65 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal variability in Mediterranean rocky shore microphytobenthos

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    Knowledge of spatio-temporal variability of assemblages is the first step in identifying key factors affecting the abundance and distribution of organisms. Despite a long history of ecological studies on rocky intertidal habitats, there is still a lack of basic knowledge about the microphytobenthic components. We investigated the spatio-temporal variability of microphytobenthos in the northwest Mediterranean at multiple scales, including both seasonal and daily observations, as well as its composition. Spatial variability of microphytobenthic biomass varied significantly with season, with an increase in small-scale variance from cold to warm periods. Furthermore, during warmer months, small-scale variances (tens to hundreds of centimeters) were larger than large-scale components (tens to thousands of meters). These results suggest large spatiotemporal variation in the processes driving variation in microphytobenthic assemblages, including interactive effects among stressful abiotic conditions, substratum topography and grazing. In addition, observed variability on a daily scale suggested that microphytobenthos at the study site (dominated by cyanobacteria) might cope with stressful environmental conditions through both physiological and behavioral strategies at micro-spatial scales, including small movements within the substratum. Additional research on ecological and physiological aspects of rocky shore microphytobenthos is needed to better understand its role within interaction webs and primary productivity processes

    Hippocampal pyramidal cells: the reemergence of cortical lamination

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    The increasing resolution of tract-tracing studies has led to the definition of segments along the transverse axis of the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer, which may represent functionally defined elements. This review will summarize evidence for a morphological and functional differentiation of pyramidal cells along the radial (deep to superficial) axis of the cell layer. In many species, deep and superficial sublayers can be identified histologically throughout large parts of the septotemporal extent of the hippocampus. Neurons in these sublayers are generated during different periods of development. During development, deep and superficial cells express genes (Sox5, SatB2) that also specify the phenotypes of superficial and deep cells in the neocortex. Deep and superficial cells differ neurochemically (e.g. calbindin and zinc) and in their adult gene expression patterns. These markers also distinguish sublayers in the septal hippocampus, where they are not readily apparent histologically in rat or mouse. Deep and superficial pyramidal cells differ in septal, striatal, and neocortical efferent connections. Distributions of deep and superficial pyramidal cell dendrites and studies in reeler or sparsely GFP-expressing mice indicate that this also applies to afferent pathways. Histological, neurochemical, and connective differences between deep and superficial neurons may correlate with (patho-) physiological phenomena specific to pyramidal cells at different radial locations. We feel that an appreciation of radial subdivisions in the pyramidal cell layer reminiscent of lamination in other cortical areas may be critical in the interpretation of studies of hippocampal anatomy and function

    Alterações nas reservas de sementes de Dalbergia nigra ((Vell.) Fr. All. ex Benth.) durante a hidratação

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    Seed imbibitions is the first stage of the germination process and is characterized by the hydration of tissues and cells and the activation and/or induction of the enzymes responsible for mobilizing reserves for respiration and the construction of new cell structures. The objective of this study was to investigate the alterations in reserve substances during slow hydration of Bahia Rosewood (Dalbergia nigra) seeds in water. Seeds from two different lots (Lot I and II) were placed in saturated desiccators (95-99% RH) to hydrate at 15 and 25 °C until water contents of 10, 15, 20 and 25% were reached. At each level of hydration, changes in lipid reserves, soluble carbohydrates, starch and soluble proteins were evaluated. The mobilization of reserves was similarly assessed in both lots, with no differences being observed between the two hydration temperatures. Lipid contents showed little variation during hydration, while the contents of soluble carbohydrates and starch decreased after the 15% water content level. Soluble proteins showed a gradual tendency to decrease between the control (dry seeds) up to 25% water content

    Implementation and Analysis of DEVS Activity-Tracking with DEVSimPy

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    This paper deals with the implementation of Activity-Tracking (AT) paradigm in the DEVSimPy environment. DEVSimPy has been developed at the SPE UMR CNRS6134 (University of Corsica) in order to facilitate the modeling and the simulation of discrete-event systems described with the DEVS formalism. The AT paradigm is increasingly being used by DEVS modelers for example to improve structural aspects of models (modeling level) or to make simulation more efficient using distributed or parallel algorithm (simulation level). Although DEVSimPy can be used as a software providing some features reusable for the implementation of AT paradigm (simulation profiling or step-by-step simulation), the object oriented way used to develop DEVSimPy makes it a powerful tool to implement AT paradigm in a generic manner. DEVSimPy may be viewed as an experimental framework allowing the implementation of new AT techniques while opening up new perspectives in the field of activity modeling and simulation theory

    Il Ragioniere Generale dello Stato fra il XIX e XX secolo

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    La ricerca condotta si è focalizzata sul cambiamento del ruolo e delle attribuzioni del Ragioniere Generale delle Stato all’interno dell’amministrazione economico-finanziaria dal primo periodo post-unitario fino ai primi decenni del’900. Le direttrici principali sulle quali si è incentrata l’indagine, hanno riguardano due filoni principali: il primo filone ha esaminato il sorgere, l’evoluzione ed il cambiamento della “funzione di ragioniere” all’interno della Ragioneria generale dello Stato a seguito delle diverse correnti dottrinali e dei vari provvedimenti legislativi che ne hanno, nel tempo modificato, gli assetti organizzativi, le attribuzioni e la pozione all’interno dell’impianto ministeriale dello Stato. Tra essi assume rilievo l’atto n.5026 del 22 aprile 1869 con il quale il Parlamento ha approvato il disegno di legge, presentato un anno prima dal Ministro delle Finanze Cambray-Digny che sanciva la nascita della Ragioneria Generale dello Stato, la riforma “Cerboni” del 1978, fino al 1923 anno della “riforma de Stefani” con il definitivo assorbimento delle Ragionerie Centrali nella Ragioneria Generale. Il secondo filone si è concentrato sulle impostazioni tecnico-contabili espresse dai vari ragionieri che si sono succeduti nel corso del tempo, con particolare attenzione all’influsso che le diverse impostazioni hanno prodotto sul metodo e sul sistema di tenuta dei conti e di rilevazione dei fatti di gestione. L’analisi congiunta delle due direttrici ha permesso di evidenziare l’evoluzione che nel periodo esaminato ha portato alla sostituzione della contabilità generale in partita doppia con la contabilità di stampo finanziario nel sistema contabile dello Stato