12 research outputs found

    Microscopic characterization reveals the diversity of EVs secreted by GFP-HAS3 expressing MCF7 cells

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    We have shown the connection of hyaluronan synthesis activity with the enhanced shedding of extracellular vesicles, but detailed morphological analysis of those hyaluronan-induced EVs is still missing. In this study we utilized a comprehensive set of high-resolution imaging techniques to characterize in high detail the size and morphology of EVs originating from stable MCF7 breast cancer cell line and transiently transfected cells expressing GFP-HAS3. To avoid possible artefacts or loss of EVs resulting from the isolation process, special attention was paid to analysis of EVs in situ in monolayer and in 3D cultures. The results of this study show that GFP-HAS3 expressing MCF7 cells produce morphologically diverse EVs but also demonstrates the variation in results obtained with different experimental setup, which emphasizes the importance of comparison between different methods when interpreting the observations.Peer reviewe

    A quick pipeline for the isolation of 3D cell culture-derived extracellular vesicles

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    Recent advances in cell biology research regarding extracellular vesicles have highlighted an increasing demand to obtain 3D cell culture-derived EVs, because they are considered to more accurately represent EVs obtained in vivo. However, there is still a grave need for efficient and tunable methodologies to isolate EVs from 3D cell cultures. Using nanofibrillar cellulose (NFC) scaffold as a 3D cell culture matrix, we developed a pipeline of two different approaches for EV isolation from cancer spheroids. A batch method was created for delivering high EV yield at the end of the culture period, and a harvesting method was created to enable time-dependent collection of EVs to combine EV profiling with spheroid development. Both these methods were easy to set up, quick to perform, and they provided a high EV yield. When compared to scaffold-free 3D spheroid cultures on ultra-low affinity plates, the NFC method resulted in similar EV production/cell, but the NFC method was scalable and easier to perform resulting in high EV yields. In summary, we introduce here an NFC-based, innovative pipeline for acquiring EVs from 3D cancer spheroids, which can be tailored to support the needs of variable EV research objectives.Peer reviewe

    Counts of hyaluronic acid-containing extracellular vesicles decrease in naturally occurring equine osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease with inadequately understood pathogenesis leading to pain and functional limitations. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by synovial joint cells can induce both pro- and anti-OA effects. Hyaluronic acid (HA) lubricates the surfaces of articular cartilage and is one of the bioactive molecules transported by EVs. In humans, altered EV counts and composition can be observed in OA synovial fluid (SF), while EV research is in early stages in the horse-a well-recognized OA model. The aim was to characterize SF EVs and their HA cargo in 19 horses. SF was collected after euthanasia from control, OA, and contralateral metacarpophalangeal joints. The SF HA concentrations and size distribution were determined with a sandwich-type enzyme-linked sorbent assay and size-exclusion chromatography. Ultracentrifugation followed by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) were utilized to quantify small EVs, while confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and image analysis characterized larger EVs. The number and size distribution of small EVs measured by NTA were unaffected by OA, but these results may be limited by the lack of hyaluronidase pre-treatment of the samples. When visualized by CLSM, the number and proportion of larger HA-containing EVs (HA-EVs) decreased in OA SF (generalized linear model, count: p = 0.024, %: p = 0.028). There was an inverse association between the OA grade and total EV count, HA-EV count, and HA-EV % (r(s) = - 0.264 to - 0.327, p = 0.012-0.045). The total HA concentrations were also lower in OA (generalized linear model, p = 0.002). To conclude, the present study discovered a potential SF biomarker (HA-EVs) for naturally occurring equine OA. The roles of HA-EVs in the pathogenesis of OA and their potential as a joint disease biomarker and therapeutic target warrant future studies.Peer reviewe

    Fatty Acid Fingerprints and Hyaluronic Acid in Extracellular Vesicles from Proliferating Human Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) function as conveyors of fatty acids (FAs) and other bioactive lipids and can modulate the gene expression and behavior of target cells. EV lipid composition influences the fluidity and stability of EV membranes and reflects the availability of lipid mediator precursors. Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs) secrete EVs that transport hyaluronic acid (HA). FLSs play a central role in inflammation, pannus formation, and cartilage degradation in joint diseases, and EVs have recently emerged as potential mediators of these effects. The aim of the present study was to follow temporal changes in HA and EV secretion by normal FLSs, and to characterize the FA profiles of FLSs and EVs during proliferation. The methods used included nanoparticle tracking analysis, confocal laser scanning microscopy, sandwich-type enzyme-linked sorbent assay, quantitative PCR, and gas chromatography. The expression of hyaluronan synthases 1–3 in FLSs and HA concentrations in conditioned media decreased during cell proliferation. This was associated with elevated proportions of 20:4n-6 and total n-6 polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) in high-density cells, reductions in n-3/n-6 PUFA ratios, and up-regulation of cluster of differentiation 44, tumor necrosis factor α, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-α, and PPAR-γ. Compared to the parent FLSs, 16:0, 18:0, and 18:1n-9 were enriched in the EV fraction. EV counts decreased during cell growth, and 18:2n-6 in EVs correlated with the cell count. To conclude, FLS proliferation was featured by increased 20:4n-6 proportions and reduced n-3/n-6 PUFA ratios, and FAs with a low degree of unsaturation were selectively transferred from FLSs into EVs. These FA modifications have the potential to affect membrane fluidity, biosynthesis of lipid mediators, and inflammatory processes in joints, and could eventually provide tools for translational studies to counteract cartilage degradation in inflammatory joint diseases

    Differentiation and malignant transformation of epithelial cells:3D cell culture models

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    Abstract The epithelial cells form barriers that compartmentalize the organs. Carcinomas are cancers stemming from epithelial cells and are the most common cancer type. The aim of this study was to understand the differentiation and malignant transformation of epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells and to analyse the electrophysiological parameters which regulate their transport capacity. Emphasis was placed on comparing different culture environments, both in 2D and 3D. First, the effects of drugs or basal extracellular fluid composition on MDCK cell, cyst and lumen volumes were analysed using time-lapse microscopy. The results showed that MDCK cells were capable of both water secretion and reabsorption. The cells were able to perform these functions in a hyperpolarizing or depolarizing environment; change in osmolality of basal fluid was not required. Taken together, these results validate MDCK cells as a good basic model for studying kidney function. Next, the aim was to analyse the effect of 2D and 3D culture environments on the gene expression of untransformed MDCK and temperature sensitive ts-Src -transformed MDCK cells and the changes a single oncogene can induce. Microarray analysis revealed a decrease in the expression of survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis protein, when switching the untransformed cells from 2D environment to 3D. This downregulation of survivin occurs in adult tissues as well, indicating that the cells grown in 3D are closer to the in vivo state than 2D cells. Src oncogene induced disintegration of cell junctions, but did not downregulate E-cadherin expression. The last part was to study further the factors controlling survivin expression and its significance to cell survival. MDCK cells grown in 3D did not suffer apoptosis if the cells remained in contact with the extracellular matrix. If MDCK cells were denied of ECM contacts they were more susceptible to apoptosis than survivin-expressing ts-Src MDCK cells. Finally, if cells were denied of cell-cell junctions, cells lacking survivin suffered apoptosis even though they had proper cell-matrix contacts. Taken together, these results highlighted the importance of cellular contacts to the cells: MDCK cells needed ECM contacts to differentiate and cell-cell contacts to avoid apoptosis.Tiivistelmä Epiteelisolut ovat erikoistuneet toimimaan rajapintana elimen ja ympäristön välillä. Ihmisten yleisin syöpä on epiteelisoluista alkunsa saanut karsinooma. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli ymmärtää Madin-Darby-koiran munuaisen solujen (MDCK) erilaistumista ja pahanlaatuistumista sekä analysoida sähköfysiologisia tekijöitä, jotka säätelevät näiden solujen kuljetustoimintaa. Erityisenä kiinnostuksen kohteena oli erilaisten kasvuympäristöjen vertailu. Farmakologisten aineiden tai basaalisen, solunulkopuolisen nesteen koostumuksen vaikutusta MDCK-solujen, -kystan sekä luumenin kokoon tutkittiin valomikroskooppisten aikasarjojen avulla. Tulokset osoittivat MDCK-solujen olevan kykeneviä sekä veden eritykseen että absorptioon, niin hyperpolarisoivassa kuin depolarisoivassakin ympäristössä. Basaalisen nesteen osmolaliteetin muutosta ei tarvittu. Nämä tulokset osoittavat MDCK-solujen olevan hyvä munuaisen tutkimuksen perusmalli. Seuraavaksi analysoitiin kaksi- ja kolmiulotteisten (2D ja 3D) viljely-ympäristöjen vaikutusta ei-transformoitujen MDCK-solujen ja lämpötilaherkkien ts-Src-transformoitujen MDCK-solujen geenien ilmentymiseen sekä yhden onkogeenin aktivoimisen aikaansaamia muutoksia. Microarray-analyysi osoitti apoptoosin estäjän, surviviinin, ilmentymisen vähenemisen, kun kasvuympäristö vaihdettiin 2D-ympäristöstä 3D-ympäristöön. Koska surviviinin väheneminen on normaali tapahtuma aikuisissa kudoksissa, voitiin todeta, että 3D-ympäristössä kasvatetut solut ovat lähempänä luonnonmukaista olotilaa kuin 2D-ympäristössä kasvaneet. Src-onkogeeni sai aikaan soluliitosten hajoamisen, mutta ei vähentänyt E-kadheriinin ilmentymistä. Tutkimuksen viimeinen osa keskittyi surviviinin ilmentymistä säätelevien tekijöiden analysoimiseen ja surviviinin merkitykseen solujen eloonjäämiselle. 3D-ympäristössä kasvaneet MDCK-solut eivät kärsineet apoptoosista edellyttäen, että solut pysyivät kosketuksissa soluväliaineeseen. Jos solut irtautuivat soluväliaineesta, ne päätyivät herkemmin apoptoosiin kuin surviviinia ilmentävät ts-Src MDCK-solut. Mikäli solujen väliset liitokset pakotettiin avautumaan, solut joutuivat apoptoosiin, vaikka ne olivat kosketuksissa soluväliaineeseen. Yhteenvetona nämä tulokset korostavat solujen kontaktien merkitystä: MDCK-solut tarvitsevat soluväliainekontakteja erilaistumiseen ja solujen välisiä kontakteja välttyäkseen apoptoosilta

    MDCK cells are capable of water secretion and re-absorption in response to changes in the ionic environment

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    A prerequisite for tissue electrolyte homeostasis is highly regulated ion and water transport through kidney or intestinal epithelia. In the present work, we have monitored changes in the cell and luminal volumes of type II Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells grown in a 3D environment in response to drugs, or to changes in the composition of the basal extracellular fluid. Using fluorescent markers and high-resolution spinning disc confocal microscopy, we could show that lack of sodium and potassium ions in the basal fluid (tetramethylammonium chloride (TMACl) buffer) induces a rapid increase in the cell and luminal volumes. This transepithelial water flow could be regulated by inhibitors and agonists of chloride channels. Hence, the driving force for the transepithelial water flow is chloride secretion, stimulated by hyperpolarization. Chloride ion depletion of the basal fluid (using sodium gluconate buffer) induces a strong reduction in the lumen size, indicating re-absorption of water from the lumen to the basal side. Lumen size also decreased following depolarization of the cell interior by rendering the membrane permeable to potassium. Hence, MDCK cells are capable of both absorption and secretion of chloride ions and water; negative potential within the lumen supports secretion, while depolarizing conditions promote re-absorption.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    The Density and Length of Filopodia Associate with the Activity of Hyaluronan Synthesis in Tumor Cells

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    Filopodia are multifunctional finger-like plasma membrane protrusions with bundles of actin filaments that exist in virtually all cell types. It has been known for some time that hyaluronan synthesis activity induces filopodial growth. However, because of technical challenges in the studies of these slender and fragile structures, no quantitative analyses have been performed so far to indicate their association with hyaluronan synthesis. In this work we comprehensively address the direct quantification of filopodial traits, covering for the first time length and density measurements in a series of human cancer cell lines with variable levels of hyaluronan synthesis. The synthesis and plasma membrane binding of hyaluronan were manipulated with hyaluronan synthase 3 (HAS3) and hyaluronan receptor CD44 overexpression, and treatments with mannose, 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU), and glucosamine. The results of this work show that the growth of filopodia was associated with the levels of hyaluronan synthesis but was not dependent on CD44 expression. The results confirm the hypothesis that abundance and length of filopodia in cancer cells is associated with the activity of hyaluronan synthesis

    Fatty Acid Fingerprints and Hyaluronic Acid in Extracellular Vesicles from Proliferating Human Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) function as conveyors of fatty acids (FAs) and other bioactive lipids and can modulate the gene expression and behavior of target cells. EV lipid composition influences the fluidity and stability of EV membranes and reflects the availability of lipid mediator precursors. Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs) secrete EVs that transport hyaluronic acid (HA). FLSs play a central role in inflammation, pannus formation, and cartilage degradation in joint diseases, and EVs have recently emerged as potential mediators of these effects. The aim of the present study was to follow temporal changes in HA and EV secretion by normal FLSs, and to characterize the FA profiles of FLSs and EVs during proliferation. The methods used included nanoparticle tracking analysis, confocal laser scanning microscopy, sandwich-type enzyme-linked sorbent assay, quantitative PCR, and gas chromatography. The expression of hyaluronan synthases 1–3 in FLSs and HA concentrations in conditioned media decreased during cell proliferation. This was associated with elevated proportions of 20:4n-6 and total n-6 polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) in high-density cells, reductions in n-3/n-6 PUFA ratios, and up-regulation of cluster of differentiation 44, tumor necrosis factor α, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-α, and PPAR-γ. Compared to the parent FLSs, 16:0, 18:0, and 18:1n-9 were enriched in the EV fraction. EV counts decreased during cell growth, and 18:2n-6 in EVs correlated with the cell count. To conclude, FLS proliferation was featured by increased 20:4n-6 proportions and reduced n-3/n-6 PUFA ratios, and FAs with a low degree of unsaturation were selectively transferred from FLSs into EVs. These FA modifications have the potential to affect membrane fluidity, biosynthesis of lipid mediators, and inflammatory processes in joints, and could eventually provide tools for translational studies to counteract cartilage degradation in inflammatory joint diseases

    CD44s Assembles Hyaluronan Coat on Filopodia and Extracellular Vesicles and Induces Tumorigenicity of MKN74 Gastric Carcinoma Cells

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    CD44 is a multifunctional adhesion molecule typically upregulated in malignant, inflamed and injured tissues. Due to its ability to bind multiple ligands present in the tumor microenvironment, it promotes multiple cellular functions related to tumorigenesis. Recent data has shown that CD44 and its principal ligand hyaluronan (HA) are carried by extracellular vesicles (EV) derived from stem and tumor cells, but the role of CD44 in EV shedding has not been studied so far. To answer this question, we utilized CD44-negative human gastric carcinoma cell line MKN74 manipulated to stably express CD44 standard form (CD44s). The effect of CD44s expression on HA metabolism, EV secretion, morphology and growth of these cells was studied. Interestingly, HAS2 and HYAL2 expression levels were significantly upregulated in CD44s-expressing cells. Cell-associated HA levels were significantly increased, while HA levels in the culture medium of CD44s-positive cells was lower compared to CD44s-negative MOCK cells. CD44s expression had no significant effect on the proliferation capacity of cells, but cells showed diminished contact inhibition. Superresolution imaging revealed that CD44s and HA were accumulated on filopodia and EVs secreted from CD44s-positive cells, but no differences in total numbers of secreted EV between CD44s-negative and -positive cells was detected. In 3D cultures, CD44s-expressing cells had an enhanced invasion capacity in BME gel and increased spheroidal growth when cultured in collagen I gel. No significant differences in mitotic activity, tumor size or morphology were detected in CAM assays. However, a significant increase in HA staining coverage was detected in CD44s-positive tumors. Interestingly, CD44s-positive EVs embedded in HA-rich matrix were detected in the stromal areas of tumors. The results indicate that CD44s expression significantly increases the HA binding capacity of gastric cancer cells, while the secreted HA is downregulated. CD44s is also carried by EVs secreted by CD44s-expressing cells. These findings highlight the potential usefulness of CD44s and its ligands as multipurpose EV biomarkers, because they are upregulated in inflammatory, injured, and cancer cells and accumulate on the surface of EVs secreted in these situations