589 research outputs found

    De Morgan classifying toposes

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    We present a general method for deciding whether a Grothendieck topos satisfies De Morgan's law (resp. the law of excluded middle) or not; applications to the theory of classifying toposes follow. Specifically, we obtain a syntactic characterization of the class of geometric theories whose classifying toposes satisfy De Morgan's law (resp. are Boolean), as well as model-theoretic criteria for theories whose classifying toposes arise as localizations of a given presheaf topos.Comment: 37 page

    Topologies for intermediate logics

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    We investigate the problem of characterizing the classes of Grothendieck toposes whose internal logic satisfies a given assertion in the theory of Heyting algebras, and introduce natural analogues of the double negation and De Morgan topologies on an elementary topos for a wide class of intermediate logics.Comment: 21 page

    De Morgan's law and the theory of fields

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    We show that the classifying topos for the theory of fields does not satisfy De Morgan's law, and we identify its largest dense De Morgan subtopos as the classifying topos for the theory of fields of nonzero characteristic which are algebraic over their prime fields

    Cyclic theories

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    We describe a geometric theory classified by Connes-Consani's epicylic topos and two related theories respectively classified by the cyclic topos and by the topos [N∗,Set][{\mathbb N}^{\ast}, \mathbf{Set}].Comment: 25 page
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