547 research outputs found

    Bail-in tool and bank insolvency: theoretical and empirical discourses around a new legal (or illegal) concept

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    Analyses the EU's bail-in tool for preventing a bank from collapsing. Outlines the history of the bail-in mechanism following the 2007-08 financial crisis, the scope of the bail-in tool, priorities, the "no creditor worse off" principle, and exempted liabilities. Highlights uncertainties associated with bail-ins

    A legal analysis of the economic dismissal (redundancy) in the UK; a possible yardstick for the Italian legislation

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    Age Discrimination: a "too Young' Protected Characteristic in Europe?

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    Age discrimination and the other protected characteristics are legislated, in the EC Treaty, as a numerus clausus of features which, despite the differences, enjoy equal status. Yet, age discrimination, unlike its counterparts, is susceptible to being ‘justified’ in force of the Framework Directive. The obscure and grey waters of law to which age discrimination has been drifting aimlessly for some time, is the subject of this paper, the ultimate purpose of which is, beyond the sociological and anthropological studies, to dissect and unearth the current inconsistencies in the European Union legislation as regards this notion and its interplay with the equality corpus iuris. As a logical outcome, the paper puts forward suggestions for amendments to the current Framework Directive so that its tenor can be aligned to the Treaty where, be this construct ontologically correct or not, there is no suggestion that a ranking of protected characteristics should be adopted. Furthermore and more intriguingly, the contribution advances a more radical proposal, ergo the reform of the Framework Directive so that this protected characteristic, in so many cases unsuccessfully pursued vis-à-vis the national courts, be ultimately shaped in a binary way, therefore ‘old age discrimination’, so that its ‘promotion’ to the ‘premier league’ of protected characteristics can thereupon be realised

    Associative discrimination in Britain and in the European Union: a still too elastic concept?

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    The concept of associative discrimination, as more recently "shaped" by the European Court of Justice (Attridge Law v Coleman), is put under a attack in this contribution, for its possibly too large "perimeter" and undefined "border".The analysis goes on to assess how the "associative" discrimination, also because unlegislated so far, may affect the employee-employer relationship and the ability of businesses to create job.Finally, the contributions offers glimpses of comparative analysis between Britain and a Continental counterpart in this matter (Italy), to infer that the Italian system might have implemented the concept at stake (associative discrimination) in a too limited way, as opposed to the British approach. The concept of associative discrimination, as more recently "shaped" by the European Court of Justice (Attridge Law v Coleman), is put under a attack in this contribution, for its possibly too large "perimeter" and undefined "border".The analysis goes on to assess how the "associative" discrimination, also because unlegislated so far, may affect the employee-employer relationship and the ability of businesses to create job.Finally, the contributions offers glimpses of comparative analysis between Britain and a Continental counterpart in this matter (Italy), to infer that the Italian system might have implemented the concept at stake (associative discrimination) in a too limited way, as opposed to the British approach

    Il processo di progettazione di interventi e servizi sociali a tutela delle responsabilita' familiari

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    Con il presente lavoro di tesi intendiamo dimostrare che la progettazione sociale, nonché le competenze da investire in essa, non è la mera applicazione di saperi tecnico scientifici, ma un'azione che implica processi più articolati e complessi, all'interno dei quali le relazioni e le comunicazioni assumono un'importanza fondamentale. Nel tentativo di descrivere tali processi abbiamo utilizzato una chiave di lettura ecologico sistemica. A partire dalla nozione di sviluppo sostenibile abbiamo inoltre cercato di delineare il ruolo politico al quale potrebbe assolvere la progettazione nello sviluppo di interventi e servizi sociali, specie alla luce delle carenze del welfare italiano di stampo familista e delle problematiche emerse dalla recente crisi economica. Dato inoltre che la progettazione ricopre un ruolo cruciale nella realizzazione del sistema integrato di interventi e servizi sociali (328/2000), abbiamo cercato di delineare le prospettive di ricomposizione teorica e metodologica tra progettazione e servizio sociale, professione che, per lo specifico collocamento nei servizi e per i suoi orientamenti teorici, può contribuire in maniera determinante allo sviluppo in senso progettuale di interventi e servizi. Riteniamo infine che la progettazione sostenibile possa costituirsi come opportunità e sfida per il servizio sociale professionale

    Sex offenders dichiarati non imputabili per infermità mentale: caratteristiche cliniche e legali

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    Sexual offenders constitute a diversified group with mixed specifics, motive and criminal acts. Significant evidences in research suggest that these offenders suffer from large proportions of psychiatric disorders, along with psychotic disorders, mood disorders, paraphilic disorders and Substance Use Disorders. It has been recently ascertained considerable percentages of personality disorders among sex offenders as well: borderline/narcisistic/antisocial. This is a cross-sectional study in which we included all the patients admitted in the 8 REMSs in Castiglione delle Stiviere from January 2009 to December 2018 sentenced for sexual offenses. The result of this study is that most of individuals found NGRI for a sexual offense have a psychotic disorder as a primary diagnosis. The majority of our sample was known by the local mental health services, even if the proportion of whom were not known was high.I sex offender rappresentano un gruppo eterogeneo di autori di reato con motivazioni varie. Le evidenze scientifiche suggeriscono che questi autori di reato, in larga parte sono affetti da disturbi mentali. Fra di essi disturbi psicotici, disturbi dell’umore, disturbi parafilici e disturbi da uso di sostanze e, del tutto recentemente, disturbi di personalità, fra cui in particolare, disturbo borderline, narcisitico ed antisociale di personalità. Il presente studio è trasversale: abbiamo incluso tutti i pazienti ammessi nelle 8 REMS di Castiglione delle Stiviere da gennaio 2009 a dicembre 2018 per aver commesso reati sessuali. Lo studio ha dimostrato che la grande maggioranza dei sex offender con vizio totale di mente erano affetti da un disturbo psicotico. Per lo più si trattava di pazienti già noti ai servizi psichiatrici, sebbene fosse alta anche la percentuali di quelli sconosciuti