9 research outputs found

    A case report: Acute abdominal pain caused by a mesenteric cyst in a 20 years old female patient

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    Mesenteric cysts are documented as rare intra-abdominal benign tumors, whose etiology and classification controversy still exists. They are considered the rarest variety between the abdominal cysts and both its low incidence and the mistaken belief that was a trivial process without apparent symptoms, had contributed to their scarce knowledge. This study aimed to present a mesenteric cyst case with focal acute inflammation and four lymph nodes with follicular lymphoid hyperplasia. The study was performed 20-year-old female patient, examined in emergency department for abdominal pain 12 hours of evolution located in flank and left upper quadrant, with mild improvement after analgesic treatment, accompanied with mild fever. The patient presented left paramedian cystic formation measuring 4 cm in size with echogenic content inside. Exploratory laparoscopy treatment of emergency was proposed. The postoperative course was favourable remaining afebrile, no abdominal pain and good tolerance to oral intake, so it was hospital discharged within 72 hours of surgery. The diagnosis was mesenteric cyst with focal acute inflammation and four lymph nodes with follicular lymphoid hyperplasia. In conclusion, the type of surgery depended on the size of the cyst, its location in the peritoneal cavity and the experience of the surgeon. Laparoscopy technique was used as a first option

    Hiatus hernia as a cause of gastroesophageal reflux. Case report

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    Objetivo: Presentar un caso de hernia de hiato como causa de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico. Metodología: Mujer de 68 años valorada en Consultas Externas de Cirugía General por cuadro de dolor abdominal y pirosis. Diagnosticada de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico secundaria a hernia de hiato, se propone tratamiento quirúrgico para realizar una técnica antirreflujo por vía laparoscópica. Resultados: El postoperatorio y el seguimiento cursaron sin complicaciones evidenciándose un esófago sin alteraciones de calibre y sin dificultades en la progresión de la columna de contraste al estómago. La paciente presenta un buen estado clínico y es dada de alta definitiva. Conclusiones: La hernia de hiato es una de las causas más frecuentes de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico. En caso de fracaso del tratamiento médico, la cirugía antirreflujo por vía laparoscópica es la técnica de elección, permitiendo una más rápida y mejor recuperación postoperatoria, y un buen resultado funcional a largo plazo.Objective: To present a case of hiatus hernia as a cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Methodology: A 68-year-old woman was evaluated in External Consultations of General Surgery due to abdominal pain and heartburn. Being diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease secondary to hiatus hernia, surgical treatment is proposed to perform a laparoscopic antireflux technique. Results: The postoperative period and follow-up were without complications, evidencing an esophagus without alterations of caliber and without difficulties in the progression of the contrast column to the stomach. The patient has a good clinical condition and is definitively discharged. Conclusions: Hiatus hernia is one of the most frequent causes of gastroesophageal reflux disease. In case of failure of medical treatment, laparoscopic antireflux surgery is the technique of choice, allowing a faster and better postoperative recovery, and a good long-term functional result

    The objetive structured clinical examination from the student perspective

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    Objetivo: Analizar la percepción de los alumnos de 6º de Medicina y de 4º de Fisioterapia de la Facultad de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad de Córdoba sobre la información recibida y distintos aspectos ligados al desarrollo de la prueba ECOE. Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal basado en un cuestionario aplicado, tras la prueba ECOE, a estudiantes de último curso de los grados de Medicina y Fisioterapia de la Universidad de Córdoba. Resultados: Participaron 95 alumnos del grado de Medicina y 31 del grado de Fisioterapia. Los alumnos de Medicina destacan la valoración sobre la información previa, la organización de la prueba y el tiempo que tuvieron para realizar las distintas estaciones. En cambio, los alumnos de Fisioterapia se muestran más satisfechos con el hecho de haber visto o realizado en mayor medida las habilidades clínicas demandadas en la ECOE. La valoración global otorgada a la prueba por el alumnado de Medicina y de Fisioterapia fue 7,53/10 y 6,13/10, respectivamente. Conclusión: La percepción de los alumnos de 6º de Medicina y de 4º de Fisioterapia de la Facultad de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad de Córdoba sobre distintos aspectos de la prueba ECOE es diferente. La opinión de los estudiantes, si bien bastante rescatable en general, revela ser pieza clave para generar planes de mejora en las futuras ediciones de ésta, mediante el trabajo con los responsables docentes y asistenciales a fin de que los estudiantes incrementen su formación clínica durante el grado.Objective: To analyze the perception of students in the 6th year of Medicine and 4th year of Physiotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing of the University of Cordoba about the information received and different aspects related to the development of the OSCE test. Methodology: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study based on a questionnaire applied, after the OSCE test, to students in their last year of Medicine and Physiotherapy degrees at the University of Cordoba. Results: 95 Medicine degree students and 31 Physiotherapy degree students participated. Medicine students highlight the assessment of the previous information, the organization of the test and the time they had to complete the different stations. On the other hand, Physiotherapy students are more satisfied with the fact that they have seen or performed the clinical skills demanded in the OSCE to a greater extent. The overall assessment given to the test by Medicine and Physiotherapy students was 7.53/10 and 6.13/10, respectively. Conclusion: The perception of students in the 6th year of Medicine and 4th year of Physiotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing of the University of Cordoba on different aspects of the OSCE test is different. The opinion of the students, although quite redeemable in general, reveals to be a key piece to generate improvement plans in future editions of this, by working with the teaching and care managers so that the students increase their clinical training during the degree

    Aportaciones originales al conocimiento de las células intersticiales de Cajal

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    Las células intersticiales descritas por D. Santiago Ramón y Cajal, en relación con los plexos del Sistema Nervioso Entérico, constituyen una entidad biológica específica. En la actualidad son reconocidas internacionalmente con el nombre de su descubridor, las células intersticiales de Cajal. La memoria presentada recoge las investigaciones realizadas a lo largo de los 4 últimos años, las cuales han dado lugar a 4 publicaciones diferentes; 3 de ellas basadas en un análisis ultraestructural que han permitido, por un lado, caracterizar a las células intersticiales de Cajal localizadas en la lamina propia y establecer su relación con el sistema vascular, y por otro, definir la presencia de un cilio único como una característica especial en estas células. El estudio inmunohistoquímico, sobre la presencia de nestina en los plexos entéricos, es el inicio del posible papel de estas células en los procesos de Neurogénesis en el Sistema Nervioso Entérico

    Prevalence of Active Primitive Reflexes and Craniosacral Blocks in Apparently Healthy Children and Relationships with Neurodevelopment Disturbances

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    Background: In healthy children, the frequency of the anomalous persistence of primitive reflexes (PRs) and craniosacral blocks (CBs) is unknown, as well as their impact on neurodevelopment, behaviour disorders and related consequences. We aim to know the prevalence of anomalous PRs and CBs in apparently healthy children and their relationships with behavior and neurodevelopment anomalies. Methods: Participants (n = 120) were evaluated via a physical examination to detect PRs and CBs and an ad hoc parent survey to collect perinatal events, and children’s behavioral assessments were conducted by teachers using the Battelle score. Results: PRs were present in 89.5%. Moro (70.8%), cervical asymmetric (78.3%) and cervical symmetric PRs (67.5%) were the most frequently observed PRs. CBs were found in 83.2%, and the most frequent CBs were dura mater (77.5%) and sphenoid bone (70%) blocks. Moro, cervical asymmetric and cervical symmetric active primitive reflexes were significantly associated with cranial blocks of dura mater, parietal zones and sphenoid bone sway. Gestational disorders or perinatal complications were associated with a higher frequency of PRs and CBs. The presence of PRs and CBs was associated with abnormal Battelle scores and neurobehavioral problems. Conclusion: The presence of PRs and CBs in children without diagnosed diseases is frequent and related to disturbances in childhood neurodevelopment

    Appendix tumors. An appendicitis case report

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    Objetivo: Presentar un caso de un cistoadenocarcinoma mucinoso de apéndice, diagnosticado a raíz de un cuadro clínico de apendicitis aguda. Método: Paciente varón de 82 años valorado en Urgencias por cuadro de dolor abdominal. Con el diagnóstico de abdomen agudo por sospecha de apendicitis aguda, se propone tratamiento quirúrgico urgente identificándose una tumoración apendicular de aspecto mucinoso. Resultado: Ante el diagnóstico histológico de patología tumoral se completa la cirugía con una hemicolectomía derecha laparoscópica. El seguimiento analítico y radiológico realizado, evidencia una elevación progresiva del marcador tumoral Ca 19.9. En el control de los 30 meses se identifican signos de recidiva peritoneal valorando el inicio de tratamiento quimioterápico adyuvante, el cual es desestimado por la edad y la patología de base del paciente. Conclusiones: La mayoría de tumores apendiculares son benignos y una apendicectomía simple es curativa. Determinados casos, en función de las características histológicas, precisan completar la cirugía con una hemicolectomía derecha.Objective: To present an appendix adenocarcinoma case report mimicking acute appendicitis. Method: An 82 year old male was treated in the emergencies department presenting abdominal pain. He was diagnosed of acute abdomen due to a suspected case of acute appendicitis. An urgent surgical treatment was proposed and an appendiceal tumor with mucinous appearance was identified during the surgery. Result: The surgery was completed with a laparoscopic right hemicolectomy followed by the histological diagnosis of tumor pathology. The analytical and radiological examination evidenced a progressive elevation of the Ca 19.9 tumor marker. The 30-month post-intervention control revealed signs of peritoneal recurrence. The use of adjuvant chemotherapy was assessed but dismissed by the patient's age and underlying pathology. Conclusions: Most appendiceal tumors are benign and simple appendectomy is considered curative. Complete precision surgery with a right hemicolectomy is necessary in certain cases depending on the histological characteristics

    The primary cilium: A relevant characteristic in interstitial cells of rat duodenum enteric plexus

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    Studies in vitro have permitted the identification of enteric neural progenitor cells. Now the question arises as to where these progenitor cells are located in vivo. The purpose of this paper is to identify possible candidate cells by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We have located three interstitial cellular types around the rat duodenum myenteric plexus. Type I cells have been identified as Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICCs). These cells present well defined ultrastructural characteristics, including the triple connexion ICnervous trunk- blood vessels. Type II cells show characteristics of immature cells, emphasizing the presence of a single cilium with the structure (9+0). To analyse this nanostructure, we have elaborated a reconstruction on ultrathin sections. The two previously described cellular types could be considered to be different functional states of the same cell. Type III cells present ultrastructural characteristics of fibroblast-like cells. This study suggests that Type II cells could be a source of neural progenitor cells


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    Nowadays, University teachers face the challenge of teaching the so-called “Y generation”, students born between 1980 and 2000, who haven't experienced their lives without the Internet or the mobile phone. This has a direct consequence on their approach to knowledge and, therefore, to the learning styles, which are completely different to those of former generations. This fact, together with the implementation of new degrees more in line with the European convergence process and the ECTS credit system, and following the educative challenges included in the new European Space of Higher Education (EEES), makes it necessary to implement new forms of communication between pupils and teachers in the university context. Although most universities already make use of different e-Learning tools, their use and implementation can sometimes be insufficient. In this scenery, on the contrary, the social networking sites and their extended use by students, who check their profiles and groups very often, offer a lot of possibilities, as they allow a fast, easy and flexible communication. In the present project of teaching innovation, we have combined the use of a Facebook group with the traditional resources used in Immunology, so that this social networking site becomes a support tool to share materials and information. In the same sense, we look for a new atmosphere where a more direct communication between students and teachers is possible, without avoiding the more formal forms of communication such as the email or Moodle. This has allowed us to evaluate its use, participation and satisfaction, both between the students and the teachers taking part in the project.En la actualidad los docentes universitarios tienen el reto de enseñar a la conocida como “generación Y”, alumnos nacidos entre los años 1980 y 2000, los cuales no han conocido el mundo sin internet o teléfono móvil. Esto por supuesto implica que el acercamiento al conocimiento, y por tanto los modos de aprendizaje, son completamente diferentes a los de generaciones anteriores. Esto unido a la implementación de las nuevas titulaciones acordes con el proceso de convergencia europea y el sistema de créditos ECTS, y siguiendo los desafíos de la enseñanza contemplados en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), hace inevitable la implementación de nuevas formas de comunicación entre los alumnos y los profesores en el ámbito Universitario. Aunque en este aspecto la mayoría de las Universidades cuentan ya con diferentes herramientas de e-Learning, su uso e implementación en algunas ocasiones puede resultar insuficiente. En este escenario, por el contrario, son muchas las posibilidades que ofrecen las redes sociales y su extenso uso entre el alumnado, quien accede generalmente con mucha frecuencia a sus perfiles y grupos, proporcionando una comunicación rápida, fácil y flexible. En el presente proyecto de innovación docente hemos combinado el uso de un grupo de Facebook con los recursos tradicionales en la docencia relativa a la asignatura de Inmunología, usando esta red social como herramienta de apoyo para compartir materiales e información. Todo ello buscando un nuevo ambiente de comunicación más directo entre alumnos y profesorado, sin por supuesto tener que sustituir las vías de comunicación formales como el correo electrónico y Moodle. Esto nos ha permitido evaluar su uso, participación y satisfacción entre el alumnado que ha participado en el proyecto