814 research outputs found

    BPS black holes, the Hesse potential, and the topological string

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    The Hesse potential is constructed for a class of four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric effective actions with S- and T-duality by performing the relevant Legendre transform by iteration. It is a function of fields that transform under duality according to an arithmetic subgroup of the classical dualities reflecting the monodromies of the underlying string compactification. These transformations are not subject to corrections, unlike the transformations of the fields that appear in the effective action which are affected by the presence of higher-derivative couplings. The class of actions that are considered includes those of the FHSV and the STU model. We also consider heterotic N=4 supersymmetric compactifications. The Hesse potential, which is equal to the free energy function for BPS black holes, is manifestly duality invariant. Generically it can be expanded in terms of powers of the modulus that represents the inverse topological string coupling constant, gsg_s, and its complex conjugate. The terms depending holomorphically on gsg_s are expected to correspond to the topological string partition function and this expectation is explicitly verified in two cases. Terms proportional to mixed powers of gsg_s and gˉs\bar g_s are in principle present.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, added comment

    No entropy enigmas for N=4 dyons

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    We explain why multi-centered black hole configurations where at least one of the centers is a large black hole do not contribute to the indexed degeneracies in theories with N=4 supersymmetry. This is a consequence of the fact that such configurations, although supersymmetric, belong to long supermultiplets. As a result, there is no entropy enigma in N=4 theories, unlike in N=2 theories.Comment: 14 page

    Nernst branes in gauged supergravity

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    We study static black brane solutions in the context of N = 2 U(1) gauged supergravity in four dimensions. Using the formalism of first-order flow equations, we construct novel extremal black brane solutions including examples of Nernst branes, i.e. extremal black brane solutions with vanishing entropy density. We also discuss a class of non-extremal generalizations which is captured by the first-order formalism.Comment: 44 pages, 3 figures, v2: added appendix B and references, minor typographic changes, v3: added some clarifying remarks, version published in JHE

    A Twist in the Dyon Partition Function

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    In four dimensional string theories with N=4 and N=8 supersymmetries one can often define twisted index in a subspace of the moduli space which captures additional information on the partition function than the ones contained in the usual helicity trace index. We compute several such indices in type IIB string theory on K3 x T^2 and T^6, and find that they share many properties with the usual helicity trace index that captures the spectrum of quarter BPS states in N=4 supersymmetric string theories. In particular the partition function is a modular form of a subgroup of Sp(2,Z) and the jumps across the walls of marginal stability are controlled by the residues at the poles of the partition function. However for large charges the logarithm of this index grows as 1/n times the entropy of a black hole carrying the same charges where n is the order of the symmetry generator that is used to define the twisted index. We provide a macroscopic explanation of this phenomenon using quantum entropy function formalism. The leading saddle point corresponding to the attractor geometry fails to contribute to the twisted index, but a Z_n orbifold of the attractor geometry produces the desired contribution.Comment: LaTeX file, 35 pages; v2: references adde

    Counting all dyons in N =4 string theory

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    For dyons in heterotic string theory compactified on a six-torus, with electric charge vector Q and magnetic charge vector P, the positive integer I = g.c.d.(Q \wedge P) is an invariant of the U-duality group. We propose the microscopic theory for computing the spectrum of all dyons for all values of I, generalizing earlier results that exist only for the simplest case of I=1. Our derivation uses a combination of arguments from duality, 4d-5d lift, and a careful analysis of fermionic zero modes. The resulting degeneracy agrees with the black hole degeneracy for large charges and with the degeneracy of field-theory dyons for small charges. It naturally satisfies several physical requirements including integrality and duality invariance. As a byproduct, we also derive the microscopic (0,4) superconformal field theory relevant for computing the spectrum of five-dimensional Strominger-Vafa black holes in ALE backgrounds and count the resulting degeneracies

    Discrete Information from CHL Black Holes

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    AdS_2/CFT_1 correspondence predicts that the logarithm of a Z_N twisted index over states carrying a fixed set of charges grows as 1/N times the entropy of the black hole carrying the same set of charges. In this paper we verify this explicitly by calculating the microscopic Z_N twisted index for a class of states in the CHL models. This demonstrates that black holes carry more information about the microstates than just the total degeneracy.Comment: LaTeX file, 24 pages; v2: references adde

    Flux compactification on smooth, compact three-dimensional toric varieties

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    Three-dimensional smooth, compact toric varieties (SCTV), when viewed as real six-dimensional manifolds, can admit G-structures rendering them suitable for internal manifolds in supersymmetric flux compactifications. We develop techniques which allow us to systematically construct G-structures on SCTV and read off their torsion classes. We illustrate our methods with explicit examples, one of which consists of an infinite class of toric CP^1 bundles. We give a self-contained review of the relevant concepts from toric geometry, in particular the subject of the classification of SCTV in dimensions less or equal to 3. Our results open up the possibility for a systematic construction and study of supersymmetric flux vacua based on SCTV.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures; v2: references, minor typos & improvement

    BKM Lie superalgebras from counting twisted CHL dyons

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    Following Sen[arXiv:0911.1563], we study the counting of (`twisted') BPS states that contribute to twisted helicity trace indices in four-dimensional CHL models with N=4 supersymmetry. The generating functions of half-BPS states, twisted as well as untwisted, are given in terms of multiplicative eta products with the Mathieu group, M_{24}, playing an important role. These multiplicative eta products enable us to construct Siegel modular forms that count twisted quarter-BPS states. The square-roots of these Siegel modular forms turn out be precisely a special class of Siegel modular forms, the dd-modular forms, that have been classified by Clery and Gritsenko[arXiv:0812.3962]. We show that each one of these dd-modular forms arise as the Weyl-Kac-Borcherds denominator formula of a rank-three Borcherds-Kac-Moody Lie superalgebra. The walls of the Weyl chamber are in one-to-one correspondence with the walls of marginal stability in the corresponding CHL model for twisted dyons as well as untwisted ones. This leads to a periodic table of BKM Lie superalgebras with properties that are consistent with physical expectations.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages; (v2) matches published versio

    BPS black holes in N=2 D=4 gauged supergravities

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    We construct and analyze BPS black hole solutions in gauged N=2, D=4 supergravity with charged hypermultiplets. A class of solutions can be found through spontaneous symmetry breaking in vacua that preserve maximal supersymmetry. The resulting black holes do not carry any hair for the scalars. We demonstrate this with explicit examples of both asymptotically flat and anti-de Sitter black holes. Next, we analyze the BPS conditions for asymptotically flat black holes with scalar hair and spherical or axial symmetry. We find solutions only in cases when the metric contains ripples and the vector multiplet scalars become ghost-like. We give explicit examples that can be analyzed numerically. Finally, we comment on a way to circumvent the ghost-problem by introducing also fermionic hair.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures; v2 references added; v3 minor changes, published versio
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