5,449 research outputs found

    Friedrich von Hayek: The Socialist-Calculation Debate, Knowledge Arguments, And Modern Economic Development

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    At the close of the nineteenth and the commencement of the twentieth century, socialism began to gain momentum as a large-scale movement in Europe and the United States. This popularity was supported by an increased influence of the working class in society, which put pressure for representation upon European parliaments and began to secure concrete improvements in labor protection laws. Moreover, socialist proponents looked hopefully towards the living example of the Soviet Union, which began its socialist experiment in 1917 following the success of the Bolshevik Revolution. Socialism, which found its economic grounding in the legacies of such men as David Ricardo and Karl Marx, tended to encourage a more central and vital role for government intervention in the economy. Thus economists who favored a socialist-oriented change in contemporary societies began to develop theories intended to address such issues as “where, when and how the state should intervene in economic life” and how societies might be successfully reorganized so as to be based upon these new precepts. [excerpt

    A Comparison of the Pac-X Trans-Pacific Wave Glider Data and Satellite Data (MODIS, Aquarius, TRMM and VIIRS)

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    Tracy A. Villareal, Marine Science Institute and Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, United States of AmericaCara Wilson, Environmental Research Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Pacific Grove, California, United States of AmericaFour wave-propelled autonomous vehicles (Wave Gliders) instrumented with a variety of oceanographic and meteorological sensors were launched from San Francisco, CA in November 2011 for a trans-Pacific (Pac-X) voyage to test platform endurance. Two arrived in Australia, one in Dec 2012 and one in February 2013, while the two destined for Japan both ran into technical difficulties and did not arrive at their destination. The gliders were all equipped with sensors to measure temperature, salinity, turbidity, oxygen, and both chlorophyll and oil fluorescence. Here we conduct an initial assessment of the data set, noting necessary quality control steps and instrument utility. We conduct a validation of the Pac-X dataset by comparing the glider data to equivalent, or near-equivalent, satellite measurements. Sea surface temperature and salinity compared well to satellite measurements. Chl fluorescence from the gliders was more poorly correlated, with substantial between glider variability. Both turbidity and oil CDOM sensors were compromised to some degree by interfering processes. The well-known diel cycle in chlorophyll fluorescence was observed suggesting that mapping physiological data over large scales is possible. The gliders captured the Pacific Ocean’s major oceanographic features including the increased chlorophyll biomass of the California Current and equatorial upwelling. A comparison of satellite sea surface salinity (Aquarius) and glider-measured salinity revealed thin low salinity lenses in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. One glider survived a direct passage through a tropical cyclone. Two gliders traversed an open ocean phytoplankton bloom; extensive spiking in the chlorophyll fluorescence data is consistent with aggregation and highlights another potential future use for the gliders. On long missions, redundant instrumentation would aid in interpreting unusual data streams, as well as a means to periodically image the sensor heads. Instrument placement is critical to minimize bubble-related problems in the data.The authors have no support or funding to report.Marine ScienceEmail: [email protected]

    Directed enzyme evolution: climbing fitness peaks one amino acid at a time

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    Directed evolution can generate a remarkable range of new enzyme properties. Alternate substrate specificities and reaction selectivities are readily accessible in enzymes from families that are naturally functionally diverse. Activities on new substrates can be obtained by improving variants with broadened specificities or by step-wise evolution through a sequence of more and more challenging substrates. Evolution of highly specific enzymes has been demonstrated, even with positive selection alone. It is apparent that many solutions exist for any given problem, and there are often many paths that lead uphill, one step at a time

    Changes in body composition and fatty acid profile during embryogenesis of quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger)

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    We investigated developmental changes in the body compositions and fatty acid (FA) profiles of embryos and preparturition larvae of the quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger). Comparisons of proximate composition data from early-stage embryos with data from hatched preparturition larvae taken from wild-caught gravid females indicated that embryos gain over one-third their weight in moisture while consuming 20% of their dry tissue mass for energy as they develop into larvae. Lipid contributed 60% of the energy consumed and was depleted more rapidly than protein, indicating a protein-sparing effect. Oil globule volume was strongly correlated with lipid levels, affirming its utility as an indicator of energetic status. FA profiles of early embryos differed significantly from those of hatched larvae. Differences in the relative abundances of FAs between early embryos and hatched larvae indicated different FA depletion rates during embryonic development. We conclude that some metabolically important FAs may prove useful in assessing the condition of embryos and preparturition larvae, particularly 20:4n-6, which cannot be synthesized by many marine fish and which is conserved during embryogenesis. Variability in body composition and energy use among rockfish species should be considered when interpreting any measures of condition

    Time to rewrite your autobiography?

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    Autobiographical memory is the “diary that we all carry about” said Oscar Wilde. Autobiographical memory defines us. And because autobiographical memory is the foundation on which we build our identity, we like to believe that our memories are accurate, comprehensive and robust. Anything else would challenge our sense of self. But over the previous decade, psychological scientists have shown that autobiographical memory can be inexact, sketchy and frail. Various suggestive techniques can encourage people to generate memories of whole events that never happened. And these illusory memories are often held with great confidence, emotion, clarity, and vividness—but they are not real. In this article, we discuss research showing that suggestion can create false memories and change our autobiography

    Competition, efficiency and collective behavior in the "El Farol" bar model

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    The El Farol bar model, proposed to study the dynamics of competition of agents in a variety of contexts (W. B. Arthur, Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pap. and Proc. 84, 406 (1994)) is studied. We characterize in detail the three regions of the phase diagram (efficient, inefficient and better than random) of the simplest version of the model (D. Challet and Y.-C. Zhang, Physica A, 246, 407 (1997)). The efficient region is shown to have a rich structure, which is investigated in some detail. Changes in the payoff function enhance further the tendency of the model towards a wasteful distribution of resources.Comment: 7 pages Latex, 7 Postscript figures; changed reference, acknowledgments included. Accepted for publication in Europen Physics Journal

    Big Food and Soda Versus Public Health: Industry Litigation Against Local Government Regulations to Promote Healthy Diets

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    Diets high in fats, sugars, and sodium are contributing to alarming levels of obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers throughout the United States. Sugary drinks, which include beverages that contain added caloric sweeteners such as flavored milks, fruit drinks, sports drinks, and sodas, are the largest source of added sugar in the American diet and an important causative factor for obesity and other diet-related diseases. City and county governments have emerged as key innovators to promote healthier diets, adopting menu labeling laws to facilitate informed choices and soda taxes, warnings labels, and a soda portion cap to discourage consumption. These measures raise tension between the public health promotion and the food and beverage industry’s interests in maximizing profits. This article analyzes the food and beverage industry’s efforts to undermine local government nutrition promotion measures, including lobbying, funding scientific research, public messaging, and litigation. It examines four case studies (New York City’s soda portion cap, San Francisco’s soda warnings ordinance, and soda taxes in Philadelphia and Cook County), and distills steps that local governments can take to address industry opposition and help ensure the legal viability and political sustainability of key public health interventions

    Melinis repens Seed Bank Longevity in Miami-Dade County

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    The main objective of this research was to determine the seed bank longevity of Melinis repens at two Southern Florida sites. Seeds were divided among different exposure levels (shade versus sun) and depths (surface versus buried) and tested for baseline viability using 2,3,5-Triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride. Statistical analysis determined that at the pine rockland site there was a significant interaction between time, exposure, and depth. The initial mean viability at this site declined from 49.71% to 11.26% and 13.06% for sun/buried seeds and sun/surface seeds, respectively, by month 8. The mean viability of shade/surface seeds and shade/buried seeds declined to 24.56% and 22.06% after 8 months. There were no significant effects in the Florida scrub. In order for land managers to completely remove this species from a site, treatment with herbicide will need to continue for a minimum of one year to effectively kill all viable seeds in the seed bank
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