6 research outputs found

    Temporal patterns in the upstream migration of European eels (Anguilla anguilla) at the Couesnon estuarine dam

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    The temporal migration patterns of European glass eel Anguilla anguilla at the Couesnon estuarine dam (Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, France)were examined in winter and spring 2004 and 2005. The dam which is located close to the river mouth constitutes a major obstacle for upstreammigrating glass eels. The migration was observed at different temporal scales, from within individual tides to complete tidal cycles between successive spring tides. The maximum number of glass eels arrived downstream of the dam at the beginning and in the middle of the flood tide. Glass eels migrated through the dam openings preferentially from the middle of the flood to the beginning of the ebb tide. Eel densities were highest during the second tide of each tide cycle that arrived at the estuarine dam and when the difference in water level between upstream and downstream of the dam was greatest, particularly at the end of the flood. Analysis of the influence of each environmental factor provided a good prediction of the glass eel recruitment peaks and, therefore, of the most favourable temporal windows for their migration. The water level and temperature were the most important environmental factors. These results provide the information needed for a dam-management program that is compatible with glass eel migration

    Escapement of a silver-phase eel population, Anguilla anguilla, determined from fishery in a Mediterranean lagoon (Or, France)

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    Escapement of silver eels from a Mediterranean lagoon was estimated by a capture–tagging–recapture and automated tag-reading study. The population of silver-phase eels in the lagoon was estimated to be 13.2 kg ha21, with an escapement rate from the commercial fishery of 76.8%

    In vivo staining with alizarin for ageing studies on chondrichthyan fishes

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    Age determination for stock assessments and conservation of cartilaginous fishes is mainly obtained by counting the annual growth bands in vertebrae. Recent studies show numerous inconsistencies and the need for systematic validation. We assessed the effectiveness of the fluorochrome alizarin red S, a common skeleton vital marker used as a time stamp for teleost fishes, on chondrichthyan. Twenty-five captive small-spotted catsharks (Scyliorhinus canicula) were marked by alizarin red S intraperitoneal injections. The fluorochrome produced a wide fluorescent mark on sectioned vertebral centra of all injected fish. Alizarin red S did not have a deleterious effect on growth during three months monitoring. The marks obtained remained stable in vivo for more than four years after injections and were resistant to fading during the observation under the microscope excitation light. Our results suggest that alizarin red S is an effective tool for long time vital marking of chondrichthyans

    In vivo staining with alizarin for ageing studies on chondrichthyan fishes

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    Age determination for stock assessments and conservation of cartilaginous fishes is mainly obtained by counting the annual growth bands in vertebrae. Recent studies show numerous inconsistencies and the need for systematic validation. We assessed the effectiveness of the fluorochrome alizarin red S, a common skeleton vital marker used as a time stamp for teleost fishes, on chondrichthyan. Twenty-five captive small-spotted catsharks (Scyliorhinus canicula) were marked by alizarin red S intraperitoneal injections. The fluorochrome produced a wide fluorescent mark on sectioned vertebral centra of all injected fish. Alizarin red S did not have a deleterious effect on growth during three months monitoring. The marks obtained remained stable in vivo for more than four years after injections and were resistant to fading during the observation under the microscope excitation light. Our results suggest that alizarin red S is an effective tool for long time vital marking of chondrichthyans