20 research outputs found

    Ein Goldboot und sein Umfeld: die Miniaturenkette von Szilágysomlyó

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    In 1797, a remarkable golden chain with miniature pendants was found in what was then Hungarian Szilágysomlyó, the present-day S¸imleul Silvaniei in Romania. This chain is today in the holdings of the Antiquities Department of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. It was part of a treasure also including at least fourteen Roman medallions, set as pendants, as well as four pieces of Germanic-style jewellery and ring gold. The most prominent miniature is that of a manned boat, the largest object on the chain and attached at its centre. Altogether the chain’s extant miniatures, numbering fifty-two, form a unique ensemble mirroring the far-flung Germanic world of the Migration Period with its multifarious temporal and spatial interrelationships. This article is based on the book by the author entitled 'Die Miniaturenkette von Szilágysomlyó' (Bonn, 1994), containing black-and-white drawings of all of the chain's components on a scale of 2:1. The text appearing here is a strongly abridged version of that work, updated to reflect the current state of research. It has been supplemented with an expanded and exhaustively illustrated section on the boat miniature. The colour photos are here published in their entirety for the first time

    Containerumschlag vor 1000 Jahren

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    Karolingische Landratten und normannische Seefahrer

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    "With the aid of selected contemporary historical sources as well as the available archaeological evidence, the author illuminates the attempts made by the Franconians under Charlemagne and his successors to defend themselves against the constant threat posed by the seafaring Normans. It becomes clear that the Carolingians, proficient only in land warfare, hardly stood a chance against the audacious Nordic sea pirates with the agile surprise tactics they employed on the many open rivers. Without appreciable success, the Carolingians took recourse to counter-measures of a most bizarre character." (author's abstract

    Bemerkungen zum isländischen Handwerk in der Wikingerzeit und im Mittelalter

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