10 research outputs found

    Consensus Conference on Clinical Management of pediatric Atopic Dermatitis

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    Autoimmunity in atopic dermatitis: Biomarker or simply epiphenomenon?

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    The idea that a mechanism of autoimmunity could play a role in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis gained support from the observation that patients with atopic dermatitis display IgE reactivity to a variety of human protein antigens, several of which have been characterized at molecular level. A broad spectrum of at least 140 IgE-binding self-antigens associated with atopic dermatitis has been demonstrated; they might promote, perpetuate, or both, skin inflammation by binding IgE antibodies or activating specific T cells. Even if the presence of autoreactivity seems to be associated with the severity of the disease and may be used as a parameter reflecting chronic tissue damage, at the state of art the role of autoimmunity in atopic dermatitis is far from clear. Data from the literature show that the use of autoantibodies as biomarkers of atopic dermatitis are still limited by the evidence that the epiphenomenon of autoreactivity is detectable only in a percentage of patients and that the involved self-allergens often are not the same; further longitudinal case-control studies are needed to investigate and to clarify the pathogenethic role of autoimmunity in the course of atopic dermatitis. \ua9 2014 Japanese Dermatological Association

    Microbiota in Healthy Skin and in Atopic Eczema

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    The Italian interest group (IG) on atopic eczema and urticaria is member of the Italian Society of Allergology and Immunology. The aim of our IG is to provide a platform for scientists, clinicians, and experts. In this review we discuss the role of skin microbiota not only in healthy skin but also in skin suffering from atopic dermatitis (AD). A Medline and Embase search was conducted for studies evaluating the role of skin microbiota. We examine microbiota composition and its development within days after birth; we describe the role of specific groups of microorganisms that colonize distinct anatomical niches and the biology and clinical relevance of antimicrobial peptides expressed in the skin. Specific AD disease states are characterized by concurrent and anticorrelated shifts in microbial diversity and proportion of Staphylococcus. These organisms may protect the host, defining them not as simple symbiotic microbes but rather as mutualistic microbes. These findings reveal links between microbial communities and inflammatory diseases such as AD and provide novel insights into global shifts of bacteria relevant to disease progression and treatment. This review also highlights recent observations on the importance of innate immune systems and the relationship with normal skin microflora for the maintenance of healthy skin

    Ecosistema microbico nella cute sana e nell’eczema

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    In questa review la Commissione ha voluto valutare l’ecosistema microbico presente sulla cute sana sin dalla nascita, la sua composizione in rapporto ai vari siti cutanei, la sua distribuzione nei vari distretti cutanei con i fattori che possono influenzarla e la sua interazione con i sistemi immuni innati. Particolare attenzione è stata posta alla presenza delle Staphylococcus epidermidis e alla sua capacità emergente come regolatore dell’omeostasi immunitaria cutanea. Inoltre si è valutato il ruolo e le capacità colonizzanti dello Staphylococcus aureus nei bambini con dermatite atopica in rapporto alla predisposizione nei confronti dell’allergia e le potenzialità competitive e inibitorie nei suoi confronti da parte dello Staphylococcus epidermidis che possono costituire un futuro potenziale effetto terapeutico

    Narrative review on the management of moderate-severe atopic dermatitis in pediatric age of the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergology and Immunology (SIAIP), of the Italian Society of Pediatric Dermatology (SIDerP) and of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP)

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    Currently, there are a few detailed guidelines on the overall management of children and adolescents with moderate-severe atopic dermatitis. AD ​​is a complex disease presenting with different clinical phenotypes, which require an individualized and multidisciplinary approach. Therefore, appropriate interaction between primary care pediatricians, pediatric allergists, and pediatric dermatologists is crucial to finding the best management strategy. In this manuscript, members of the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergology and Immunology (SIAIP), the Italian Society of Pediatric Dermatology (SIDerP), and the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) with expertise in the management of moderate-severe atopic dermatitis have reviewed the latest scientific evidence in the field. This narrative review aims to define a pathway to appropriately managing children and adolescents with moderate-severe atopic dermatitis

    Consensus statement of the Italian society of pediatric allergy and immunology for the pragmatic management of children and adolescents with allergic or immunological diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    International audienceAbstract The COVID-19 pandemic has surprised the entire population. The world has had to face an unprecedented pandemic. Only, Spanish flu had similar disastrous consequences. As a result, drastic measures (lockdown) have been adopted worldwide. Healthcare service has been overwhelmed by the extraordinary influx of patients, often requiring high intensity of care. Mortality has been associated with severe comorbidities, including chronic diseases. Patients with frailty were, therefore, the victim of the SARS-COV-2 infection. Allergy and asthma are the most prevalent chronic disorders in children and adolescents, so they need careful attention and, if necessary, an adaptation of their regular treatment plans. Fortunately, at present, young people are less suffering from COVID-19, both as incidence and severity. However, any age, including infancy, could be affected by the pandemic. Based on this background, the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology has felt it necessary to provide a Consensus Statement. This expert panel consensus document offers a rationale to help guide decision-making in the management of children and adolescents with allergic or immunologic diseases

    Consensus statement of the Italian society of pediatric allergy and immunology for the pragmatic management of children and adolescents with allergic or immunological diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has surprised the entire population. The world has had to face an unprecedented pandemic. Only, Spanish flu had similar disastrous consequences. As a result, drastic measures (lockdown) have been adopted worldwide. Healthcare service has been overwhelmed by the extraordinary influx of patients, often requiring high intensity of care. Mortality has been associated with severe comorbidities, including chronic diseases. Patients with frailty were, therefore, the victim of the SARS-COV-2 infection. Allergy and asthma are the most prevalent chronic disorders in children and adolescents, so they need careful attention and, if necessary, an adaptation of their regular treatment plans. Fortunately, at present, young people are less suffering from COVID-19, both as incidence and severity. However, any age, including infancy, could be affected by the pandemic.Based on this background, the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology has felt it necessary to provide a Consensus Statement. This expert panel consensus document offers a rationale to help guide decision-making in the management of children and adolescents with allergic or immunologic diseases

    Consensus Conference on Clinical Management of pediatric Atopic Dermatitis

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    The Italian Consensus Conference on clinical management of atopic dermatitis in children reflects the best and most recent scientific evidence, with the aim to provide specialists with a useful tool for managing this common, but complex clinical condition. Thanks to the contribution of experts in the field and members of the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergology and Immunology (SIAIP) and the Italian Society of Pediatric Dermatology (SIDerP), this Consensus statement integrates the basic principles of the most recent guidelines for the management of atopic dermatitis to facilitate a practical approach to the disease. The therapeutical approach should be adapted to the clinical severity and requires a tailored strategy to ensure good compliance by children and their parents. In this Consensus, levels and models of intervention are also enriched by the Italian experience to facilitate a practical approach to the disease