110 research outputs found

    Solid phases and pairing in a mixture of polar molecules and atoms

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    We consider a mixture of hard core bosonic polar molecules, interacting via repulsive dipole-dipole interaction, and one atomic bosonic species. The mixture is confined on a two-dimensional square lattice and, at low enough temperatures, can be described by the two-component Bose-Hubbard model. The latter displays a extremely rich phase diagram including solid, superfluid, supersolid phases. Here we mainly focus on the checkerboard molecular solid, stabilized by the long range dipolar interaction, and study how the presence of atoms affects its robustness both at zero and finite temperature. We find that, due to atom-molecule interaction, solid phases can be stabilized at both, (much) lower strengths of dipolar interaction and higher temperatures, than when no atoms are present. As a byproduct, atoms also order in a solid phase with same melting temperatures as for molecules. Finally, we find that for large enough interaction between atoms and molecules a paired supersolid phase can be stabilized.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Equilibrium phases of dipolar lattice bosons in the presence of random diagonal disorder

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    Ultracold gases offer an unprecedented opportunity to engineer disorder and interactions in a controlled manner. In an effort to understand the interplay between disorder, dipolar interaction and quantum degeneracy, we study two-dimensional hard-core dipolar lattice bosons in the presence of on-site bound disorder. Our results are based on large-scale path-integral quantum Monte Carlo simulations by the Worm algorithm. We study the ground state phase diagram at fixed half-integer filling factor for which the clean system is either a superfluid at lower dipolar interaction strength or a checkerboard solid at larger dipolar interaction strength. We find that, even for weak dipolar interaction, superfluidity is destroyed in favor of a Bose glass at relatively low disorder strength. Interestingly, in the presence of disorder, superfluidity persists for values of dipolar interaction strength for which the clean system is a checkerboard solid. At fixed disorder strength, as the dipolar interaction is increased, superfluidity is destroyed in favor of a Bose glass. As the interaction is further increased, the system eventually develops extended checkerboard patterns in the density distribution. Due to the presence of disorder, though, grain boundaries and defects, responsible for a finite residual compressibility, are present in the density distribution. Finally, we study the robustness of the superfluid phase against thermal fluctuations

    Phase diagram and thermodynamics of the three-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model

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    We report results of quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the Bose-Hubbard model in three dimensions. Critical parameters for the superfluid-to-Mott-insulator transition are determined with significantly higher accuracy than it has been done in the past. In particular, the position of the critical point at filling factor n=1 is found to be at (U/t)_c = 29.34(2), and the insulating gap Delta is measured with accuracy of a few percent of the hopping amplitude t. We obtain the effective mass of particle and hole excitations in the insulating state--with explicit demonstration of the emerging particle-hole symmetry and relativistic dispersion law at the transition tip--along with the sound velocity in the strongly correlated superfluid phase. These parameters are the necessary ingredients to perform analytic estimates of the low temperature (T << Delta) thermodynamics in macroscopic samples. We present accurate thermodynamic curves, including these for specific heat and entropy, for typical insulating (U/t=40) and superfluid (t/U=0.0385) phases. Our data can serve as a basis for accurate experimental thermometry, and a guide for appropriate initial conditions if one attempts to use interacting bosons in quantum information processing.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Thermometry of bosonic mixtures in Optical Lattices via Demixing

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    Motivated by recent experiments and theoretical investigations on binary mixtures, we investigate the miscible-immiscible transition at finite temperature by means of Quantum Monte Carlo. Based on the observation that the segregated phase is strongly affected by temperature, we propose to use the degree of demixing for thermometry of a binary bosonic mixture trapped in an optical lattice. We show that the proposed method is especially sensitive at low temperatures, of the order of the tunnelling amplitude, and therefore is particularly suitable in the regime where quantum magnetism is expected.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Supplemental Materia

    Mott Insulator to Superfluid transition in Bose-Bose mixtures in a two-dimensional lattice

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    We perform a numeric study (Worm algorithm Monte Carlo simulations) of ultracold two-component bosons in two-dimensional optical lattices. We study how the Mott insulator to superfluid transition is affected by the presence of a second superfluid bosonic species. We find that, at fixed interspecies interaction, the upper and lower boundaries of the Mott lobe are differently modified. The lower boundary is strongly renormalized even for relatively low filling factor of the second component and moderate (interspecies) interaction. The upper boundary, instead, is affected only for large enough filling of the second component. Whereas boundaries are renormalized we find evidence of polaron-like excitations. Our results are of interest for current experimental setups.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted as PRA Rapid Communicatio

    Critical entropies for magnetic ordering in bosonic mixtures on a lattice

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    We perform a numeric study (worm algorithm Monte Carlo simulations) of ultracold two-component bosons in two- and three-dimensional optical lattices. At strong enough interactions and low enough temperatures the system features magnetic ordering. We compute critical temperatures and entropies for the disappearance of the Ising antiferromagnetic and the xy-ferromagnetic order and find that the largest possible entropies per particle are ~0.5kB. We also estimate (optimistically) the experimental hold times required to reach equilibrium magnetic states to be on a scale of seconds. Low critical entropies and long hold times render the experimental observations of magnetic phases challenging and call for increased control over heating sources.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Equilibrium Phases of Tilted Dipolar Lattice Bosons

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    The recent advances in creating nearly degenerate quantum dipolar gases in optical lattices are opening the doors for the exploration of equilibrium physics of quantum systems with anisotropic and long-range dipolar interactions. In this paper we study the zero- and finite-temperature phase diagrams of a system of hard-core dipolar bosons at half-filling, trapped in a two-dimensional optical lattice. The dipoles are aligned parallel to one another and tilted out of the optical lattice plane by means of an external electric field. At zero-temperature, the system is a superfluid at all tilt angles θ\theta provided that the strength of dipolar interaction is below a critical value Vc(θ)V_c(\theta). Upon increasing the interaction strength while keeping θ\theta fixed, the superfluid phase is destabilized in favor of a checkerboard or a stripe solid depending on the tilt angle. We explore the nature of the phase transition between the two solid phases and find evidence of a micro-emulsion phase, following the Spivak-Kivelson scenario, separating these two solid phases. Additionally, we study the stability of these quantum phases against thermal fluctuations and find that the stripe solid is the most robust, making it the best candidate for experimental observation.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum phases of hard-core dipolar bosons in coupled one-dimensional optical lattices

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    Hard-core dipolar bosons trapped in a parallel stack of N ≥ 2 one-dimensional optical lattices (tubes) can develop several phases made of composites of particles from different tubes: superfluids, supercounterfluids, and insulators as well as mixtures of those. Bosonization analysis shows that these phases are thresholdless with respect to the dipolar interaction, with the key “control knob” being filling factors in each tube, provided the intertube tunneling is suppressed. The effective ab initio quantum Monte Carlo algorithm capturing these phases is introduced and some results are presented.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-0855217)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-0958379)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ACI-1126113
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