1 research outputs found

    Exploring the role of wave drag in the stable stratified oceanic and atmospheric bottom boundary layer in the cnrs-toulouse (cnrm-game) large stratified water flume

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    This paper reports on a laboratory experiment in the CNRM-GAME (Toulouse) stratified water flume of a stably stratified boundary layer, in order to quantify the momentum transfer due to orographically induced gravity waves by gently undulating hills in a boundary layer flow. In a stratified fluid, a surface corrugation is towed with different speeds to cover a range of Froude numbers. PIV measurements are used to quantify the flow field which is divided in a mean flow, a wave component and turbulent component. In addition wave drag divergence over the boundary layer is investigated. The experimental results aim to improve formulations for turbulent heat and momentum transfer for use in numerical weather prediction, climate models and ocean model