554 research outputs found

    Cost-push impact of motor spirit price on price indices and inflation

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    Any increment in the prices of goods or services generally leads to an increase in different products prices indices and inflation. This paper examines the cost-push impact of a motor spirit price increment in Iran on different products prices indices and inflation. An Input-Output (I-O) table adjustment approach is applied. Iran input- output table for the year 2001-2002 is used as database. The empirical results of the model show how the cost-push impact of a 25% increment in the motor spirit price leads to an increment in different products prices indices, but the maximum effect of this increment, which is on transportation services prices, does not exceed 0.7492%. In addition, the cost-push effect of this increase on the Production Prices Index (PPI) is estimated at 0.2540%.Input-Output, Motor Spirit Pricing, Price model, Iran.

    An Applied General Equilibrium Model to Assess the Impact of National Tax Changes on a Regional Economy

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    This paper presents two versions of an applied general equilibrium model for the regional economy of Andalusia, Spain, that differ in the Public Sector behavior. We intend to exemplify the use of a model with these characteristics to analyze the impact that the reform of the personal income tax (Act 40/98) implemented in Spain as a whole would have had on the Andalusian region in particular. Such an important tax reform is bound to affect the behavior of the agents in this economy, both in the microeconomic and the derived macroeconomic spheres. The general character of the tax reform under analysis and the relations among the different economic agents advise us to use models with these characteristics to study the effects of this reform. The models is of the neoclassical variety and include not only the productive sectors of the economy but also the foreign sector and the government, which are usually absent from theoretical general equilibrium models. Both versions of the model are calibrated by using a Social Accounting Matrix of Andalusia for 1995.applied general equilibrium models, social accounting matrix, fiscal policy, regional economy.

    A Computable General Equilibrium Approach to Hypothetical Extractions and Missing Links

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    Identifying key sectors or key locations in an interconnected economy is of paramount importance for improving policy planning and directing economic strategy. Hence the relevance of categorizing them and hence the corresponding need of evaluating their potential synergies in terms of their global economic thrust. We explain in this paper that standard measures based on gross outputs do not and cannot capture the relevant impact due to self- imposed modeling limitations. In fact, common gross output measures will be systematically downward biased. We argue that an economy wide Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) approach provides a modeling platform that overcomes these limitations since it provides (i) a more comprehensive measure of linkages and (ii) an alternate way of accounting for links' relevance that is in consonance with standard macromagnitudes in the National Income and Product Accounts.Economy-wide modeling, Computable general equilibrium, Linkages, Key-sectors

    The Role of Supply Constraints in Multiplier Analysis

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    Multiplier analysis based upon the information contained in Leontief's inverse is undoubtedly part of the core of the input-output methodology and numerous applications an extensions have been developed that exploit its informational content. Nonetheless there are some implicit theoretical assumptions whose implications have perhaps not been fully assessed. This is the case of the 'excess capacity' assumption. Because of this assumption resources are available as needed to adjust production to new equilibrium states. In real world applications, however, new resources are scarce and costly. Supply constraints kick in and hence resource allocation needs to take them into account to really assess the effect of government policies. Using a closed general equilibrium model that incorporates supply constraints, we perform some simple numerical exercises and proceed to derive a 'constrained' multiplier matrix that can be compared with the standard 'unrestricted' multiplier matrix. Results show that the effectiveness of expenditure policies hinges critically on whether or not supply constraints are considered.Key sectors, Economic linkages, Policy evaluation, Economy-wide modeling, General equilibrium.

    Sensitivity of Simulation Results to Competing SAM Updates

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    Recently there has been a renewed research interest in the properties of non survey updates of input-output tables and social accounting matrices (SAM). Along with the venerable and well known scaling RAS method, several alternative new procedures related to entropy minimization and other metrics have been suggested, tested and used in the literature. Whether these procedures will eventually substitute or merely complement the RAS approach is still an open question without a definite answer. The performance of many of the updating procedures has been tested using some kind of proximity or closeness measure to a reference input-output table or SAM. The first goal of this paper, in contrast, is the proposal of checking the operational performance of updating mechanisms by way of comparing the simulation results that ensue from adopting alternative databases for calibration of a reference applied general equilibrium model. The second goal is to introduce a new updatin! g procedure based on information retrieval principles. This new procedure is then compared as far as performance is concerned to two well-known updating approaches: RAS and cross-entropy. The rationale for the suggested cross validation is that the driving force for having more up to date databases is to be able to conduct more current, and hopefully more credible, policy analyses.Social Accounting Matrices, Model Evaluation, Applied General Equilibrium, Non-survey Updating Techniques

    Multicriteria Policy Making. Defining Efficient Policies in a General Equilibrium Model

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    We propose to model policy making as a multicriteria problem and solve it using suitable multicriteria techniques in connection with some structural economic model to represent optimal policy making and to get useful policy recommendations. By using a multiobjective approach combined with a Computable General Equilibrium model, we propose the concept of efficient policy and calculate the set of efficient policies for the Spanish economy in an empirical exercise. This approach allows us to quantify the trade-off between growth and inflation, to measure the efficiency of the actually applied fiscal policy and to get some plausible modifications that could foster policy efficiency in practice.Public Policy, Multicriteria Decision Making, Efficient Frontier, Computable General Equilibrium Model.

    Impact Assessment of European Structural Funds in Andalusia - a CGE Approach

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    In this work we carry out an impact analysis of the European Structural Funds (ESF) to the object of assessing their effect on the GDP, the level of prices or the consumers’ income on the region of Andalusia in the south of Spain. Accordingly, we present an Applied General Equilibrium Model (AGEM_A) and we compare the reception scenario of regional funds with a hypothetical situation where this financial support has been removed. The AGEM_A has been built by supplementing the statistical information provided by the Social Accounting Matrices for Andalusia corresponding to 1990, 1995 and 1999, with the data included in the three Community Support Frameworks (CSF) approved by the European Commission.

    Efficient Economic and Environmental Policies Combining Multicriteria Techniques and General Equilibrium Modelling.

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    In this paper we propose an analytical approach to obtain so-called efficient policies in terms of environmental and economic objectives. A policy is said to be efficient if any environmental or economic achievement is obtained with the minimum possible detriment to other relevant objectives. We apply this concept obtain the minimum possible environmental impact for a given growth rate or, symmetrically, the maximum economic growth for a given amount of polluting emissions. We present an application to Spanish economy with 2000 data using a Computable General Equilibrium model. We evaluate the efficiency of the observed policy and give some policy recommendations. Finally, we give an idea about how to enlarge the analysis by including additional objectives.Efficient policies, Computable general equilibrium, multicriteria decision making.

    Performing an Environmental Tax Reform in a regional Economy. A Computable General Equilibrium

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    We use a Computable General Equilibrium model to simulate the effects of an Environmental Tax Reform in a regional economy (Andalusia, Spain).The reform involves imposing a tax on CO2 or SO2 emissions and reducing either the Income Tax or the payroll tax of employers to Social Security, and eventually keeping public deficit unchanged.This approach enables us to test the so-called double dividend hypothesis, which states that this kind of reform is likely to improve both environmental and non-environmental welfare.In the economy under analysis, an employment double dividend arises when the payroll tax is reduced and, if CO2 emissions are selected as environmental target, a (limited) strong double could also be obtained.No double dividend appears when Income Tax is reduced to compensate the environmental tax.environmental tax;general equilibrium;regional economics;tax reform;dividends

    Sun, Earth and Moon. Relative movements and their consequences

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    Cuando se pregunta a los estudiantes por la causa de las estaciones suelen responder: “en verano estamos mĂĄs prĂłximos al Sol y en invierno estamos mĂĄs lejos del Sol”. La persistencia de esta idea y el hecho de su generalizaciĂłn entre los estudiantes y muchos adultos me ha inducido a escribir este artĂ­culo, en el cual se trata de explicar, de una forma clara y simple, el motivo de este y otros fenĂłmenos debidos al movimiento de la Luna alrededor de la Tierra y de Ă©sta alrededor del Sol
