1,851 research outputs found

    Neutrino mass hierarchy and precision physics with medium-baseline reactors: Impact of energy-scale and flux-shape uncertainties

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    Nuclear reactors provide intense sources of electron antineutrinos, characterized by few-MeV energy E and unoscillated spectral shape Phi(E). High-statistics observations of reactor neutrino oscillations over medium-baseline distances L ~ O(50) km would provide unprecedented opportunities to probe both the long-wavelength mass-mixing parameters (delta m^2 and theta_12) and the short-wavelength ones (Delta m^2 and theta_13), together with the subtle interference effects associated with the neutrino mass hierarchy (either normal or inverted). In a given experimental setting - here taken as in the JUNO project for definiteness - the achievable hierarchy sensitivity and parameter accuracy depend not only on the accumulated statistics but also on systematic uncertainties, which include (but are not limited to) the mass-mixing priors and the normalizations of signals and backgrounds. We examine, in addition, the effect of introducing smooth deformations of the detector energy scale, E -> E'(E), and of the reactor flux shape, Phi(E) -> Phi'(E), within reasonable error bands inspired by state-of-the-art estimates. It turns out that energy-scale and flux-shape systematics can noticeably affect the performance of a JUNO-like experiment, both on the hierarchy discrimination and on precision oscillation physics. It is shown that a significant reduction of the assumed energy-scale and flux-shape uncertainties (by, say, a factor of 2) would be highly beneficial to the physics program of medium-baseline reactor projects. Our results also shed some light on the role of the inverse-beta decay threshold, of geoneutrino backgrounds, and of matter effects in the analysis of future reactor oscillation data.Comment: 13 pages, including 17 figures. Minor changes in the text, references added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Joint short- and long-baseline constraints on light sterile neutrinos

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    Recent studies provide evidence that long-baseline (LBL) experiments are sensitive to the extra CP phases involved with light sterile neutrinos, whose existence is suggested by several anomalous short-baseline (SBL) results. We show that, within the 3+1 scheme, the combination of the existing SBL data with the LBL results coming from the two currently running experiments, NO\u3bdA and T2K, enables us to simultaneously constrain two active-sterile mixing angles, \u3b814 and \u3b824, and two CP phases, \u3b413 61\u3b4 and \u3b414, although the information on the second CP phase is still weak. The two mixing angles are basically determined by the SBL data, while the two CP phases are constrained by the LBL experiments, once the information coming from the SBL setups is taken into account. We also assess the robustness or fragility of the estimates of the standard 3-flavor parameters in the more general 3+1 scheme. To this regard we find that (i) the indication of CP violation found in the 3-flavor analyses persists also in the 3+1 scheme, with \u3b413 61\u3b4 having still its best-fit value around 12\u3c0/2, (ii) the 3-flavor weak hint in favor of the normal hierarchy becomes even less significant when sterile neutrinos come into play, (iii) the weak indication of nonmaximal \u3b823 (driven by NO\u3bdA disappearance data) persists in the 3+1 scheme, where maximal mixing is disfavored at almost the 90% C.L. in both normal and inverted mass hierarchy, and (iv) the preference in favor of one of the two octants of \u3b823 found in the 3-flavor framework (higher octant for inverted mass hierarchy) is completely washed out in the 3+1 scheme

    Neutrino masses and mixings: Status of known and unknown 3ν3\nu parameters

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    Within the standard 3nu mass-mixing framework, we present an up-to-date global analysis of neutrino oscillation data (as of January 2016), including the latest available results from experiments with atmospheric neutrinos (Super-Kamiokande and IceCube DeepCore), at accelerators (first T2K anti-nu and NOvA nu runs in both appearance and disappearance mode), and at short-baseline reactors (Daya Bay and RENO far/near spectral ratios), as well as a reanalysis of older KamLAND data in the light of the "bump" feature recently observed in reactor spectra. We discuss improved constraints on the five known oscillation parameters (delta m^2, |Delta m^2|, sin^2theta_12, sin^2theta_13, sin^2theta_23), and the status of the three remaining unknown parameters: the mass hierarchy, the theta_23 octant, and the possible CP-violating phase delta. With respect to previous global fits, we find that the reanalysis of KamLAND data induces a slight decrease of both delta m^2 and sin^2theta_12, while the latest accelerator and atmospheric data induce a slight increase of |Delta m^2|. Concerning the unknown parameters, we confirm the previous intriguing preference for negative values of sin(delta) [with best-fit values around sin(delta) ~ -0.9], but we find no statistically significant indication about the theta_23 octant or the mass hierarchy (normal or inverted). Assuming an alternative (so-called LEM) analysis of NOvA data, some delta ranges can be excluded at >3 sigma, and the normal mass hierarchy appears to be slightly favored at 90% C.L. We also describe in detail the covariances of selected pairs of oscillation parameters. Finally, we briefly discuss the implications of the above results on the three non-oscillation observables sensitive to the (unknown) absolute nu mass scale: the sum of nu masses, the effective nu_e mass, and the effective Majorana mass.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Invited contribution prepared for the Nuclear Physics B Special Issue on "Neutrino Oscillations" celebrating the Nobel Prize in Physics 201

    Status of three-neutrino oscillation parameters, circa 2013

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    The standard three-neutrino (3nu) oscillation framework is being increasingly refined by results coming from different sets of experiments, using neutrinos from solar, atmospheric, accelerator and reactor sources. At present, each of the known oscillation parameters [the two squared mass gaps (delta m^2, Delta m^2) and the three mixing angles (theta_12}, theta_13, theta_23)] is dominantly determined by a single class of experiments. Conversely, the unknown parameters [the mass hierarchy, the theta_23 octant and the CP-violating phase delta] can be currently constrained only through a combined analysis of various (eventually all) classes of experiments. In the light of recent new results coming from reactor and accelerator experiments, and of their interplay with solar and atmospheric data, we update the estimated N-sigma ranges of the known 3nu parameters, and revisit the status of the unknown ones. Concerning the hierarchy, no significant difference emerges between normal and inverted mass ordering. A slight overall preference is found for theta_23 in the first octant and for nonzero CP violation with sin delta < 0; however, for both parameters, such preference exceeds 1 sigma only for normal hierarchy. We also discuss the correlations and stability of the oscillation parameters within different combinations of data sets.Comment: Updated and revised version, accepted for publication in PRD. The analysis includes the latest (March 2014) T2K disappearance data: all the figures and the numerical results have been updated, and parts of the text have been revised accordingl

    Current unknowns in the three-neutrino framework

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    We present an up-to-date global analysis of data coming from neutrino oscillation and non-oscillation experiments, as available in April 2018, within the standard framework including three massive and mixed neutrinos. We discuss in detail the status of the three-neutrino (3ν) mass-mixing parameters, both known and unknown. Concerning the latter, we find that: normal ordering (NO) is favored over inverted ordering (IO) at 3σ level; the Dirac CP phase is constrained within ∼15% (∼9%) uncertainty in NO (IO) around nearly-maximal CP-violating values; the octant of the largest mixing angle and the absolute neutrino masses remain undetermined. We briefly comment on other unknowns related to theoretical and experimental uncertainties (within 3ν) or possible new states and interactions (beyond 3ν)

    Studies on the Biosynthesis of Psoralen and Bergapten in the Leaves of Ficus carica

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    With the aim of studying the biosynthesis of psoralen and bergapten, two furocoumarins present in the leaves of "Ficus carica" (Moraceae), the Authors, continuing preceding researchs on this topic, have fed the leaves with the following labelled precursors: 4′,5′-dihydropsoralen, 4′,5′-dihydrobergapten, 7-hydroxycoumarin, 5,7-dihydroxycoumarin and 5-methoxy-7-hydroxycoumarin. The results obtained indicate that all these substances are certain biogenetic precursors for psoralen and bergapten. On the basis of the results obtained the biosynthetic pathway of furocoumarins seems to involve first of all the formation of a coumarinic derivative 7-hydroxylated, then an isoprenylation reaction which leads to the formation of the hydrogenated furan ring, finally dehydrogenation of the 4′,5′-dihydrofurocoumarins to psoralen and bergapten

    Global fits to neutrino oscillations: status and prospects

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    In this work we review our present knowledge of the neutrino oscillation parameters. In a threeneutrino framework, neutrino oscillations depend on six parameters, two squared mass differences (Δm2,δm2), three mixing angles (θ12, θ13, θ23) and one phase δ. Five out of these six parameters have been measured by a number of experiments and only the CP-violating phase δ remains unknown. Moreover, the octant of the mixing angle θ23 and the neutrino mass hierarchy are still undetermined. We update our previous 2014 analysis, by adding to the global fit the recent results of the antineutrino running of T2K and the first results of the NOvA experiment

    Lateral stress evolution in chromium sulfide cermets with varying excess chromium

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    The shock response of chromium sulfide-chromium, a cermet of potential interest as a matrix material for ballistic applications, has been investigated at two molar ratios. Using a combustion synthesis technique allowed for control of the molar ratio of the material, which was investigated under near-stoichiometric (cermet) and excess chromium (interpenetrating composite) conditions, representing chromium:sulfur molar ratios of 1.15:1 and 4:1, respectively. The compacts were investigated via the plate-impact technique, which allowed the material to be loaded under a onedimensional state of strain. Embedded manganin stress gauges were employed to monitor the temporal evolution of longitudinal and lateral components of stress in both materials. Comparison of these two components has allowed assessment of the variation of material shear strength both with impact pressure/strain-rate and time for the two molar ratio conditions. The two materials exhibited identical material strength despite variations in their excess chromium content

    Studies on the Biosynthesis of Some Furocoumarins Present in Ruta graveolens

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    The biosynthesis of some furocoumarins present in Ruta graveolens has been studied administering labeled psoralen, xanthotoxin, rutaretin, marmesin and 7-hydroxycoumarin-derivatives. The results obtained indicate that the biosynthetic pathway involves not only psoralen, but also xanthotoxin and bergapten, by means of methoxylation or demethoxylation reactions. Moreover results achieved from administering rutaretin demonstrate that this substance is a new very effective natural precursor for xanthotoxin; in a parallel way marmesin is incorporated into psoralen. The reported results indicate that also at the stage of natural 4′,5′-dihydrofurocoumarins intermediates an interconversion can occur. Finally the essential role of umbelliferone in the biosynthesis of furocoumarins has been confirmed

    Neutrino Oscillation Physics

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    Comment: LaTex, 11 pages, 1 figure; Complementary to lectures given at ISAPP 2011 and ESHEP 201
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