288 research outputs found

    The Potential Of High-Resolution BAC-FISH In Banana Breeding

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    Abstract The genetic complexity in the genus Musa has been subject of study in many breeding programs worldwide. Parthenocarpy, female sterility, polyploidy in different cultivars and limited amount of genetic and genomic information make the production of new banana cultivars difficult and time consuming. In addition, it is known that part of the cultivars and related wild species in the genus contain numerous chromosomal rearrangements. In order to produce new cultivars more effectively breeders must better understand the genetic differences of the potential crossing parents for introgression hybridization, but extensive genetic information is lacking. As an alternative to achieve information on genetic collinearity we make use of modern chromosome map technology known as high-resolution fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). This article presents the technical aspects and applications of such a technology in Musa species. The technique deals with BAC clone positioning on pachytene chromosomes of Calcutta 4 (Musa acuminata ssp. burmanicoides, A genome group, section Eumusa) and M. velutina (section Rodochlamys). Pollen mother cells digestion with pectolytic enzymes and maceration with acetic acid were optimized for making cell spread preparations appropriate for FISH. As an example of this approach we chose BAC clones that contain markers to known resistance genes and hybridize them for establishing their relative positions on the two species. Technical challenges for adapting existing protocols to the banana cells are presented. We also discuss how this technique can be instrumental for validating collinearity between potential crossing parents and how the method can be helpful in future mapping initiatives, and how this method allows identification of chromosomal rearrangements between related Musa species and cultivar

    Tecnologias poupa-terra 2021.

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    A adoção de um considerável número de tecnologias em várias frentes do processo produtivo tem permitido produzir altos volumes, com alta qualidade, de forma sustentável sob todos os aspectos, além de permitir que as florestas do País sejam protegidas tanto nas propriedades agropecuárias quanto em áreas nativas. A capacidade tecnológica para fazer gestão territorial, manejo integrado de pragas e doenças, utilizar sistemas integrados de produção que prolongam a vida dos solos, entre outros aspectos são os fatores garantidores do sucesso da agricultura brasileira. Assim, com as informações contidas neste documento, fica evidente que, devido à adoção de tecnologias desenvolvidas pela Embrapa e parceiros, garante-se à agricultura um efeito Poupa-Terra nas mais diversas cadeias do agro brasileiro. Os dados aqui apresentados são de grande valor, já que foram obtidos ao longo de décadas, o que trás robustez aos resultados divulgados neste documento.bitstream/item/227123/1/Tecnologias-poupa-terra-2021.pd

    Can cosmic strangelets reach the earth?

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    The mechanism for the propagation of strangelets with low baryon number through the atmosphere of the Earth has been explored. It has been shown that under suitable initial conditions, such strangelets may indeed reach depths near mountain altitudes with mass numbers and charges close to the observed values in cosmic ray experiments.Comment: RevTeX text, with 3 encoded eps figures. To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Exploring American Oil Palm (Elaeis oleifera) genetic resources in Brazil through a combination of genetic and genomic approaches.

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    We started a project to explore American Oil Palm genetic resources through a combination of genetic and genomic approaches.Pôster W551

    Modelo de inovação e negócios da Embrapa Agroenergia: gestão estratégica integrada de P&D e TT.

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