110 research outputs found

    Psychological and psychopathological sequelae in cardiovascular acute disease

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    The burden of mental illness is profound and growing. Each year, almost one in three adults in the non-institutionalized community has a diagnosable mental or addictive disorder, and this figure climbs to approximately 40% among emergency departments patients. We described the principal cardiovascular acute disease and their emotional and behavioral consequences where psychological intervention could improve the care pathway and clinical outcome. Peer-reviewed articles from Medline, Psycinfo, Web of Science, Scopus, and Cochrane library, about psychological and psychopathological sequelae in cardiovascular acute disease were searched. The psychological and psychopathological sequelae associated to stroke include emotional and behavioral changes and cognitive impairment. Fear, symptoms of depression, anxiety or specific post-traumatic symptoms like intrusions, hyper-arousal and/or cognitive avoidance are common in people suffering of cardiovascular acute disease treated at emergency departments. In emergency departments, health personnel must recognize psychological and psychopathological sequelae in cardiovascular acute disease in order to develop effective interventions for these patients. Identify factors that are associated with both psychological distress and physical distress and promote interventions aimed at reducing psychological distress and improving psychological health empowerment is an important element to consider in order to offer the best care to vulnerable population as that suffering of cardiovascular acute disease

    Electronic cigarettes for smokers with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    Tobacco use is the greatest threat to public health worldwide, killing more than seven million people annually. Globally, people with schizophrenia smoke disproportionately more than the general population and those with other mental illnesses. Consequently, they carry the burden of smoking-attributable morbidity and premature mortality. The risk of serious disease diminishes rapidly after stopping smoking and life-long abstinence is known to reduce the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, chronic lung disease and other cancers.This research involved three novel contributions to the literature. First, a qualitative study was conducted with 30 current smokers with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, some motivated to stop smoking and others with no intention to quit. This study explored their views regarding traditional cigarettes compared with e-cigarettes and licensed cessation aids or e-cigarettes for smoking cessation or smoking reduction. In interviews, about half of participants (16 of 30) reported an interest in using e-cigarettes to quit or reduce smoking. Of these, four were from the less motivated group, suggesting that e-cigarettes may appeal to schizophrenic smokers not currently considering cessation.Secondly, a quantitative, prospective single-arm pilot study was conducted that investigated the role of e-cigarettes in smoking cessation or reduction for smokers with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Forty smokers were recruited and 37 of these completed the study. Sixteen participants were CO verified as abstinent from smoking at the end of the study (40%) and 21 (52.5%) significantly reduced their cigarette consumption. The e-cigarette and study procedures were deemed feasible and acceptable to participants. Some adverse events were noted but were rare. Finally, building on these earlier studies, a full protocol for a large multicenter randomised controlled study with long term follow-up was prepared. This protocol could guide the development of a research proposal for a future trial

    Common predictors of smoking cessation in clinical practice

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    SummaryAlthough smoking cessation is clearly beneficial, many smokers respond poorly to smoking cessation efforts with rather disappointing overall success rate of long-term abstinence. The perceived lack of effectiveness of smoking cessation may well influence how physicians set their priorities with regard to an effective use of their consultation time. Negative beliefs and attitudes can be resolved by advancing the general understanding of the natural history of quitting, by making sensible use of smoking cessation services, and by being aware of the correct use of drugs for nicotine dependence when prescribed. In particular, a better understanding of predictors of success in smoking cessation can help physicians in id entifying smokers who stand a fair chance of quitting. The purpose of the present article is to review those predictors of smoking cessation that can be of help in routine clinical consultation

    I crimini nelle sette sataniche: un’analisi “sistemica” della scena del crimine

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    Le fondamenta di ogni attivitĂ  investigativa relativa ad un delitto si trovano nell’analisi della scena del crimine ovvero nel sopralluogo. E’ da lĂŹ che si parte con le indagini ed Ăš lĂŹ che, eccetto casi particolari, si nascondono i dettagli che possono contribuire all’individuazione dell’autore del reato. L’obiettivo di questa trattazione Ăš quello di porre in evidenza la necessitĂ  di adottare una prospettiva diversa nell’analisi della scena del crimine, specie per quanto riguarda i crimini di stampo occultista. Bisogna necessariamente abbandonare ogni tipo di analisi che tenda a scomporre gli eventi e gli elementi presenti sulla scena del crimine e adottare una prospettiva che unisca, che guardi al tutto per comprenderne le parti, una prospettiva, dunque, di tipo sistemico. Les bases de chaque enquĂȘte criminelle sont dans l’analyse de la scĂšne de crime, c’est-Ă -dire l’inspection. L’objectif de cet article est de mettre en Ă©vidence la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’adopter une perspective diffĂ©rente pour analyser la scĂšne du crime, en particulier pour des crimes liĂ©s aux sectes sataniques. Dans ces cas, il est nĂ©cessaire d’abandonner toutes les analyses qui visent Ă  morceler les Ă©vĂ©nements et les Ă©lĂ©ments de la scĂšne de crime. En revanche, il faut adopter une perspective systĂ©mique qui examine le tout et les parties en les considĂ©rant dans leur ensemble. The first step in any background investigation related to a crime may be found in crime scene analysis, or rather in the inspection. The goal of this article is to highlight the need to adopt a different approach in crime scene analysis particularly for crimes linked to satanic cults. In these cases, we need to give up any analysis aimed at breaking up all the events and elements of the crime scene; a systemic perspective looking at all parts must be adopted in order to combine them and to understand each of these

    Well-being and harm reduction, the consolidated reality of electronic cigarettes ten years later from this emerging phenomenon: A narrative review

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    Tobacco use is the greatest threat to public health worldwide, killing more than seven million people annually. This paper, about 10 years after the first review on electronic cigarettes, analyses the evolution that this tool has had in these years. It concludes with comments on the significance of the research and why it constitutes an original contribution. We searched PubMed (National Library of Medicine), and PsycINFO (Ovid) (2006-2020) for studies on e-cigarettes (harms and benefits, e-cigarette use, craving and smoking cessation) and smoking cessation treatment (smoking cessation treatment or varenicline or tobacco cessation or reduction or bupropion or NRT or behavioral treatment or ecigarette) and evidence suggests that they may effective as smoking cessation tool and may be less harmful alternatives to combustible cigarette smoking. Consequently, e-cigarettes could be considered as an applicable instrument for Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) and smoking cessation

    Efficacy of smoking cessation with varenicline plus counselling for e-cigarettes users (VAREVAPE): A protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Tobacco smoking is a global pandemic that poses substantial health burdens and costs. With nearly six million deaths annually, smoking is the single most important cause of avoidable premature mortality in the world, mainly from lung cancer, coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and stroke. Smoking is a very difficult addiction to break, even for those with a strong desire to quit. Electronic cigarettes are an attractive long-term alternative source of nicotine to conventional cigarettes because of their many similarities with smoking. Electronic cigarette users report buying them to reduce cigarette consumption, to relieve tobacco withdrawal symptoms, to quit, and to continue having a ‘smoking’ experience, but with reduced health risks. Actually, there aren't antismoking treatments for people who smoke only electronic cigarette (single users) or electronic cigarette and classic cigarette (dual users). There isn't any specific information on the efficacy and safety of new pharmacological support for electronic cigarette users. We propose that smoking cessation with varenicline plus counselling delivered to electronic cigarette users could be associated with similar smoking abstinence rates compared to the results obtained in the general population. Herein, we describe the methodology of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, of 24 weeks duration, that examines the efficacy of varenicline (1 mg BID - for 12 weeks) plus counselling compared to matched placebo (1 mg BID - for 12 weeks) plus counselling

    Erratum to: Analysis of E-cigarette use in the 2014 Eurobarometer survey: calling out deficiencies in epidemiology methods

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    The article Analysis of E-cigarette use in the 2014 Eurobarometer survey: calling out deficiencies in epidemiology methods, written by Riccardo Polosa, Pasquale Caponnetto, Ray Niaura, David Abrams, was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal (currently SpringerLink) on May 5, 2017 without open access

    Approved and emerging smoking cessation treatments for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A narrative review

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    This review focuses on smoking cessation treatments for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. It concludes with comments on the significance of the research and why it constitutes an original contribution. We searched PubMed (National Library of Medicine), and PsycINFO (Ovid) (2006-2020) for studies on schizophrenic disorder (schizophrenia or psychotic or psychosis or severe mental illness) and smoking cessation treatment (smoking cessation treatment or varenicline or tobacco cessation or reduction or bupropion or NRT or behavioral treatment or e-cigarette). Studies found evidence suggesting that pharmacotherapy combined with behavioural therapy for smoking cessation is effective amongst smokers with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, although more long-term research is required. This review summarised and critically reviewed also studies on vaping as a smoking cessation strategy for smokers with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and evidence suggests that they may effective as smoking cessation tool and may be less harmful alternatives to combustible cigarette smoking. Consequently, e-cigarettes could be considered as an applicable instrument for Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) and smoking cessation. Overall, there are very few studies of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation in patients with schizophrenia and these studies are very small. They have promising results, but more research is needed

    Analysis of E-cigarette use in the 2014 Eurobarometer survey: calling out deficiencies in epidemiology methods

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    First paragraph: Smoking is a difficult addiction to break with many smokers persisting in tobacco use for numerous years, and typically cycling through multiple periods of remission and relapse. Yet, while smoking cessation may be the most desirable final outcome, substitution of conventional cigarettes by alternative non-combusted forms of nicotine delivery, such as electronic cigarettes (ECs), is now a realistic compromise that is likely to eliminate or substantially reduce exposure to tobacco smoke toxicants

    Tobacco smoking, related harm and motivation to quit smoking in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    This narrative review focuses on the topic of tobacco smoking amongst people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. We searched PubMed, PsycInfo and Scopus databases for schizophrenia spectrum disorders and smoking and included articles about the epidemiology of tobacco smoking in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, examining the relationship between smoking and mental health. This narrative review describes that a higher prevalence, frequency and impact of both high nicotine dependence and its harmful effects in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders compared with those in the general population. Despite several existent theories, the reasons for high smoking rates, the high dependence on nicotine and severity of nicotine withdrawal symptoms are not fully understood. The main aim of this paper is to inform mental health personnel and particularly clinical and health psychologists about the impact and role of tobacco smoking for smokers with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
