1,030 research outputs found

    High energy Scattering in 2+1 QCD: A Dipole Picture

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    A dipole picture of high energy scattering is developed in the 2+1 dimensional QCD, following Mueller. A generalized integral equation for the dipole density with a given separation and center of mass position is derived, and meson-meson non-forward scattering amplitude is therefore calculated. We also calculate the amplitude due to two pomeron exchange, and the triple pomeron coupling. We compare the result obtained by this method to our previous result based on an effective action approach, and find the two results agree at the one pomeron exchange level.Comment: minor typos corrected. Postscript files are available through anonymous ftp quark.het.brown.edu, in the directory /pub/preprints, file name is 9407299. Hard copy is available upon reques

    Resolving the J/\psi RHIC puzzles at LHC

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    Experiments with gold-gold collisions at RHIC have revealed (i) stronger suppression of charmonium production at forward rapidity than at midrapidity and (ii) the similarity between the suppression degrees at RHIC and SPS energies. To describe these findings we employ the model that includes nuclear shadowing effects, calculated within the Glauber-Gribov theory, rapidity-dependent absorptive mechanism, caused by energy-momentum conservation, and dissociation and recombination of the charmonium due to interaction with co-moving matter. The free parameters of the model are tuned and fixed by comparison with experimental data at lower energies. A good agreement with the RHIC results concerning the rapidity and centrality distributions is obtained for both heavy Au+Au and light Cu+Cu colliding system. For pA and A+A collisions at LHC the model predicts stronger suppression of the charmonium and bottomonium yields in stark contrast to thermal model predictions.Comment: SQM2008 proceedings, 6 page

    A unitarized model of inclusive and diffractive DIS with Q2-evolution

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    We discuss the interplay of low-x physics and QCD scaling violations by extending the unified approach describing inclusive structure functions and diffractive production in γp\gamma* p interactions proposed in previous papers, to large values of Q2. We describe the procedure of extracting, from the non-perturbative model, initial conditions for the QCD evolution that respect unitarity. Assuming Regge factorization of the diffractive structure function, a similar procedure is proposed for the calculation of hard diffraction. The results are in good agreement with experimental data on the proton structure function F2F_2 and the most recent data on the reduced diffractive cross section, x_P \sigma_r^{\D(3)}. Predictions for both F2F_2 and FLF_L are presented in a wide kinematical range and compared to calculations within high-energy QCD.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Paper Withdrawn Before the Issue Release

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    This paper presents the architecture and implementation of a set of novel sensor nodes designed to measure ammonium, nitrate and chloride in real time, sending the data, by means of a network, to the base station in order to control the pollution in a lake. The results obtained being compared with those provided by the corresponding reference methods. Recovery analyses with ion selective electrodes and standard methods, study of interferences, and evaluation of major sensor features have also been carried out. The use of a wireless system for monitoring purposes will not only reduce the overall monitoring system cost in term of facilities setup and labor cost, but will also provide flexibility in terms of distance. The major advantages of the proposed in-line analysis compared with the classical off-line procedures are the elimination of contaminants due to sample handling, the minimization of the overall cost of data acquisition, the possibility of real-time analysis, allowing the rapid detection of pollutants, the ability to obtain detailed spatial and temporal data sets of complete environments, obtaining the spatial distribution of the analyzed parameters, as well as its variation with the passing of time, and finally the possibility of performing measurements in locations which are difficult to access (in this case a deep lake)

    Deep Inelastic Scattering Data and the Problem of Saturation in Small-x Physics

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    We investigate the role of unitarization effects in virtual photon-proton (\gamma^*p) interactions at small x. The q\bar{q}-fluctuation of the initial photon is separated into a small distance and a large distance component and a model for the unitarization of each component is proposed. The Born approximation for the small size component is calculated using QCD perturbation theory. Reggeon diagram technique is used in order to obtain a self-consistent scheme for both total \gamma^*p cross section and diffractive production. The model gives a good description of HERA data in the small-x region, with a single Pomeron of intercept 1.2.Comment: 27 pages, 8 postscript figure

    El futuro del derecho al ambiente

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    La conciencia de que la supervivencia del ser humano sobre la tierra está amenazada por el deterioro del medio ambiente se consolida en la opinión pública mundial a partir de la Conferencia de Estocolmo sobre el medio humano, organizada por la ONU en 1972. Desde entonces, no se han producido cambios cualitativos en este estado de cosas: únicamente se ha confirmado la extraordinaria dimensión del riesgo y se ha extendido tal conciencia de amenaza hasta el último rincón del planeta

    Transhumanismo, discurso transgénero y digitalismo: ¿exigencias de justicia o efectos del espíritu de abstracción?

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    There are three great existential challenges for the human being in the present time: transhumanism, transgender discourse and digitalism. These three phenomena are enormously powerful today because they are driven by two overwhelming forces which, however, tend to collide opposing each other. On the one hand, they are encouraged by a demand for justice and emancipation, which seeks to end deeply rooted forms of discrimination and to seek effective equality among all human beings. On the other hand, they are sustained on a philosophical basis that denies the intelligibility of reality and the teleological condition of human existence, proposing instead, as the only guide to orient human life, the hegemony of individual desire. Contemporary capitalism has made the satisfaction of this desire its reason for being. And it does so by developing a technology potentially capable of satisfying an unlimited desire. This technological development is based on the reduction of reality to numbers, to mathematics. It is the most sophisticated expression of capitalism because, far from producing opposition in its victims, it generates complete adherence. The inevitable consequence is that advances in justice are swallowed up by the logic of techno-capitalism. Demands for justice end up being the make-up of new forms of (self) exploitation.Los tres grandes desafíos existenciales para el ser humano en el tiempo presente son el transhumanismo, el discurso transgénero y el digitalismo. Estos tres fenómenos contienen demandas de justicia y emancipación dirigidas a acabar con formas de discriminación muy arraigadas. Pero están sostenidos sobre una base filosófica que niega la inteligibilidad de la realidad y la condición teleológica de la existencia humana proponiendo, en su lugar, la hegemonía del deseo individual. El capitalismo contemporáneo ha hecho de la satisfacción de ese deseo su razón de ser. Y lo hace desarrollando una tecnología potencialmente capaz de satisfacer un deseo sin límites. Ese desarrollo tecnológico se sustenta en el espíritu de abstracción. Es la expresión más sofisticada del capitalismo porque, en lugar de suscitar la oposición de sus víctimas, genera su completa adhesión. La inevitable consecuencia es que las demandas de justicia son engullidas por la lógica del tecno-capitalismo y acaban convertidas en el maquillaje de las nuevas formas de (auto)explotación

    La dimensión prestacional del derecho a la libertad religiosa. A propósito de la STC 166/1996

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    La STC de 28 de octubre de 1996, que resuelve un recurso de amparo interpuesto por un testigo de Jehová, plantea algunas cuestiones importantes en relación con el contenido esencial del derecho a la libertad religiosa (art. 16 CE) y, en particular, por lo que se refiere a su alcance prestacional. A continuación me referiré a los antecedentes jurisprudenciales sobre la cuestión que ahora ha sido objeto de la STC; a los argumentos utilizados tanto por el TC para denegar el amparo como por uno de los magistrados para justificar su voto particular contrario a la Sentencia; por último, me ocuparé de la cuestión fundamental objeto del recurso de amparo -si se produce una violación del derecho a la libertad religiosa cuando se deniega a un paciente una prestación sanitaria conforme a sus convicciones religiosas- y de valorar la resolución adoptada por el TC