1,303 research outputs found

    O Todo que constitui a Cena: apontamentos sobre a composição musical na narrativa cinematográfica

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    A música assume um papel incontornável na transformação, desenvolvimento e afirmação da sétima arte. É difícil ignorar ou até mesmo ocultar a sua presença, quando a sua natureza cinestésica, a sua capacidade de envolvência, o seu poder de determinação do sentido e tom da ação, a sua afetividade e o seu caráter subjetivo a colocam como agente, força e objeto na interação dinâmica com todo o espaço fílmico. A essência desta relação dialética e dialógica reside particularmente na forma como o todo que constitui a cena compõe uma textura musicalmente coerente. Partindo das enormes contradições do pensamento e das práticas que desfazem e impedem todo o crescimento do cinema português, às quais se juntam todos os indicadores funcionais, estéticos e composicionais recolhidos das diferentes narrativas de compositores, produtores e realizadores, a presente comunicação científica pretende explorar e refletir sobre a relação dialética e dialógica (música – cinema), a nível da sua representatividade, funcionalidade, importância e contribuição para o desenvolvimento de todo o pensamento sonoro/musical no panorama cinematográfico contemporâneo em Portugal. Considerando os objetivos assinalados, as opções metodológicas inscrevem-se numa perspetiva qualitativa, interpretativa e hermenêutica, centradas na análise da componente musical de três obras da produção cinematográfica nacional: Alice de Marco Martins (2005), Ma’Sim de Saguenail (1996) e o Movimentos Perpétuos de Edgar Pêra (2006). Assumindo o filme como meio de expressão, a análise utilizada teve na sua base dois percursos: (1) um percurso descritivo desenvolvido com o objetivo de decompor e descrever os elementos sonoros/musicais que constituem a cena fílmica; (2) um percurso interpretativo com a finalidade de estabelecer, compreender e interpretar as relações e o papel da componente musical na construção e desenvolvimento de toda a narrativa. Apesar da existência de diferentes entendimentos da representatividade e funcionalidade da componente sonora/musical em toda a narrativa cinematográfica, a análise e interpretação dos diferentes dados revelou a necessária coexistência, sincronização e partilha entre esta componente e todo o espaço fílmico. Fica visível que o todo é algo maior que o somatório das suas partes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um estudo piloto na aula de formação auditiva

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    This study aims to measure the impact of a multidisciplinary and multidimensional proposal on the auditory recognition of the rhythmic/metrical structure, melodic/harmonic organization, expressive elements and stylistic/instrumental diversity. Given the characteristics and the aims of the study was developed an experimental design of a control group with pre-test and post-test. Forty-two students of a higher education institution were involved in the study (n=21 experimental group and n=21 control group), their ages ranging from 18 to 49 years. The data were collected in the beginning and at the end of the implementation period (40 sessions of 30 minutes duration) through the application of the Individual Knowledge Test and the Auditory Recognition Test. The results reveal the existence of significant differences between the performance results of the experimental group and the control group regarding the auditory recognition of the rhythmic/metric structure and the melodic/harmonic organization. In the case of the remaining variables, there were no significant differences between the performance results of the experimental and control groups.Este estudo pretende aferir o impacto de uma proposta pluridisciplinar e multidimensional no reconhecimento auditivo da estrutura rítmica/métrica, organização melódica/harmónica, elementos expressivos e diversidade estilística/instrumental. Face às características e objetivos do estudo, foi desenvolvido um design experimental de grupo de controlo com pré-teste e pósteste. Participaram quarenta e dois alunos de uma instituição de ensino superior (n=21 grupo experimental e n=21 grupo de controlo), com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 49 anos. Os dados foram recolhidos no princípio e no final do período de implementação (40 sessões de 30 minutos de duração) através da aplicação do Teste de Conhecimento Individual e do Teste de Reconhecimento Auditivo. Os resultados revelam a existência de diferenças significativas entre os resultados de desempenho do grupo experimental e grupo de controlo relativamente ao reconhecimento auditivo da estrutura rítmica/métrica e organização melódica/harmónica. No caso das restantes variáveis, não existem diferenças significativas entre os resultados de desempenho dos grupos experimental e de controlo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Looking for the road: the pedagogical supervision in music teacher education

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    The pedagogical supervision has always deserved the attention and interest of many researchers. The analytical and reflective approach that is presented aims to discuss, in addition to the different places of supervision, what readings of the supervisory function are dominant in the teacher training in music education. Faced with the lack of systematized knowledge in this context, this study was developed with a socio-constructivist and ecological matrix with the general purpose of reflecting on the supervision and the specificities of its practices in the particular context of music teacher education. Based on a convenience sample, the study is part of a qualitative, descriptive and interpretive approach, in which one seeks to know the professional learning achieved during supervised teaching practice. Considering the general aim of this research, the reflexive reports of the practicum, constructed based on the experience and meaning of the daily practices in musical education rooms are described, analysed and interpreted. The data of the reports are interspersed with the information provided by the monitoring carried out by the supervisors, reflective portfolios and with the theoretical framework. Discursive textual analysis of the reports was guided by the identification of: (1) the challenges and achievements of trainees in the learning of practical professional skills; (2) the recognition of portfolio as an instrument for reflection of the individual learning journey during supervised teaching practice; (3) supervision strategies in the processes of involvement and transformation of trainees during their supervised teaching practice. The analysis of the data reveals: (1) the challenge is on the processes and performance of everyday work experience (learning to know, learning to do, learning to be); (2) incentive to self-questioning, self-evaluation, self-training and experimentation; (3) an effort is made to overcome instrumental and technical perspectives; (4) reflection becomes a potential factor in the development of fundamental attitudes and necessary to the profession, self-understanding, the construction of pedagogical knowledges and the understandings manifested in the course of this trajectory; (5) the relation and dialogue with the literature during the process of teacher construction is fundamental and necessary to overcome the challenges that the educational context places on a daily basis and to consolidate the different conceptual lines studied throughout the training; (6) supervisory relation relationship is marked by a predominantly collaborative style; and (7) the reflective portfolios is an effective possibility of making visible the invisible (the teacher thinking in his (de)construction process).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Three sketches for guitar

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    The point of departure for this composition for solo guitar –Three sketches for guitar–was the drawings of a prominent f igure of 20th-century literature, FranzKafka (1907-1917). In his lifetime Kafka have two greatest loves: the visual arts and literature (it seems that the second might win). The coexistence between these two artistic areas is visible throughout his life. In the early stage, Kafka began f illingthe margins with sketches in notebooks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Are annual budgets being abandoned by companies operating in Portugal?: Evidence from the 500 “Maiores e Melhores”

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsBudgets have traditionally played a central key role in most companies in activities such as: planning, coordinating, communicating, motivating, controlling and evaluating operations (Drury, 2000). However they become a topic of critics and debate among academics and practitioners, leading to the development of the idea of beyond budgeting i.e. the implementation by managers of alternative approaches. This study aim to present the results of a survey conducted to the 500 largest companies operating in Portugal to: 1) collect empirical evidence on how their managers see the budget as a tool to accomplish its purposes; 2) study if companies abandoned or plan to abandon the budget; 3) study, if not abandoning the budget, whether alternative approaches are being use to complement it; and 4) understand whether the beyond budgeting practices have recently changed in Portugal. Overall, we find that the majority of surveyed companies still use the budget and it is perceived to be very important. Whilst some problems are appointed to budgets, surveyed companies are complementing them with alternative approaches rather than abandoning budgets

    Development of nanocarriers for Alzheimer’s disease treatment

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Biofísica e BionanossistemasPlaying a central role in all the body’s functions, the brain is perhaps the best protected organ in the organism. Although this is a huge advantage before all potential pathogens and harmful molecules that could put its integrity at risk, it is also a very difficult organ to target therapeutically. Being highly selective to all molecules, the blood brain barrier is the primary and most difficult barrier to overcome when one aims to deliver a specific molecule to the brain. While it is well protected, the brain is not immune to disease, and some of the molecules involved in the most threatening disorders, like amyloid-β and TAU in Alzheimer’s disease, and alpha synuclein in Parkinson’s disease, are thought to be produced in the brain itself. Moreover, these diseases have another hallmark in common, which is the accumulation of reactive oxygen species in the brain. This happens because, being a highly energy demanding organ, the brain is the most metabolically active organ in the human body. In order to overcome these two major debilitating hallmarks, a dual therapy is being developed by our group. By encapsulating siRNA against TAU protein into exosome-like liposomes we aim to reduce its expression, diminishing its harmful effects due to excessive accumulation in neurons, in Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, the encapsulation of a molecule with antioxidant properties, such as curcumin, that reduces the accumulation of amyloid-β, another important hallmark in this disease, would most likely have considerably interesting results in the attempt to slow disease progression. For the encapsulation of these molecules, a liposome carrier, with similar constitution and properties of the exosomes, was chosen. Along with its low cytotoxicity verified in two cell lines, mouse L929 fibroblasts and human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells, this carrier has features compatible with the uptake across the blood brain barrier and therefore could directly influence disease progression. It was also found that curcumin-loaded liposomes had greater neuroprotective effects than free curcumin after induction of oxidative stress.Desempenhando um papel central em todas as funções do corpo, o cérebro é talvez o órgão mais bem protegido em todo o corpo. Embora isso seja uma enorme vantagem, devido a todos os patógenos perigosos e moléculas prejudiciais que poderiam colocar a sua integridade em risco, este torna-se assim também num órgão muito difícil de intervencionar em termos clínicos. Terapeuticamente, o primeiro passo limitante para entregar uma substância ativa no cérebro é a passagem dessa molécula através da barreira hematoencefálica. Embora esteja bem protegido, o cérebro não é imune a todos os distúrbios, uma vez que algumas das moléculas envolvidas nas patologias mais graves, tais como as proteínas Aβ-amiloide e TAU na doença de Alzheimer, e alfa-sinucleína na doença de Parkinson, parecem ser produzidas no próprio cérebro. Além disso, essas doenças têm outra característica em comum: a acumulação de espécies reativas de oxigénio no cérebro. Com o encapsulamento de siRNA contra a proteína TAU em lipossomas do tipo exossomal, pretendemos reduzir a expressão dessa proteína, cuja acumulação em células nervosas é uma característica da doença de Alzheimer. Além disso, o encapsulamento de uma molécula com propriedades antioxidantes, como a curcumina, poderá contribuir para a diminuição da acumulação de-β-amiloide no cérebro, contribuindo para uma progressão mais lenta desta doença. Foi conseguido, com sucesso, o encapsulamento de ambas as moléculas nos lipossomas miméticos de exossomas, com eficiências de encapsulamento elevadas. Conseguida a otimização da formulação para garantir que os lipossomas produzidos têm o tamanho necessário para conseguir ultrapassar a barreira hematoencefálica, também se verificou que os lipossomas vazios ou carregados com curcumina não apresentavam toxicidade significativa em duas linhas celulares: fibroblastos de ratinho L929 e linha celular de neuroblastoma humano SH-SY5Y. Adicionalmente demonstramos que curcumina veiculada em lipossomas tinha efeito neuroprotetor maior do que a curcumina livre, após a indução de stress oxidativo

    Artistic residencies: paths and methodologies

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    We live in a dynamic time for research methods. In this context, art-based research gained relevant popularity in the social research context. However, incorporating the arts into research methodology involves much more than use artistic forms and expressions to understand and represent human experiences. In this paper, we aim to:(1) address divergent definitions associated with art-based research; (2) describe research methodologies that employ arts; (3) relate divergent definitions to common criticisms and misconceptions surrounding art-based research; and (4) present paths and methodologies for art education. In addressing these issues, we will present some projects developed in a funding program of the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (Portuguese national Research Funding Organization), "Artist Residencies" in 2020. Participated in this program eighteen (n=18) fellowships students from different countries. The program's organization represents the logical reasoning for the acquisition and development of theoretical, technical, investigative, and artistic skills. The results addressed in this paper are related with the gains of lesser-known paths and methodologies in art-based research, that provide an interesting approach, both in the structure, as well in the commitment, effectiveness and even the creativity of the research and researchersThis work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interactive Musical Setting with Deep Learning and Object Recognition

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    The SeMI - Interactive Musical Setting, explores the possibilities of joining machine learning, the physical and the sound world. In this context, a machine learning algorithm and model was used to identify physical objects through image processing. Each physical object is associated with a student’s produced musical texture that starts playing when the object is recognized by the device. This allows defining use cases in which students have to develop diverse although interrelated sound textures and combine them with a physical world, in both a fake orchestra, that reacts to people and objects in front of it, and mood rooms, for example. The application was developed for iPad and iPhone, using Swift programming language and the iOS operating system and used in the classes of the masters on Teaching of Musical Education in the Basic School.This work has been supported by FCT -Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio