67 research outputs found

    Modeling of forest landscape evolution at regional level: a FOSS4G approach

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    In the last decades the Alpine landscape has dramatically changed due to social and economic factors. The most visible impact has been the reduction of the population for mid and high altitude villages and the shrinking of the part of the land used for agriculture and grazing, with a progressive reduction of pastures and meadows and the expansion of the forested areas. For these reasons, a dataset describing the forest, meadows and pasture coverage for the Trentino region, in the eastern Italian Alps, has been created. A set of heterogeneous sources has been selected so that maps and images cover the longest possible time span on the whole Trentino region with comparable quality, creating a Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) map based on historical maps from 1859 to 1936 and aerial images from 1954 to 2015. The achieved accuracy ranges from 98% for historical maps to 94% for aereal imagery. The analysis of selected landscape metrics provided preliminary results about the forest distribution and patterns of recolonization during the last 155 years. It has been possible to create future scenarios for the forest evolution for the next 85 years. Given the large number of maps involved, the great flexibility provided by FOSS for spatial analysis, such as GRASS, R, QGIS and GAMA and the possibility of scripting all the operations have played a pivotal role in the success both in the creation of the dataset and in the extraction and modeling of land use change

    Multifuncionalidad en la planificación del paisaje forestal: una aplicación/un estudio de caso en el Sur de Italia

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    Forest Landscape Management Plan (FLMP) is intended to have an intermediate role between forest management plans on a regional level and forest management on a unit level. FLMP addresses long-term management issues, with special attention to social and environmental functions, normally not meticulously considered when working on a single forest property level. This paper presents a method to evaluate forest multifunctionality, in order to define management guidelines and support forest planning. A FLMP was conducted in a district of the Basilicata region (Italy). A total of 92 inventory plots comprising the main forest types: i) turkey oak, Hungarian oak, and sessile oak forests (Quercus cerris L. dominant), ii) downy oak forests (Quercus pubescens Willd. dominant), iii) Mediterranean evergreen oak forests (Quercus ilex L. dominant), were considered. Technicians evaluated the multifunctionality of each area by estimating — in the context of an Index of Importance of Function (I) — the capacity of each forest to fulfil different functions. The index was successively aggregated according to forest type and forest system (high forest and coppice). The results showed that the higher level of multifunctionality was found in the high forests. According to the synthetic indicators of multifunctionality, the turkey oak forests obtained the highest values among all forest types. The last part of the paper illustrates an approach to multi-functional forest management, analysing how different silvicultural systems are able to fulfil the main forest functions. This method, as shown in the results, seems to provide a useful support for technicians to evaluate multifunctionality related to forest types and different silvicultural treatments.El Plan de Manejo del Paisaje Forestal (PMPF) tiene un papel de intermediario entre los planes de manejo forestal a nivel nacional y regional y los planes de ordenación forestal a nivel de cada propiedad forestal. El PMPF toma en consideración de aspectos de gestión a largo plazo, con especial atención a las funciones sociales y ambientales, que por lo general no son consideradas cuidadosamente en caso de planificación a nivel de propiedad forestal individual. El trabajo presenta un método para evaluar la multifuncionalidad del bosque, con el fin de definir las directrices de gestión y de apoyar el proceso de planificación forestal. En un distrito de la región de Basilicata, en el Sur de Italia, un PMPF ha sido desarrollado y llevado a cabo. En el Plan se consideraron un total de 92 áreas de estudio que abarcan los principales tipos de bosques: i) bosques de roble turco, roble húngaro y roble albar (Quercus cerris L. dominante) ii) bosques de roble pubescente (Quercus pubescens Willd. dominante), y iii) bosques de robles mediterráneos siempre verdes (Quercus ilex L. dominante). Los técnicos evaluaron la multifuncionalidad de cada zona mediante la estimación — Índice de Importancia de la Función (I) — de la capacidad de cada bosque respectiva para cumplir diferentes funciones. El índice ha sido agrupado en función del tipo de bosque y del tipo de sistema forestal (monte alto y monte bajo). Los resultados de un estudio de técnicas que muestran el nivel más alto de la multifuncionalidad es para el monte alto en comparación con el monte bajo. Teniendo en cuenta el tipo de bosque los bosques de roble turco han obtenido los más altos valores de multifuncionalidad. La última parte del documento describe un caso de gestión forestal con un enfoque multifuncional y analiza cómo los diferentes sistemas silvícultural cumplen las principales funciones del bosque. De acuerdo con los resultados observados, el método parece ser de gran ayuda para los técnicos para evaluar la multifuncionalidad relacionados con diferentes tipos de bosques y tratamientos silvícolas

    Accuracy of elastic fusion biopsy in daily practice: results of a multicenter study of 2115 patients

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the accuracy of Koelis fusion biopsy for the detection of prostate cancer and clinically significant prostate cancer in the everyday practice. METHODS: We retrospectively enrolled 2115 patients from 15 institutions in four European countries undergoing transrectal Koelis fusion biopsy from 2010 to 2017. A variable number of target (usually 2-4) and random cores (usually 10-14) were carried out, depending on the clinical case and institution habits. The overall and clinically significant prostate cancer detection rates were assessed, evaluating the diagnostic role of additional random biopsies. The cancer detection rate was correlated to multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging features and clinical variables. RESULTS: The mean number of targeted and random cores taken were 3.9 (standard deviation 2.1) and 10.5 (standard deviation 5.0), respectively. The cancer detection rate of Koelis biopsies was 58% for all cancers and 43% for clinically significant prostate cancer. The performance of additional, random cores improved the cancer detection rate of 13% for all cancers (P < 0.001) and 9% for clinically significant prostate cancer (P < 0.001). Prostate cancer was detected in 31%, 66% and 89% of patients with lesions scored as Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Clinical stage and Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System score were predictors of prostate cancer detection in multivariate analyses. Prostate-specific antigen was associated with prostate cancer detection only for clinically significant prostate cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Koelis fusion biopsy offers a good cancer detection rate, which is increased in patients with a high Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System score and clinical stage. The performance of additional, random cores seems unavoidable for correct sampling. In our experience, the Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System score and clinical stage are predictors of prostate cancer and clinically significant prostate cancer detection; prostate-specific antigen is associated only with clinically significant prostate cancer detection, and a higher number of biopsy cores are not associated with a higher cancer detection rate


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    The availability of data time series spanning a long period is crucial for landscape change analysis. A suitable dataset, both in terms of time span and information content, must be available for the use with a GIS.In Italy, one of the most important historical source of land cover analysis is the GAI (Gruppo Aereo Italiano) photogrammetric survey (“Volo GAI”) commissioned in 1954 by the Italian national mapping agency, Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano (IGMI).The survey covers the whole Italy, but so far only some Regions, namely Lombardia and Veneto, have carried out the image rectification and the successive analyses to map land cover and use.This work describes the process of image orthorectification of the Volo GAI images for the Province of Trento (Provincia Autonoma di Trento).Image orthorectification must be performed to transform the images in maps available for analysis. This procedure corrects the geometry according to the terrain surface described by a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to create an image compatible with the cartographic projection in use.To this end, the orthorectification modules available in GRASS GIS have been used, with the advantage of using the same GIS environment which will be used for the landscape analysis. The dataset covering the whole Province contains almost 100 images, this paper presents the preliminary results of the orthorectification of a quarter of the images. A reduced dataset has been used to test the results obtained using different settings with respect to: digital image resolution, DTM resolution and number of Ground Control Points (GCPs) used for the external orientation.These preliminary tests show that for the average quality of the Volo GAI images scan resolution beyond 600&thinsp;DPI and DTM resolution above 10&thinsp;m do not provide significant improvements for orthorectification images. The minimum number of GCPs to guarantee the requested accuracy can vary from image to image, depending on the image quality and recognizable features position, but it is usually in the 15&ndash;20 points range

    Analisi dello spopolamento montano in due vallate dell'Appennino toscano: la Garfagnana e la valle della Lima

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    Dottorato di ricerca in economia e pianificazione forestale. 7. ciclo. A.a. 1994-95. Tutore Orazio CiancioConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Estimating the mechanical stability of Pinus nigra Arn. using an alternative approach across several plantations in central Italy

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    Black pine has been used often in central and southern Italy to reforest mountainous areas depleted by the intensive use of natural resources. The main purpose of establishing pine forests in Italy was to protect the soil from excessive erosion, and also to facilitate the natural succession toward mixed forests with deciduous species. The most common silvicultural treatments in Europe currently aim at maximizing the stability of the stands and facilitating the transition from pure to mixed stands comprising a larger component of native tree species. In this work, we investigated the relationships between the living whorls number and four indexes of individual tree stability: the slenderness ratio, the crown depth, the crown projection, and an eccentricity index of the canopy. The data set used was composed of 1098 trees from ten black pine plantations located in central Italy. Our results demonstrate that the living whorls number can be handily used to predict the slenderness ratio with an error of 18%. A non-parametric model based on a reduced number of field measures was obtained as a support for thinning operations aimed at improving single tree stability

    Effects of thinnings in <i>Pinus nigra</i> artificial stands (Umbria, Italy)

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    Silvicultural treatments in artificial black pine stands should take into account their history (quite often no cultural treatments have been made after planting) as well the different functions these stands carry on. In Umbria, most of these stands are nearly 40 years old and are often in poor structural conditions, due to lack of appropriate thinnings. The aim of this research was to compare and analyse the effects of thinnigs performed in some experimental areas in Valnerina (Norcia), four years after the treatment