48,488 research outputs found

    Destruction of the Mott Insulating Ground State of Ca_2RuO_4 by a Structural Transition

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    We report a first-order phase transition at T_M=357 K in single crystal Ca_2RuO_4, an isomorph to the superconductor Sr_2RuO_4. The discontinuous decrease in electrical resistivity signals the near destruction of the Mott insulating phase and is triggered by a structural transition from the low temperature orthorhombic to a high temperature tetragonal phase. The magnetic susceptibility, which is temperature dependent but not Curie-like decreases abruptly at TM and becomes less temperature dependent. Unlike most insulator to metal transitions, the system is not magnetically ordered in either phase, though the Mott insulator phase is antiferromagnetic below T_N=110 K.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications

    Competing Ground States in Triple-layered Sr4Ru3O10: Verging on Itinerant Ferromagnetism with Critical Fluctuations

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    Sr4Ru3O10 is characterized by a sharp metamagnetic transition and ferromagnetic behavior occurring within the basal plane and along the c-axis, respectively. Resistivity at magnetic field, B, exhibits low-frequency quantum oscillations when B||c-axis and large magnetoresistivity accompanied by critical fluctuations driven by the metamagnetism when B^c-axis. The complex behavior evidenced in resistivity, magnetization and specific heat presented is not characteristic of any obvious ground states, and points to an exotic state that shows a delicate balance between fluctuations and order.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    High-temperature weak ferromagnetism on the verge of a metallic state: Impact of dilute Sr-doping on BaIrO3

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    The 5d-electron based BaIrO3 is a nonmetallic weak ferromagnet with a Curie temperature at Tc=175 K. Its largely extended orbitals generate strong electron-lattice coupling, and magnetism and electronic structure are thus critically linked to the lattice degree of freedom. Here we report results of our transport and magnetic study on slightly Sr doped BaIrO3. It is found that dilute Sr-doping drastically suppresses Tc, and instantaneously leads to a nonmetal-metal transition at high temperatures. All results highlight the instability of the ground state and the subtle relation between magnetic ordering and electron mobility. It is clear that BaIrO3 along with very few other systems represents a class of materials where the magnetic and transport properties can effectively be tuned by slight alterations in lattice parameters

    Generalized r-matrix structure and algebro-geometric solution for integrable systems

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    The purpose of this paper is to construct a generalized r-matrix structure of finite dimensional systems and an approach to obtain the algebro-geometric solutions of integrable nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs). Our starting point is a generalized Lax matrix instead of usual Lax pair. The generalized r-matrix structure and Hamiltonian functions are presented on the basis of fundamental Poisson bracket. It can be clearly seen that various nonlinear constrained (c-) and restricted (r-) systems, such as the c-AKNS, c-MKdV, c-Toda, r-Toda, c-Levi, etc, are derived from the reduction of this structure. All these nonlinear systems have {\it r}-matrices, and are completely integrable in Liouville's sense. Furthermore, our generalized structure is developed to become an approach to obtain the algebro-geometric solutions of integrable NLEEs. Finally, the two typical examples are considered to illustrate this approach: the infinite or periodic Toda lattice equation and the AKNS equation with the condition of decay at infinity or periodic boundary.Comment: 41 pages, 0 figure

    Metal-to-insulator transition and magnetic ordering in CaRu_{1-x}Cu_xO_3

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    CaRuO_3 is perovskite with an orthorhombic distortion and is believed to be close to magnetic ordering. Magnetic studies of single crystal and polycrystalline CaRu_{1-x}Cu_xO_3 (0\le x \le 15 at.%Cu) reveal that spin-glass-like transition develops for x\le 7 at.%Cu and obtained value for effective magnetic moment p_{eff}=3.55 mu_B for x=5 at.% Cu, single crystal, indicates presence of Ru^{5+}. At higher Cu concentrations more complex magnetic behaviors are observed. Electrical resistivity measured on polycrystalline samples shows metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) at 51 K for only 2 at.% Cu. Charge compensation, which is assumed to be present upon Cu^{2+/3+} substitution, induces appearance of Ru^{5+} and/or creation of oxygen vacancies in crystal structure. Since the observed changes in physical properties are completely attributable to the charge compensation, they cannot be related to behaviors of pure compound where no such mechanism is present. This study provides the criterion for "good" chemical probes for studying Ru-based perovskites.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Evolution of Magnetism in Single-Crystal Honeycomb Iridates

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    We report the successful synthesis of single-crystals of the layered iridate, (Na1x_{1-x}Lix_{x})2_2IrO3_3, 0x0.90\leq x \leq 0.9, and a thorough study of its structural, magnetic, thermal and transport properties. The new compound allows a controlled interpolation between Na2_2IrO3_3 and Li2_2IrO3_3, while maintaing the novel quantum magnetism of the honeycomb Ir4+^{4+} planes. The measured phase diagram demonstrates a dramatic suppression of the N\'eel temperature, TNT_N, at intermediate xx suggesting that the magnetic order in Na2_2IrO3_3 and Li2_2IrO3_3 are distinct, and that at x0.7x\approx 0.7, the compound is close to a magnetically disordered phase that has been sought after in Na2_2IrO3_3 and Li2_2IrO3_3. By analyzing our magnetic data with a simple theoretical model we also show that the trigonal splitting, on the Ir4+^{4+} ions changes sign from Na2_2IrO3_3 and Li2_2IrO3_3, and the honeycomb iridates are in the strong spin-orbit coupling regime, controlled by \jeff=1/2 moments.Comment: updated version with more dat

    Ti-rich and Cu-poor grain-boundary layers of CaCu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12} detected by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    Cleaved and polished surfaces of CaCu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12} ceramics have been investigated by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX), respectively. While EDX technique shows the identical CaCu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12} stoichiometry for the two surfaces, XPS indicates that the cleaved surface with grain-boundary layers is remarkably Ti-rich and Cu-poor. The core-level spectrum of Cu 2pp unambiguously shows the existence of monovalent copper only for the cleaved surface. Possible grain-boundary structure and its formation are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum kk-core conduction on the Bethe lattice

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    Classical and quantum conduction on a bond-diluted Bethe lattice is considered. The bond dilution is subject to the constraint that every occupied bond must have at least k1k-1 neighboring occupied bonds, i.e. kk-core diluted. In the classical case, we find the onset of conduction for k=2k=2 is continuous, while for k=3k=3, the onset of conduction is discontinuous with the geometric random first-order phase transition driving the conduction transition. In the quantum case, treating each occupied bond as a random scatterer, we find for k=3k=3 that the random first-order phase transition in the geometry also drives the onset of quantum conduction giving rise to a new universality class of Anderson localization transitions.Comment: 12 pgs., 6 fig

    Field- and pressure-induced phases in Sr4_{4}Ru3_{3}O10_{10}: A spectroscopic investigation

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    We have investigated the magnetic-field- and pressure-induced structural and magnetic phases of the triple-layer ruthenate - Sr4_{4}Ru3_{3}O10_{10}. Magnetic-field-induced changes in the phonon spectra reveal dramatic spin-reorientation transitions and strong magneto-elastic coupling in this material. Additionally, pressure-dependent Raman measurements at different temperatures reveal an anomalous negative Gruneisen-parameter associated with the B1g_{1g} mode (\sim 380 cm1^{-1}) at low temperatures (T << 75K), which can be explained consistently with the field dependent Raman data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures final version published in PRL 96, 067004 (2006