2,589 research outputs found

    “The Immigrant: Is He An Acquisition Or A Detriment?”

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    Published in Judge magazine on September 19, 1903, “The Immigrant: Is He An Acquisition Or A Detriment?” cartoon reveals the opposing viewpoints of seven major interest groups towards immigration. Individuals surround the immigrants located in the center, expressing their judgments through signs and identification labels. In general, the cartoon depicts the benefits and drawbacks of immigration in the early twentieth century

    Análisis de los programas sociales y sus propuestas para impulsar el bienestar social en México, estudio del programa comedores comunitarios 2015.

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    En el presente trabajo se pretende hacer un análisis de cómo se ha ido presentando el desarrollo en México, poniendo especial atención en el desarrollo social como parte de un importante vínculo con la ciudadanía para mejorar sus condiciones de vida. En la primera parte del trabajo encontraremos elementos que caracterizan la formación de una estructura social que tiene como objetivo el desarrollo, se hace referencia a algunos otros conceptos que se relacionan directa o indirectamente con el desarrollo, por ejemplo, la definición de Estado y de Gobierno como parte elemental de una agrupación de individuos con fines colectivos que busca un mejoramiento de sus condiciones de vida a través de la asociación, seguido de la administración pública, que es el punto clave de la administración de la organización del Estado y que permitirá adecuar procedimientos para mejorar la eficiencia de la organización de la estructura humana. Además la planeación, la programación y la presupuestación como parte de la administración pública, con el objetivo de aumentar la eficiencia y generar una organización más sólida y con objetivos estratégicos dirigidos al apoyo a los gobernados

    Desarrollo Productivo Familiar y Comunitario desde la Unión de Campesinos Organizados en las Cuencas de San Dionisio (UCOSD), en la Comunidad Los Limones durante el año 2016

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    El presente seminario tiene como tema, El desarrollo comunitario y familiar desde la Unión de Campesinos Organizados de la Cuenca de San Dionisio (UCOSD) durante el año 2016, en la comunidad: Los Limones. Su principal objetivo es dar respuestas a los problemas organizativo, por los cuales atraviesa la UCOSD y sus comunidades asociadas, la restauración de suelo a través del proyecto ASA escuelas de campo ECAS dirigidas por el programa de CRS en conjunto con ayuda de la UNAN. En el proceso investigativo se empleó la metodología de investigación acción participativa (IAP). Para desarrollar cada objetivos los socios fueron participantes de asamblea comunitaria, macro encuentros, donde expresaban sus necesidades a nivel comunitario y nivel grupal El estudio se realizó en dos fases, la primera Identificar las transformaciones en el desarrollo a escala humana propuesta por Max-Neef, la segunda etapa facilitar escuelas de campo del proyecto ASA (Agricultura, Suelo y Agua). Se obtuvo que la UCOSD estar contribuyendo al desarrollo comunitario y productivo de cada socio al incorpóralos a este proceso investigativo, donde se reconoce las carencias y potencialidades de la comunidad. El propósito está en reconocer que la UCOSD está atravesando problemas organizativo, de confianza y comunicación. Se identificaron los problemas en las parcelas de 10 productores que son participes del proyecto ASA, escuelas de campo ECAS. En conclusión la investigación realizada servirá para dar a conocer las partes más débiles y vulnerables que atraviesa la UCOSD y en que se debe mejorar tanto en la parte organizativa y las técnicas para cultivar la tierra. Palabras claves: Desarrollo a escala humana, Investigación de Acción Participativa, Escuelas de Camp

    Prevalence and predictors of inadequate patient medication knowledge

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    © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Objectives: To assess medication knowledge in adult patients and to explore its determinants. Method: Cross-sectional study. Medication knowledge was the primary outcome and was assessed using a previously validated questionnaire. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to explore the association between medication knowledge and the factors included in the model. Results: Seven thousand two hundred seventy-eight patients participated in the study. 71.9% (n = 5234) (95% CI: 70.9%–73.0%) of the surveyed patients had an inadequate knowledge of the medication they were taking. The dimensions obtaining the highest level of knowledge were the ‘medication use process’ and ‘therapeutic objective of medication’. The items ‘frequency’ (75.4%), ‘dosage’ (74.5%) and ‘indication’ (70.5%) had the highest percentage of knowledge. Conversely, ‘medication safety’ represented the dimension with the lowest scores, ranging from 12.6% in the item “contraindications” to 15.3% in the item ‘side effects’. The odds ratio (OR) of having an inadequate medication knowledge increased for unskilled workers (OR: 1.33; 85% CI:1.00–1.78; P = 0.050), caregivers (OR:1.46; 95% CI:1.18–1.81; P < 0.001), patients using more than one medication (OR: 1.14; 95% CI: 1.00–1.31; P = 0.050) and patients who did not know the name of the medication they were taking (OR: 2.14, 95% CI: 1.71–2.68 P < 0.001). Conclusion: Nearly three quarters of the analysed patients had inadequate knowledge regarding the medicines they were taking. Unskilled workers and caregivers were at a higher risk of lacking of medication knowledge. Other factors that correlated with inadequate medication knowledge were the use of more than one drug and not knowing the name of the medication dispensed

    Factors affecting community pharmacist work: A scoping review and thematic synthesis using role theory

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    © 2019 Elsevier Inc. Many community pharmacists ideologically support recent changes to their roles in primary healthcare. However, their antithetical resistance towards practice change could have systemic causes (i.e. role stresses), which may account for increased job dissatisfaction, burnout, and job turnover in the profession. Deeper comprehension was sought using a role theory framework. Objective: To identify factors leading to role stresses and strain responses for community pharmacists, and to create a framework for community pharmacist role management. Method: PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases were searched for qualitative studies identifying community pharmacist role stress and strain using scoping review methodology from 1990 to 2019. Content and thematic analysis using the framework method was performed, and themes were reported using thematic synthesis. Results: Screening of 10,880 records resulted in 33 studies identified, with 41 factors categorised into four domains: Interpersonal Interactions, Social Setting, Individual Attributes, and Extra-Role. All role stresses were present. Reported role strains suggest role system imbalance. Conclusion: Community pharmacists are in a multifactorial transitional environment. Reported role stresses may be a function of past pharmacist roles and increased role expectations, amplified by many requisite interactions and individual pharmacist characteristics. Social science theories were found to be applicable to the community pharmacy setting

    Sustainability of innovations in healthcare: A systematic review and conceptual framework for professional pharmacy services.

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    BACKGROUND: Implementation science emerged to address the challenges associated with the incorporation of evidence-based innovations into practice. Once the challenge is overcome, the ultimate goal is to achieve the sustainability of innovations to promote their continuity and long-term integration. Assessment tools and measures have been designed to assess the sustainability of innovations in research and practice environments. However, the variability of assessment tools available becomes a challenge for policy makers, researchers and practitioners, particularly when deciding how to evaluate the sustainability of innovations. OBJECTIVES: to identify conceptual approaches and assessment tools for the sustainability of healthcare innovations and to develop a specific discipline-based framework for the sustainability of professional pharmacy services. METHODS: A systematic literature review was conducted in January of 2019 using PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. General information regarding the conceptual approaches (based on Nilsen's classification), assessment tools and the factors affecting the sustainability of the healthcare innovations was retrieved. RESULTS: From 3123 articles screened, 132 articles were selected from which 106 conceptual approaches and 26 assessment tools were identified. Several key factors moderating the sustainability of the innovations in healthcare were identified (e.g. funding, adaptation). A framework for the sustainability of professional pharmacy services is proposed based on these factors. It presents three performance domains influencing the service sustainability (i.e. environment, social and economic). CONCLUSIONS: The identified approaches in different healthcare settings have allowed the adaptation and design of a specific framework for pharmacy. The core factors included in the proposed framework are moderators of the sustainability process and should be considered in sustainability studies and evaluations. This framework will guide pharmacy practice researchers and practitioners to measure and achieve the sustainability of professional pharmacy services. Furthermore, the adaptation of this framework will allow its application to other healthcare settings. (Registration number CRD42018092160)