392 research outputs found

    Eli Jackson Cemetery Pharr, Texas 108, 2004-2006

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    From Hidalgo County Historical Commission Collection, Series II, Historical Markers II, 1964-2016, consists of applications and research pertaining to historical markers and historical cemeteries. Eli Jackson Cemetery Pharr, Texas 108, 2004-2006, Container: 79, Box: 3, Folder: 35. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Special Collections and Archives, Edinburg Campus. https://archives.lib.utrgv.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/78218 NOTE: Image quality varies among scanned pages, especially photocopied materials.https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/hidalgohist/1010/thumbnail.jp

    A incerteza nos tempos do COVID-19

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    The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges for governments, health systems and society around the world. Organizations, scientific societies, and international experts have highlighted the importance of nutritional care in the treatment of COVID-19.La pandemia COVID-19, sin precedentes, presenta desafíos para los gobiernos, los sistemas de salud y la sociedad en todo el mundo. Organizaciones, sociedades científicas y expertos internacionales han destacado la centralidad de la atención nutricional en el tratamiento de COVID-19

    10 de dezembro: dia internacional dos direitos humanos

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    “Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?  In small places, close to home, so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world (...). Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere. Without concerned citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world.” Eleonor Roosevelt.“En definitiva, ¿dónde empiezan los derechos humanos universales? En pequeños lugares, cerca de casa; en lugares tan próximos y tan pequeños que no aparecen en ningún mapa (...). Si esos derechos no significan nada en estos lugares, tampoco significan nada en ninguna otra parte. Sin una acción ciudadana coordinada para defenderlos en nuestro entorno, nuestra voluntad de progreso en el resto del mundo será en vano”. Eleonor Roosevelt

    Does Acculturation Equal Identification? Two Studies with Latin-American Immigrants

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    Partout, des millions d'immigrants doivent apprendre à interagir avec une nouvelle culture (acculturation) et à s’y identifier (identification). Toutefois, il existe un débat important sur la relation entre l’acculturation et l’identification. Certains chercheurs les considèrent comme étant des concepts identiques; d’autres argumentent qu'un lien directionnel unit ces concepts (c.-à-d. l'identification mène à l'acculturation, ou l'acculturation mène à l'identification). Toutefois, aucune étude n'a pas investigué la nature et la direction de leur relation. Afin de clarifier ces questions, trois modèles théoriques testeront la relation entre l’acculturation et l’identification et deux variables centrales à l’immigration, soit être forcé à immigrer et l’incohérence des valeurs. Dans le premier modèle, les variables d'immigration prédirent simultanément l'acculturation et l'identification. Le second modèle avance que les variables d'immigration mènent à l'identification, qui mène à l'acculturation. Le troisième modèle précis plutôt que les variables d'immigration prédisent l'acculturation, qui prédit l'identification. Le premier modèle propose que l'acculturation et l'identification sont le même concept, tandis que les second et troisième stipulent qu'ils sont différents (ainsi que la direction de leur relation). Ces modèles seront comparés afin d’examiner l'existence et la direction du lien qui unit l'acculturation et l'identification. Lors de la première étude, 146 immigrants latino-américains ont répondu à un questionnaire. Les analyses des pistes causales appuient le troisième modèle stipulant que l'acculturation mène à l'identification et, donc, qu'ils sont des concepts distincts. Les résultats ont été confirmés à l’aide d’une deuxième étude où 15 immigrants latino-américains ont passé une entrevue semi-structurée. Les implications théoriques et pratiques seront discutées.At present, millions of immigrants are learning to participate (acculturation) and identify to a new culture (identification). In acculturation research, there is considerable debate about the relationship between acculturation and identification. While some researchers consider them as identical concepts, other researchers argue that they are distinct. In addition, it is unclear which variable is at the origin of the other one. The aim of our research is to clarify the distinction and relationship of the variables. To this end, three theoretical models will be tested; they will differ on how acculturation and identification relate to two important immigration variables (coerciveness to immigrate and value incongruence). The first model states that the immigration variables simultaneously predict acculturation and identification. The second model affirms that the immigration variables predict identification, which then predicts acculturation. The third model is similar but instead acculturation predicts identification. Thus, if acculturation and identification have the same relationship to the two immigration variables (first model), they represent a single construct. However, if identification leads to acculturation (second model), they must be different concepts, identification prompting acculturation. Nonetheless, if acculturation leads to identification (third model), then these variables are not only different but acculturation influences identification. In the first study, 146 Latin American immigrants responded to a questionnaire. Path analyses support the third model, suggesting that acculturation leads to identification. The results were confirmed in a second study, where the semi-structured interviews of 15 Latin American immigrants were analyzed. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Genetic Variants of Duffy and Hemoglobin S Genes in an Afrodescendent Population from Columbia

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    Malaria is an endemic disease in a large part of Colombia, and the city of Buenaventura reports one of the highest malaria infection rates. Some genetic variants confer resistance to malaria, such as the heterozygote for hemoglobin S (HbS) and the homozygous variant FYBES/FYBES of the Duffy gene. The aim of this work was the molecular characterization of these genes in an afrodescendent population from the urban area of Buenaventura. A total of 819 individuals from a stratified random sampling in each of the 12 communities of this city were analysed. Molecular analysis was performed using PCR-RFLP, and data analysis was performed using the Arlequin 3.5, SPSS 20 and R 3.4.1 programs. Frequencies of 3.1% and 72.2% were obtained for the S and FYBES alleles, respectively, and the values were 6.1% and 55% to AS and FYBES/FYBES genotypes respectively. The highest proportion of these resistance genotype (genotypic combination AA*FYBES/FYBES) were showed for the group of 13 to 27 years with (8.2%) and the communities 1 and 3 (18% and 10.3%, respectively). Therefore, it would be pertinent to consider these communities and age groups when performing epidemiological studies and preventive and health care campaigns on malaria in the urban areas of the city of Buenaventura

    A Declaração de Cartagena e os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seek to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030 and ensure the access of all people, especially children, to sufficient and nutritious food throughout the year. However, the goals of SDG 2 “Zero Hunger,” and the other 16 SDGs do not include the problem of malnutrition associated with disease. Malnutrition (low weight, overweight and obesity, micronutrient deficiencies) associated with socio-economic factors (poor diet, hunger and poverty) and malnutrition associated with disease have different pathophysiological origins and mechanisms and therefore need different approaches. The Cartagena Declaration is an instrument where nutritional care is defined for the first time as a human right and can be considered as a strategy to give visibility and draw the attention of public policy makers on the need to advance in this field. By including this type of malnutrition within the global approach to the problem of population malnutrition, we would be contributing to achieving the SDG targets and, in particular, to the sustainable development of countries.Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) buscan terminar con todas las formas de hambre y desnutrición para 2030 y velar por el acceso de todas las personas, en especial los niños, a una alimentación suficiente y nutritiva durante todo el año. Sin embargo, las metas del ODS 2 “Hambre Cero”, y de los otros 16 ODS no incluyen la problemática de la desnutrición asociada a la enfermedad. La malnutrición (bajo peso, sobrepeso y obesidad, carencia de nutrientes) asociada a factores socio económicos (mala alimentación, hambre y pobreza) y la desnutrición asociada a la enfermedad tienen orígenes y mecanismos fisiopatológicos distintos; y por lo tanto, necesitan abordajes diferentes. La Declaración de Cartagena es un instrumento en que, por primera vez, el cuidado nutricional es elevado a categoría de derecho humano y puede ser considerado como una estrategia para dar visibilidad y llamar la atención de los formuladores de políticas públicas sobre la necesidad de avanzar en este campo. Al incluir este tipo de desnutrición dentro del abordaje global del problema de la malnutrición de las poblaciones estaríamos contribuyendo a lograr las metas de los ODS y en conOs Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) buscam acabar com todas as formas de fome e desnutrição até 2030 e garantir o acesso de todas as pessoas, especialmente crianças, a alimentos suficientes e nutritivos ao longo do ano. No entanto, os objetivos do ODS 2 “Fome Zero” e os outros 16 ODS não incluem o problema da desnutrição associado à doença. A desnutrição (baixo peso, sobrepeso e obesidade, carência de nutrientes) associada a fatores socioeconômicos (má alimentação, fome e pobreza) e a desnutrição associada à doença têm origens e mecanismos fisiopatológicos diferentes e, portanto, precisam de abordagens diferentes. A Declaração de Cartagena é um instrumento em que, pela primeira vez, o cuidado nutricional é elevado à categoria de direito humano e pode ser considerado uma estratégia para dar visibilidade e chamar a atenção dos formuladores de políticas públicas sobre a necessidade de avançar neste campo. Ao incluir esse tipo de desnutrição na abordagem global do problema da desnutrição populacional, estaríamos contribuindo para alcançar as metas dos ODS e, em particular, para o desenvolvimento sustentável dos países

    Avanços no direito humano aos cuidados nutricionais

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    El 3 de mayo de 2021 se cumplieron 2 años de la firma de la Declaración Internacional sobre el Derecho alCuidado Nutricional y la Lucha contra la Malnutrición, Declaración de Cartagena. Esta declaración se ha considerado como un referente, y como un punto de partida para el desarrollo de acciones que buscan promover que todas las personas tengan acceso al cuidado nutricional