99 research outputs found

    Long-term metformin therapy and vitamin B12 deficiency: an association to bear in mind

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    To date, metformin remains the first-line oral glucose-lowering drug used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes thanks to its well-established long-term safety and efficacy profile. Indeed, metformin is the most widely used oral insulin-sensitizing agent, being prescribed to more than 100 million people worldwide, including patients with prediabetes, insulin resistance, and polycystic ovary syndrome. However, over the last decades several observational studies and meta-analyses have reported a significant association between long-term metformin therapy and an increased prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency. Of note, evidence suggests that long-term and high-dose metformin therapy impairs vitamin B12 status. Vitamin B12 (also referred to as cobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that is mainly obtained from animal-sourced foods. At the cellular level, vitamin B12 acts as a cofactor for enzymes that play a critical role in DNA synthesis and neuroprotection. Thus, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to a number of clinical consequences that include hematologic abnormalities (e.g., megaloblastic anemia and formation of hypersegmented neutrophils), progressive axonal demyelination and peripheral neuropathy. Nevertheless, no definite guidelines are currently available for vitamin B12 deficiency screening in patients on metformin therapy, and vitamin B12 deficiency remains frequently unrecognized in such individuals. Therefore, in this "field of vision" article we propose a list of criteria for a cost-effective vitamin B12 deficiency screening in metformin-treated patients, which could serve as a practical guide for identifying individuals at high risk for this condition. Moreover, we discuss additional relevant topics related to this field, including: (1) The lack of consensus about the exact definition of vitamin B12 deficiency; (2) The definition of reliable biomarkers of vitamin B12 status; (3) Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency other than metformin therapy that should be identified promptly in metformin-treated patients for a proper differential diagnosis; and (4) Potential pathophysiological mechanisms underlying metformin-induced vitamin B12 deficiency. Finally, we briefly review basic concepts related to vitamin B12 supplementation for the treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency, particularly when this condition is induced by metformin

    Very-low-calorie ketogenic diet as a safe and valuable tool for long-term glycemic management in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes

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    Obesity-related type 2 diabetes represents one of the most difficult challenges for the healthcare system. This retrospective study aims to determine the efficacy, safety and durability of a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD), compared to a standard low-calorie diet (LCD) on weight-loss, glycemic management, eating behavior and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and obesity. Thirty patients with obesity and T2DM, aged between 35 and 75 years, who met the inclusion criteria and accepted to adhere to a VLCKD or a LCD nutritional program, were consecutively selected from our electronic database. Fifteen patients followed a structured VLCKD protocol, fifteen followed a classical LCD. At the beginning of the nutritional protocol, all patients were asked to stop any antidiabetic medications, with the exception of metformin. Data were collected at baseline and after 3 (T1) and 12 (T2) months. At T1 and T2, BMI was significantly reduced in the VLCKD group (p < 0.001), whereas it remained substantially unchanged in the LCD group. HbA1c was significantly reduced in the VLCKD group (p = 0.002), whereas a slight, although not significant, decrease was observed in the LCD group. Quality of life and eating behavior scores were improved in the VLCKD group, whereas no significant changes were reported in the LCD group, both at T1 and T2. At the end of the study, in the VLCKD group 26.6% of patients had stopped all antidiabetic medications, and 73.3% were taking only metformin, whereas 46.6% of LCD patients had to increase antidiabetic medications. The study confirms a valuable therapeutic effect of VLCKD in the long-term management of obesity and T2DM and its potential contribution to remission of the disease

    Mineralocorticoid Receptor in Novel Target Tissues: A Closer Look at the Adipocyte

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    In addition to the well-documented role in the kidney, the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) has been recently identified in different “non-classical” target tissues, such as the brain, the heart, vasculature, macrophages/monocytes, and adipose tissue. In this context, the MR is involved in adipocyte fundamental processes such as differentiation, autophagy, and adipokine secretion. Excessive activation of the MR contributes to metabolic derangements occurring in mice with obesity and metabolic syndrome. Interestingly, MR pharmacological blockade in murine models of obesity has led to protection from weight gain and adipocyte dysfunctions. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of knowledge on the metabolic effects of MR antagonists, and larger clinical studies are deemed necessary to clarify the metabolic role of MR blockade in humans. This review discusses the role of MR in adipose tissue, focusing on regulation by MR of key cellular processes occurring in the adipocyte. The molecular pathways affected by MR activation or blockade in adipose tissue have been investigated only in part. Hence, more studies are necessary to get more insights in the role of aldosterone/MR in this “non-classical” target tissue and to better understand its potential implications in obesity and metabolic syndrome

    Diabetes-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs: The Roles of DMARDs as Glucose-Lowering Agents

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    : Systemic inflammation represents a shared pathophysiological mechanism which underlies the frequent clinical associations among chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases (CIRDs), insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and chronic diabetes complications, including cardiovascular disease. Therefore, targeted anti-inflammatory therapies are attractive and highly desirable interventions to concomitantly reduce rheumatic disease activity and to improve glucose control in patients with CIRDs and comorbid T2D. Therapeutic approaches targeting inflammation may also play a role in the prevention of prediabetes and diabetes in patients with CIRDs, particularly in those with traditional risk factors and/or on high-dose corticosteroid therapy. Recently, several studies have shown that different disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) used for the treatment of CIRDs exert antihyperglycemic properties by virtue of their anti-inflammatory, insulin-sensitizing, and/or insulinotropic effects. In this view, DMARDs are promising drug candidates that may potentially reduce rheumatic disease activity, ameliorate glucose control, and at the same time, prevent the development of diabetes-associated cardiovascular complications and metabolic dysfunctions. In light of their substantial antidiabetic actions, some DMARDs (such as hydroxychloroquine and anakinra) could be alternatively termed "diabetes-modifying antirheumatic drugs", since they may be repurposed for co-treatment of rheumatic diseases and comorbid T2D. However, there is a need for future randomized controlled trials to confirm the beneficial metabolic and cardiovascular effects as well as the safety profile of distinct DMARDs in the long term. This narrative review aims to discuss the current knowledge about the mechanisms behind the antihyperglycemic properties exerted by a variety of DMARDs (including synthetic and biologic DMARDs) and the potential use of these agents as antidiabetic medications in clinical settings

    Hallux rigidus: current concepts review and treatment algorithm with special focus on interposition arthroplasty

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    Hallux rigidus represents a surgical challenge, with a multitude of possible surgical options, but with no ideal procedures.  The propose of this paper was to review the actual knowledge on the operative techniques, paying particular attention to the evolution of interposition arthroplasties, as an alternative to arthrodesis and prosthesis in the advanced stages of the disease

    Androgens and Adipose Tissue in Males: A Complex and Reciprocal Interplay

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    Clinical evidence shows that in males obesity is frequently associated with hypogonadism and vice versa; also, low testosterone levels have been considered a “hallmark” of metabolic syndrome in men. These observations indicate that there is a strict connection between anatomically and functionally distinct cell types such as white adipocytes and Leydig cells, that synthesize testosterone. Adipose tissue is able to control several functions of the testis through its products secreted in the bloodstream. On the other hand, circulating levels of testosterone and estradiol deeply affect adipocyte proliferation, differentiation, and fat mass distribution, hereby controlling critical metabolic functions, such as food intake, insulin sensitivity, vascular reactivity, and immunity. This paper highlights the existing clinical and experimental evidence linking androgens and adipose tissue and illustrates the consequences occurring when the balance between fat mass distribution and eugonadism is lost