biodiversity have been seriously affected by the unconscious use ofagrochemicals for a long time, which has affected ecosystems. Therefore, agroecologyproposes the use of allelopathy as a sustainable alternative to control and counteract pests inurban gardens. With this agroecological strategy, the control of spontaneous species has beensought using plant parts with herbicide activity. The present work consists of bibliographicalresearch that aims to compile scattered information in several articles on the biodiversity ofmedicinal plants with herbicide potential. For the research, it was decided to search for articlesin national and international journals during the period from 2000 to 2022Los suelos y su biodiversidad se han visto gravemente afectados por el uso de agrotóxicos inconscientemente durante mucho tiempo, lo cual ha afectado a los ecosistemas. Por ello, la agroecología propone el uso de alelopatía como una alternativa sostenible para poder controlar y contrarrestar las plagas en las huertas urbanas. Con esta estrategia agroecológica, se ha buscado el control de especies espontáneas a través de la utilización de partes de plantas con actividad herbicida. El presente trabajo consiste en una investigación bibliográfica que pretende compilar información dispersa en varios artículos sobre la biodiversidad de plantas medicinales con potencial herbicida. Para la investigación, se decidió buscar artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales durante el período comprendido 2000 a 2022


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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo caracterizar la intensidad exigida en competición a jugadores jóvenes de fútbol de la posición Volante Central pertenecientes a la categoría Sub-17 de cuatro equipos de fútbol de Bogotá, D.C (Colombia). La muestra estuvo conformada por 8 futbolistas, dos jugadores que ocupaban la posición anteriormente enunciada por cada equipo. Se les realizaron mediciones de lactato y percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo cada 10 minutos, también se monitoreo la frecuencia cardíaca durante toda la competición a través de la tecnología POLAR®. Caracterizar las intensidades de esfuerzo a las que es sometido el joven Volante Central de fútbol Sub-17 en competición es indispensable para que entrenadores y preparadores físicos puedan realizar una correcta planificación-dosificación de las cargas de entrenamiento, con el fin de generar las adaptaciones fisiológicas específicas a su posición y necesarias para alcanzar un alto rendimiento deportivo

    Reporte Estabilidad Financiera - Primer Semestre de 2020

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    In the face of the multiple shocks currently experienced by the domestic economy (resulting from the drop in oil prices and the appearance of a global pandemic), the Colombian financial system is in a position of sound solvency and adequate liquidity. At the same time, credit quality has been recovering and the exposure of credit institutions to firms with currency mismatches has declined relative to previous episodes of sudden drops in oil prices. These trends are reflected in the recent fading of red and blue tonalities in the performance and credit risk segments of the risk heatmaps in Graphs A and B.1 Naturally, the sudden, unanticipated change in macroeconomic conditions has caused the appearance of vulnerabilities for short-term financial stability. These vulnerabilities require close and continuous monitoring on the part of economic authorities. The main vulnerability is the response of credit and credit risk to a potential, temporarily extreme macroeconomic situation in the context of: (i) recently increased exposure of some banks to household sector, and (ii) reductions in net interest income that have led to a decline in the profitability of the banking business in the recent past. Furthermore, as a consequence of greater uncertainty and risk aversion, occasional problems may arise in the distribution of liquidity between agents and financial markets. With regards to local markets, spikes have been registered in the volatility of public and private fixed income securities in recent weeks that are consistent with the behavior of the international markets and have had a significant impact on the liquidity of those instruments (red portions in the most recent past of some market risk items on the map in Graph A). In order to adopt a forward-looking approach to those vulnerabilities, this Report presents a stress test that evaluates the resilience of credit institutions in the event of a hypothetical scenario thatseeks to simulate an extreme version of current macroeconomic conditions. The scenario assumes a hypothetical negative growth that is temporarily strong but recovers going into the middle of the coming year and has extreme effects on credit quality. The results suggest that credit institutions have the ability to withstand a significant deterioration in economic conditions in the short term. Even though there could be a strong impact on credit, liquidity, and profitability under the scenario being considered, aggregate capital ratios would probably remain at above their regulatory limits over the horizon of a year. In this context, the recent measures taken by both Banco de la República and the Office of the Financial Superintendent of Colombia that are intended to help preserve the financial stability of the Colombian economy become highly relevant. In compliance with its constitutional objectives and in coordination with the financial system’s security network, Banco de la República will continue to closely monitor the outlook for financial stability at this juncture and will make the decisions that are necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the economy, facilitate the flow of sufficient credit and liquidity resources, and further the smooth functioning of the payment system. Juan José Echavarría Governo

    Reporte de Mercados Financieros - segundo trimestre de 2014

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    El segundo trimestre de 2014 estuvo caracterizado por una menor incertidumbre en los mercados financieros internacionales como resultado de varios factores, entre ellos las mejores perspectivas de la economía China luego que el Gobierno y el Banco Central de ese país anunciaran medidas de estímulo y se publicaran algunos datos mejores a los esperados; y la continuidad de las políticas monetarias expansivas por parte de bancos centrales de países desarrollados las cuales fueron recibidas positivamente por el mercado

    Reporte de Mercados Financieros - primer trimestre de 2021

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    Durante el primer trimestre de 2021 (1T21) los mercados financieros giraron alrededor al mayor optimismo ante las expectativas de una recuperación económica global más rápida de lo anticipado previamente, liderada por EE.UU. y China, ante el mayor estímulo fiscal, la continuación del estímulo monetario, los avances en la distribución de las vacunas contra el Covid-19 y el proceso de reapertura económica, así como a las expectativas de que el exceso de ahorro privado conlleve a una fortaleza del crecimiento económico impulsado por el consumo

    Financial Stability Report - Second Semester of 2020

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    The Colombian financial system has not suffered major structural disruptions during these months of deep economic contraction and has continued to carry out its basic functions as usual, thus facilitating the economy's response to extreme conditions. This is the result of the soundness of financial institutions at the beginning of the crisis, which was reflected in high liquidity and capital adequacy indicators as well as in the timely response of various authorities. Banco de la República lowered its policy interest rates 250 points to 1.75%, the lowest level since the creation of the new independent bank in 1991, and provided ample temporary and permanent liquidity in both pesos and foreign currency. The Office of the Financial Superintendent of Colombia, in turn, adopted prudential measures to facilitate changes in the conditions for loans in effect and temporary rules for rating and loan-loss provisions. Finally, the national government expanded the transfers as well as the guaranteed credit programs for the economy. The supply of real credit (i.e. discounting inflation) in the economy is 4% higher today than it was 12 months ago with especially marked growth in the housing (5.6%) and commercial (4.7%) loan portfolios (2.3% in consumer and -0.1% in microloans), but there have been significant changes over time. During the first few months of the quarantine, firms increased their demands for liquidity sharply while consumers reduced theirs. Since then, the growth of credit to firms has tended to slow down, while consumer and housing credit has grown. The financial system has responded satisfactorily to the changes in the respective demands of each group or sector and loans may grow at high rates in 2021 if GDP grows at rates close to 4.6% as the technical staff at the Bank expects; but the forecasts are highly uncertain. After the strict quarantine implemented by authorities in Colombia, the turmoil seen in March and early April, which was evident in the sudden reddening of macroeconomic variables on the risk heatmap in Graph A,[1] and the drop in crude oil and coal prices (note the high volatility registered in market risk for the region on Graph A) the local financial markets stabilized relatively quickly. Banco de la República’s credible and sustained policy response played a decisive role in this stabilization in terms of liquidity provision through a sharp expansion of repo operations (and changes in amounts, terms, counterparties, and eligible instruments), the purchases of public and private debt, and the reduction in bank reserve requirements. In this respect, there is now abundant aggregate liquidity and significant improvements in the liquidity position of investment funds. In this context, the main vulnerability factor for financial stability in the short term is still the high degree of uncertainty surrounding loan quality. First, the future trajectory of the number of people infected and deceased by the virus and the possible need for additional health measures is uncertain. For that reason, there is also uncertainty about the path for economic recovery in the short and medium term. Second, the degree to which the current shock will be reflected in loan quality once the risk materializes in banks’ financial statements is uncertain. For the time being, the credit risk heatmap (Graph B) indicates that non-performing and risky loans have not shown major deterioration, but past experience indicates that periods of sharp economic slowdown eventually tend to coincide with rises in non-performing loans: the calculations included in this report suggest that the impact of the recession on credit quality could be significant in the short term. This is particularly worrying since the profitability of credit establishments has been declining in recent months, and this could affect their ability to provide credit to the real sector of the economy. In order to adopt a forward-looking approach to this vulnerability, this Report presents several stress tests that evaluate the resilience of the liquidity and capital adequacy of credit institutions and investment funds in the event of a hypothetical scenario that seeks to simulate an extreme version of current macroeconomic conditions. The results suggest that even though there could be strong impacts on the credit institutions’ volume of credit and profitability under such scenarios, aggregate indicators of total and core capital adequacy will probably remain at levels that are above the regulatory limits over the horizon of a year. At the same time, the exercises highlight the high capacity of the system's liquidity to face adverse scenarios. In compliance with its constitutional objectives and in coordination with the financial system's security network, Banco de la República will continue to closely monitor the outlook for financial stability at this juncture and will make the decisions that are necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the economy, facilitate the flow of sufficient credit and liquidity resources, and further the smooth operation of the payment systems. Juan José Echavarría Governo