25 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Milk Enzymes and Electrolytes, Plasma Metabolites, and Oxidative Status in Twin Cows Milked in an Automatic Milking System or Twice Daily in a Conventional Milking Parlor

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of automatic milking (AM) on milk enzymes and minerals related to mammary epithelial integrity in comparison with twice-daily conventional milking (CM). One cow from each of 6 pairs of twins was assigned to be milked with AM or with CM throughout first lactation. Milk production was recorded and milk samples were collected at 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, and 39 wk of lactation (WOL) to determine fat and protein content, somatic cell count, pH, plasminogen (pl) and plasmin (Pl) activities, Na, K, and Cl. Body condition score was monitored; blood samples were collected to determine energy-related metabolites in the first third of lactation (14 WOL), and plasma oxidative status throughout lactation. Overall mean and standard deviation of milking frequency (MF) in AM were 2.69 and 0.88, respectively. Milk production, fat and protein contents, and somatic cell count did not differ between milking systems. The pl and pl+Pl activities were lesser in AM than in CM. Milk pH was greater in AM than in CM. Milk Na, K, Na/K ratio, and Cl did not differ across the whole lactation. Milk pH had a positive correlation with milk Pl activity (r = 0.41), Na (r = 0.37), and Cl (r = 0.40) concentration, and negative correlation with the log(10) of pl/Pl ratio (r = -0.47). The milk Na/K ratio had a positive correlation (r = 0.55) with milk Pl activity. Milking system (MS) did not seem to affect mammary epithelial permeability. The differences in enzymatic (proteolytic) activity due to the MS, probably related to daily MF, lead one to suppose that the quality of the protein fraction for the cheese-making process was preserved better with AM than with CM, even if differences in pH might negatively interfere. No difference was detected in BCS, and in plasma concentration of triglycerides and nonesterified fatty acids, whereas plasma cholesterol concentration during the first 10 WOL was lesser in AM than CM. Oxidative status, measured by plasma reactive oxygen metabolites and thiol groups, did not differ between MS throughout the whole lactation. These results suggest that early lactation of AM primiparous cows may give rise to crucial situations: for milk production, when a low MF may impair further mammary cell proliferation; for milk quality, if an irregular MF, with prolonged milking intervals, leads to an increased milk pH with increased conversion of pl to Pl

    Leukemia vaccine overcomes limitations of checkpoint blockade by evoking clonal T cell responses in a murine acute myeloid leukemia model

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    We have developed a personalized vaccine whereby patient derived leukemia cells are fused to autologous dendritic cells, evoking a polyclonal T cell response against shared and neo-antigens. We postulated that the dendritic cell (DC)/AML fusion vaccine would demonstrate synergy with checkpoint blockade by expanding tumor antigen specific lymphocytes that would provide a critical substrate for checkpoint blockade mediated activation. Using an immunocompetent murine leukemia model, we examined the immunologic response and therapeutic efficacy of vaccination in conjunction with checkpoint blockade with respect to leukemia engraftment, disease burden, survival and the induction of tumor specific immunity. Mice treated with checkpoint blockade alone had rapid leukemia progression and demonstrated only a modest extension of survival. Vaccination with DC/AML fusions resulted in the expansion of tumor specific lymphocytes and disease eradication in a subset of animals, while the combination of vaccination and checkpoint blockade induced a fully protective tumor specific immune response in all treated animals. Vaccination followed by checkpoint blockade resulted in upregulation of genes regulating activation and proliferation in memory and effector T cells. Long term survivors exhibited increased T cell clonal diversity and were resistant to subsequent tumor challenge. The combined DC/AML fusion vaccine and checkpoint blockade treatment offers unique synergy inducing the durable activation of leukemia specific immunity, protection from lethal tumor challenge and the selective expansion of tumor reactive clones

    The Mutational Landscape of Circulating Tumor Cells in Multiple Myeloma

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    The development of sensitive and non-invasive ‘‘liquid biopsies’’ presents new opportunities for longitudinal monitoring of tumor dissemination and clonal evolution. The number of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) is prognostic in multiple myeloma (MM), but there is little information on their genetic features. Here, we have analyzed the genomic landscape of CTCs from 29 MM patients, including eight cases with matched/paired bone marrow (BM) tumor cells. Our results show that 100% of clonal mutations in patient BM were detected in CTCs and that 99% of clonal mutations in CTCs were present in BM MM. These include typical driver mutations in MM such as in KRAS, NRAS, or BRAF. These data suggest that BM and CTC samples have similar clonal structures, as discordances between the two were restricted to subclonal mutations. Accordingly, our results pave the way for potentially less invasive mutation screening of MM patients through characterization of CTCs

    Gender Difference in Lymphocyte Aromatase Gene Expression

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    The aromatase gene is differentially expressed in PBLs from women, men, and prepubertal children, indicating a sexual dimorphism in the enzyme expression and an important role of sex steroids in the modulation of aromatase gene expressio

    Aromatase is differentially expressed in peripheral blood leukocytes from children, and adult female and male subjects

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    Objective: Aromatase. the key enzyme involved in estrogen synthesis, is expressed in a variety of cells and tissues including human peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs). The present study was designed to evaluate 1:1131, aromatase gene expression in male and female subjects of different age groups. In addition. differences in gene expression during the follicular and luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in women, and before and after testosterone administration in men. were estimated. Design: Aromatase mRNA and protein were measured in PBLs obtained from young (n = 10) and postmenopausal women (n = 10). men (n = 15), and prepubertal children (n = 10). Aromatase mRNA and protein were also measured during the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle in women. and before and after the intramuscular administration of 250mg testosterone enanthate in men. Methods and Results: Aromatase mRNA measured by real-time PCR in PBLs from women during the follicular phase was significantly higher than during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (P < 0.05). In men. PBL aromatase mRNA values increased significantly following testosterone administration (P < 0.05). PBL mRNA aromatase levels in women during the follicular phase and men after testosterone administration were significantly higher (one-way ANOVA: P < 0.05) than in any other group. Children, postmenopausal women, and women during the luteal phase showed the lowest aromatase mRNA expression. The results of the immunoblot analysis confirmed the data obtained by real-time PCR. A positive correlation between PBL aromatase mRNA values and plasma estradiol and estrone levels during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle was observed in the group of adult women. No other correlations were found. Conclusions: The aromatase gene is differentially expressed in PBLs from women, men, and prepubertal children, indicating a sexual dimorphism in the enzyme expression and an important role of sex steroids in the modulation of aromatase gene expression