51 research outputs found

    The potential role of microbiota for controlling the spread of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) in neonatal population [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    The spread of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) in the hospital and also the community is worrisome. Neonates particularly are exposed to the risk of ESBL-PE acquisition and, owing to the immaturity of their immune system, to a higher secondary risk of ESBL-PE-related infection. Reducing the risk of acquisition in the hospital is usually based on a bundle of measures, including screening policies at admission, improving hand hygiene compliance, and decreasing antibiotic consumption. However, recent scientific data suggest new prevention opportunities based on microbiota modifications

    Impact of Mycobacterium ulcerans Biofilm on Transmissibility to Ecological Niches and Buruli Ulcer Pathogenesis

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    The role of biofilms in the pathogenesis of mycobacterial diseases remains largely unknown. Mycobacterium ulcerans, the etiological agent of Buruli ulcer, a disfiguring disease in humans, adopts a biofilm-like structure in vitro and in vivo, displaying an abundant extracellular matrix (ECM) that harbors vesicles. The composition and structure of the ECM differs from that of the classical matrix found in other bacterial biofilms. More than 80 proteins are present within this extracellular compartment and appear to be involved in stress responses, respiration, and intermediary metabolism. In addition to a large amount of carbohydrates and lipids, ECM is the reservoir of the polyketide toxin mycolactone, the sole virulence factor of M. ulcerans identified to date, and purified vesicles extracted from ECM are highly cytotoxic. ECM confers to the mycobacterium increased resistance to antimicrobial agents, and enhances colonization of insect vectors and mammalian hosts. The results of this study support a model whereby biofilm changes confer selective advantages to M. ulcerans in colonizing various ecological niches successfully, with repercussions for Buruli ulcer pathogenesis

    L'économie des deux Uélés

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    The REP2 Repeats of the Genome of Neisseria meningitidis Are Associated with Genes Coordinately Regulated during Bacterial Cell Interaction

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    Interaction with host cells is essential in meningococcal pathogenesis especially at the blood-brain barrier. This step is likely to involve a common regulatory pathway allowing coordinate regulation of genes necessary for the interaction with endothelial cells. The analysis of the genomic sequence of Neisseria meningitidis Z2491 revealed the presence of many repeats. One of these, designated REP2, contains a −24/−12 type promoter and a ribosome binding site 5 to 13 bp before an ATG. In addition most of these REP2 sequences are located immediately upstream of an ORF. Among these REP2-associated genes are pilC1 and crgA, described as being involved in steps essential for the interaction of N. meningitidis with host cells. Furthermore, the REP2 sequences located upstream of pilC1 and crgA correspond to the previously identified promoters known to be induced during the initial localized adhesion of N. meningitidis with human cells. This characteristic led us to hypothesize that at least some of the REP2-associated genes were upregulated under the same circumstances as pilC1 and crgA. Quantitative PCR in real time demonstrated that the expression of 14 out of 16 REP2-associated genes were upregulated during the initial localized adhesion of N. meningitidis. Taken together, these data suggest that these repeats control a set of genes necessary for the efficient interaction of this pathogen with host cells. Subsequent mutational analysis was performed to address the role of these genes during meningococcus-cell interaction

    When and How to Use MIC in Clinical Practice?

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    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics continues to be a global public health problem. The choice of the most effective antibiotic and the use of an adapted dose in the initial phase of the infection are essential to limit the emergence of resistance. This will depend on (i) the isolated bacteria and its resistance profile, (ii) the pharmacodynamic (PD) profile of the antibiotic used and its level of toxicity, (iii) the site of infection, and (iv) the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of the patient. In order to take account of both parameters to optimize the administered treatment, a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination associated with therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) and their combined interpretation are required. The objective of this narrative review is thus to suggest microbiological, pharmacological, and/or clinical situations for which this approach could be useful. Regarding the microbiological aspect, such as the detection of antibiotic resistance and its level, the preservation of broad-spectrum β-lactams is particularly discussed. PK-PD profiles are relevant for difficult-to-reach infections and specific populations such as intensive care patients, cystic fibrosis patients, obese, or elderly patients. Finally, MIC and TDM are tools available to clinicians, who should not hesitate to use them to manage their patients

    Systematic Functional Analysis Reveals That a Set of Seven Genes Is Involved in Fine-Tuning of the Multiple Functions Mediated by Type IV Pili in Neisseria meningitidis ▿ †

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    Type IV pili (Tfp), which mediate multiple phenotypes ranging from adhesion to motility, are one of the most widespread virulence factors in bacteria. However, the molecular mechanisms of Tfp biogenesis and associated functions remain poorly understood. One of the underlying reasons is that the roles played by the numerous genes involved in Tfp biology are unclear because corresponding mutants have been studied on a case-by-case basis, in different species, and using different assays, often generating heterogeneous results. Therefore, we have recently started a systematic functional analysis of the genes involved in Tfp biology in a well-characterized clinical isolate of the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis. After previously studying 16 genes involved in Tfp biogenesis, here we report the characterization of 7 genes that are dispensable for piliation and potentially involved in Tfp biology. Using a battery of assays, we assessed piliation and each of the Tfp-linked functions in single mutants, double mutants in which filament retraction is abolished by a concurrent mutation in pilT, and strains overexpressing the corresponding proteins. This showed that each of the seven genes actually fine-tunes a Tfp-linked function(s), which brings us one step closer to a global view of Tfp biology in the meningococcus

    Impact of freeze/thaw cycles and single freezing at −80 °C on the viability of aerobic bacteria from rectal swabs performed with the ESwabTM system

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    International audienceThe testing of bacterial preservation should be included in preliminary studies to epidemiological studies. In the case of multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) studies, quantifications of the bacteria make it possible to understand their emergence. The purpose of this preliminary study was to evaluate the performance of ESwabTM on survival of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Enterococcus faecalis, based on the number of freezing and thawing (F/T) cycles at -80 °C and freezing time. A first experiment with 9 samples showed that multiple F/T cycles drastically affected Enterobacteriaceae viabilities and less E. faecalis one. A single freezing maintained the three species viabilities during three weeks. A second experiment showed that E. coli survival was maintained with a 3-month single freezing. This study which used a limited number of bacterial isolates is however a proof of concept establishing the utility of ESwabTM samples when frozen once in quantitative studies of bacteria

    Comparative Genomics Identifies the Genetic Islands That Distinguish Neisseria meningitidis, the Agent of Cerebrospinal Meningitis, from Other Neisseria Species

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    Neisseria meningitidis colonizes the nasopharynx and, unlike commensal Neisseria species, is capable of entering the bloodstream, crossing the blood-brain barrier, and invading the meninges. The other pathogenic Neisseria species, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, generally causes an infection which is localized to the genitourinary tract. In order to investigate the genetic basis of this difference in disease profiles, we used a strategy of genomic comparison. We used DNA arrays to compare the genome of N. meningitidis with those of N. gonorrhoeae and Neisseria lactamica, a commensal of the nasopharynx. We thus identified sequences conserved among a representative set of virulent strains which are either specific to N. meningitidis or shared with N. gonorrhoeae but absent from N. lactamica. Though these bacteria express dramatically different pathogenicities, these meningococcal sequences were limited and, in contrast to what has been found in other pathogenic bacterial species, they are not organized in large chromosomal islands