11 research outputs found

    A flora dos sitios Comporta-Galé e Cabrela: contribuição para os planos de gestão.The flora of Comporta-Galé and Cabrela sites: contribuition for the management plans

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    Este trabalho tem como objectivo contribuir para o conhecimento da flora dos Sítios de Comporta-Gale e de Cabrela e auxiliar à elaboração dos respectivos planos de gestão. Estas duas áreas situam-se no andar termomediterrânico superior de seco superior a sub-húmido inferior. Foi efectuado o catálogo florístico das espécies herborizadas em cada Sitio, tendo-se procedido ao respectivo estudo fisionómico, corológico e estatuto de conservação. Realizou-se uma análise fitoecológica tendo como base os levantamentos fitoecológicos realizados nos dois Sítios durante o ano de 2001. Foi utilizado o método dos perfis ecológicos que estuda o comportamento de uma espécie em função da variação de um factor. Na aplicação a metodologia seleccionada foram considerados os factores “biogeografia”, “aItitude", "exposição”, “lnfluência climática predominante", "posição topográfica”, “declive”, “ombrotipo”, “termotipo", “precipitação", “submersão da estação”, “natureza do substrato”, “profundidade do horizonte A”, “pH”, “textura do solo”, "grau de abertura dos estratos baixos', “densidade do copado", "altura do povoamento”, “área basal” e “grau de artificialização”. Posteriormente, com base nos resultados obtidos nos perfis ecológicos e recorrendo às cartas de solos, litológica e de associações vegetais para os Sítios, foram elaboradas as cartas de potencial ocorrência das espécies constantes nos anexos B-ll, lV e V da Directiva 92/43/CEE (directiva habitats). Na última fase foram esboçados alguns objectivos, medidas e acçöes que deverão integrar o plano de gestão de cada um dos Sítios para promover a conservação e manutenção das espécies constantes no anexo B - ll da directiva supracitada. ***/Abstract - The aim of this work is to contribute for a better knowledge of the flora of Comporta-Galé and Cabrela Sites as well as to the elaboration of their "management plans”. These two areas are placed in the termomediterranean upper blet with ombrotype upper dry to lower sub-humid. Ln order to do the floristic catalogue of the herborized species in each Site, the respective physiognomic, chorologic study and statute of conservation was done. A phytoecology analysis was fullfilled, based on phytoecologic surveys done in the two Sites during the year of 2001. ln this analysis the method of the ecological profiles was used. This method studies the behavior of a species in function of the variation of a factor. ln the application of this methodology the “biogeography” “altitude”, “aspect”, “predominant climatic influence', "topography", "slope', “ombrotype”, 'thermotype", "rainfall", “submersion of the station”, “nature of the soil”, “depth of the horizon”, “pH”, “texture”, "opening of low stratum”, “density of the canopy”, “height of the population', "basal area” and “degree of artificialisation" factors had been considered. Based on the results obtained in the ecological profiles and using the soils, Iitologic and the vegetal association’s maps for the Sites, maps of potential occurrence of the species listed in annexes B-ll, IV and V of Directive 92/43/CEE (habitats directive) were done. In the last phase, some objectives, measures and actions had been designed to integrate the management plans of the Sites, in order to promote the conservation and maintenance of the species identified in annexes B - ll of the mentioned directive

    Natural variability of lotic Mediterranean ecosystems or wildfire perturbations: who will win?

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    This study evaluates the impacts of wildfires in lotic Mediterranean ecosystems. It was carried out at Monchique ridge after big wildfires occurred during 2002 and 2003. Deferential impacts were evaluated comparing historical results obtained before the wildfires (1999 and 2001), with the post fire ones (2006 and 2007). Physical and chemical parameters of the water, habitat morphology, diatoms, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fishes were evaluated at 10 collecting places, before and after wildfires. High recovering rates were observed to the vegetation, but it is still possible to found fire impacts over macrophytes and river morphology. Wildfires, contributed to canopy decrease and, consequently to the growth of plants that usually are controlled by shadow. As a result, vegetation biodiversity tend to increase. River banks tend also to be invaded by terrestrial plants. Higher post fires recover rates were observed to the more aquatic communities (diatoms, macroinvertebrates and fishes). For those communities, comparing spring situations before and after the fires no substantial differences were observed. Sometimes differences between consecutive years are even higher. So it can be concluded that magnitude of wildfire impacts is less than the natural inter-annual variability of Mediterranean rivers. Long-term effects of forest fires, resulting from large woody debries, were also detected by morphological alterations, like debries dams. Habitat diversity increase and impacts on aquatic communities are expected

    Resultados da monitorização dos habitats de interesse comunitário em Portugal

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    The Habitats Directive establishes that Member States must apply the necessary measures to maintain and/or restore a favourable conservation status for habitat types & species of community interest. To monitoring this process, Article 17 requires Member States to report on a regular basis, to the European Commission and to all European citizens, on the progress of implementing this Directive. Therefore, every six years, all countries must produce a monitoring report assessing on species and habitats conservation status throughout their territory, both in and outside the Natura 2000 network. In Portugal, three national reports under Article 17 have been completed for the periods 2001-2006, 2007-2012 and 2013-2018. These reports include, for each biogeographic region, an assessment of the conservation status of each target value. For habitats, this goal was achieved analysing separately a set of specific parameters: Range, Area, Structure/Function and Future Perspectives. In this conference we will present the main results of the 2013-2018 assessment for habitats of Community interest - done in a partnership between ICNF and PHYTOS, with the collaboration of an important set of national experts. We will also present the main progresses achieved and the main differences between 2001 and 2018. These results highlight [1] the lack of data in habitat distribution outside the Natura 2000 Network; [2] the continuous degradation of several habitats, including coastal habitats, water-plane habitats and forest habitats; [3] as well as changes in threats pattern

    As comunidades de Quercus rivasmartinezii

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    Apresenta-se um estudo sistemático das comunidades dominadas pelo endemismo lusitânico termófilo Quercus rivasmarlinezii. Descreve-se a nova associação Lauro nobilisQuercetum rivasmartinezii em locais de com areias superficiais em sistemas dunares sublitorais com podzóis órticos e a estruluras calcárias margosas do período Jurássico superior, em profundidade, e em bioclima sub-hiperoccânico, mcsomcditcrrânico infcrior, húmido inferior com nevoeiros estivais frequentes. Faz-se a comparação florística dela com comunidades com que ela contacta: Viburno tini-Quercetum rivasmartinezii, Arisaro-Quercetum brotemi e Myrico jàyoArbutetum unedonis. O UPGMA com coeticiente Bray-Curtis segregou todas as associações estudadas, demonstrando a originalidade de Lauro nobilis-Quercetum rivasmartinezii.A systematic study of communitics dominated by thermophilic Lusitanian endemism Quereus rivasmartinez;; is prcsented. The new assoclatlOn Lauro nobilis-Quercetum rivasmartinezii is described in places with superficial sands in sublittoral dune systems with orphan podzols and in dccp calcarcous marlous structures of the upper Jurassic period, it occurs in subhyperoccanic, lowcr mcsomcditerranean, lower humid bioclimate, wilh frequent summer fogs. A floristic comparison is made with the communities it contacts: Viburno tini-Quercetum rivasmarlinezii, Arisaro-Quercetum brotemi and Myrico fayo-Arbutetum unedonis. The UPGMA with Bray-Curtis coeflicient segregated ali lhe associations studied, demonstrating the originality of Laura nobilis-Quercetum rivasmartinezii.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interpretation problems ln Habitat types listed ln annex I of council Dlrective 92/43/CEE - Portugal Mainland

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    The Portuguese Sectoral Plan for lhe Natura 2000 Network includes 88 factsheets with ecological information about Portuguese habitat types listed in Habitats Directive. Produced by nationaJ experts - part of the former Lusitanjan Association of Phytosociology (ALFA) - these factsheets have been major tools for habitats interpretation and, ultimately, for the implementation of the Habitats Directive in Portugal.Despite their enormous scientific and operational value, in recent years several questions emerged about the interpretation of some of these habitats. These questions led to the growing realization that a review of the referred habitats factsheets is required. The review must comprise information to solve problems related to habitat interpretation, include recently produced phytosociological knowledge, and the discussion on the presence ofhabitat types not yet reported for Portugal. This review is essential for general clarification and standardization of procedures for land characterization and management, in particular inside the Natura 2000 Network. ln this presentation, some of the ca e that emerged during the execution of the 3rd National Report under Article 17, wiU be discussed. For example the inclusion of riparian Fraxinlls angu tifo/ia forests in habitat 91BO, the eligibility criteria for habitat 6510, the presence in Portugal of habitats 91FO, 7150, and other habitats not yet mentioned for our territory, will be discussed