12 research outputs found

    Multi-site assessment of the precision and reproducibility of multiple reaction monitoring–based measurements of proteins in plasma

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    Verification of candidate biomarkers relies upon specific, quantitative assays optimized for selective detection of target proteins, and is increasingly viewed as a critical step in the discovery pipeline that bridges unbiased biomarker discovery to preclinical validation. Although individual laboratories have demonstrated that multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) coupled with isotope dilution mass spectrometry can quantify candidate protein biomarkers in plasma, reproducibility and transferability of these assays between laboratories have not been demonstrated. We describe a multilaboratory study to assess reproducibility, recovery, linear dynamic range and limits of detection and quantification of multiplexed, MRM-based assays, conducted by NCI-CPTAC. Using common materials and standardized protocols, we demonstrate that these assays can be highly reproducible within and across laboratories and instrument platforms, and are sensitive to low ”g/ml protein concentrations in unfractionated plasma. We provide data and benchmarks against which individual laboratories can compare their performance and evaluate new technologies for biomarker verification in plasma

    Exposed Loop Domains of Complexed 14-3-3 Proteins Contribute to Structural Diversity and Functional Specificity

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    The 14-3-3 family of proteins functions through protein:phosphoprotein interactions, the nature of which has been elucidated using x-ray crystallography. However, some key structural features in nonconserved regions have yet to be fully resolved, leaving open questions regarding the functional selectivity of 14-3-3 family members for diverse clients. In an effort to study surface accessible structural features in 14-3-3 containing macromolecular complexes and to illuminate important structure/function variations among the 14-3-3 isoforms, we determined the epitopes for three unique monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) developed against the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) G-box DNA:protein complex. The epitopes mapped to different loops in a phylogenetically important subset of the 13 14-3-3 family members. All three epitopes were on a common exposed face of complexed 14-3-3s. Two of the mAbs recognized linear sequences within loops 5 and 6, while the third mAb recognized 14-3-3 residues surrounding the pivotal medial Gly in the divalent cation-binding domain of loop 8, together with distal residue(s) in the putative dynamic 10th helix that has yet to be determined by crystallography. Gly at this loop 8 position is unique to nonepsilon 14-3-3 isoforms of the plant kingdom, suggesting that this region constitutes a plant-specific key functional 14-3-3 feature and highlighting that the loop 8 region is functionally significant. Mutagenesis of the medial amino acid in the loop 8 domain changed the flexibility of the C terminus and altered client peptide-binding selectivity, demonstrating the functional significance of the surface accessible, evolutionarily distinct loop 8 domain

    Quantitative analysis of intact apolipoproteins in human HDL by top-down differential mass spectrometry

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    Top-down mass spectrometry holds tremendous potential for the characterization and quantification of intact proteins, including individual protein isoforms and specific posttranslationally modified forms. This technique does not require antibody reagents and thus offers a rapid path for assay development with increased specificity based on the amino acid sequence. Top-down MS is efficient whereby intact protein mass measurement, purification by mass separation, dissociation, and measurement of product ions with ppm mass accuracy occurs on the seconds to minutes time scale. Moreover, as the analysis is based on the accurate measurement of an intact protein, top-down mass spectrometry opens a research paradigm to perform quantitative analysis of “unknown” proteins that differ in accurate mass. As a proof of concept, we have applied differential mass spectrometry (dMS) to the top-down analysis of apolipoproteins isolated from human HDL3. The protein species at 9415.45 Da demonstrates an average fold change of 4.7 (p-value 0.017) and was identified as an O-glycosylated form of apolipoprotein C-III [NANA-(2 → 3)-Gal-ÎČ(1 → 3)-GalNAc, +656.2037 Da], a protein associated with coronary artery disease. This work demonstrates the utility of top-down dMS for quantitative analysis of intact protein mixtures and holds potential for facilitating a better understanding of HDL biology and complex biological systems at the protein level

    Peptidomic profiling of human cerebrospinal fluid identifies YPRPIHPA as a novel substrate for prolylcarboxypeptidase

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    Prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP) is a serine protease that catalyzes the cleavage of C-terminal amino acids linked to proline in peptides. It is ubiquitously expressed and is involved in regulating blood pressure, proliferation, inflammation, angiogenesis, and weight maintenance. To identify the candidate proximal target engagement markers for PRCP inhibition in the central nervous system, we profiled the peptidome of human cerebrospinal fluid to look for PRCP substrates using a MS-based in vitro substrate profiling assay. These experiments identified a single peptide, with the sequence YPRPIHPA, as a novel substrate for PRCP in human cerebrospinal fluid. The peptide YPRPIHPA is from the extracellular portion of human endothelin B receptor-like protein 2. © 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA

    Improved Precursor Characterization for Data-Dependent Mass Spectrometry

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    Modern ion trap mass spectrometers are capable of collecting up to 60 tandem MS (MS/MS) scans per second, in theory providing acquisition speeds that can sample every eluting peptide precursor presented to the MS system. In practice, however, the precursor sampling capacity enabled by these ultrafast acquisition rates is often underutilized due to a host of reasons (e.g., long injection times and wide analyzer mass ranges). One often overlooked reason for this underutilization is that the instrument exhausts all the peptide features it identifies as suitable for MS/MS fragmentation. Highly abundant features can prevent annotation of lower abundance precursor ions that occupy similar mass-to-charge (<i>m</i>/<i>z</i>) space, which ultimately inhibits the acquisition of an MS/MS event. Here, we present an advanced peak determination (APD) algorithm that uses an iterative approach to annotate densely populated <i>m</i>/<i>z</i> regions to increase the number of peptides sampled during data-dependent LC-MS/MS analyses. The APD algorithm enables nearly full utilization of the sampling capacity of a quadrupole-Orbitrap-linear ion trap MS system, which yields up to a 40% increase in unique peptide identifications from whole cell HeLa lysates (approximately 53 000 in a 90 min LC-MS/MS analysis). The APD algorithm maintains improved peptide and protein identifications across several modes of proteomic data acquisition, including varying gradient lengths, different degrees of prefractionation, peptides derived from multiple proteases, and phosphoproteomic analyses. Additionally, the use of APD increases the number of peptides characterized per protein, providing improved protein quantification. In all, the APD algorithm increases the number of detectable peptide features, which maximizes utilization of the high MS/MS capacities and significantly improves sampling depth and identifications in proteomic experiments

    Use of [<sup>13</sup>C<sub>18</sub>] Oleic Acid and Mass Isotopomer Distribution Analysis to Study Synthesis of Plasma Triglycerides In Vivo: Analytical and Experimental Considerations

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    We have previously reported on a liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry method to determine the disposition of [<sup>13</sup>C<sub>18</sub>]-oleic acid following intravenous and oral administration in vivo. This approach has enabled us to study a variety of aspects of lipid metabolism including a quantitative assessment of triglyceride synthesis. Here we present a more rigorous evaluation of the constraints imposed upon the analytical method in order to generate accurate data using this stable-isotope tracer approach along with more detail on relevant analytical figures of merit including limits of quantitation, precision, and accuracy. The use of mass isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA) to quantify plasma triglyceride synthesis is specifically highlighted, and a re-evaluation of the underlying mathematics has enabled us to present a simplified series of equations. The derivation of this MIDA model and the significance of all underlying assumptions are explored in detail, and examples are given of how it can successfully be applied to detect differences in plasma triglyceride synthesis in lean and high-fat diet fed mouse models. More work is necessary to evaluate the applicability of this approach to triglyceride stores with slower rates of turnover such as in adipose or muscle tissue; however, the present report provides investigators with the tools necessary to conduct such studies

    Performance Metrics for Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Systems in Proteomics Analyses*

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    A major unmet need in LC-MS/MS-based proteomics analyses is a set of tools for quantitative assessment of system performance and evaluation of technical variability. Here we describe 46 system performance metrics for monitoring chromatographic performance, electrospray source stability, MS1 and MS2 signals, dynamic sampling of ions for MS/MS, and peptide identification. Applied to data sets from replicate LC-MS/MS analyses, these metrics displayed consistent, reasonable responses to controlled perturbations. The metrics typically displayed variations less than 10% and thus can reveal even subtle differences in performance of system components. Analyses of data from interlaboratory studies conducted under a common standard operating procedure identified outlier data and provided clues to specific causes. Moreover, interlaboratory variation reflected by the metrics indicates which system components vary the most between laboratories. Application of these metrics enables rational, quantitative quality assessment for proteomics and other LC-MS/MS analytical applications