319 research outputs found

    Development and characterization of an effective food allergy model in Brown Norway rats

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    Background: Food allergy (FA) is an adverse health effect produced by the exposure to a given food. Currently, there is no optimal animal model of FA for the screening of immunotherapies or for testing the allergenicity of new foods. Objective: The aim of the present study was to develop an effective and rapid model of FA in Brown Norway rats. In order to establish biomarkers of FA in rat, we compared the immune response and the anaphylactic shock obtained in this model with those achieved with only intraperitoneal immunization. Methods: Rats received an intraperitoneal injection of ovalbumin (OVA) with alum and toxin from Bordetella pertussis, and 14 days later, OVA by oral route daily for three weeks (FA group). A group of rats receiving only the i.p. injection (IP group) were also tested. Serum anti-OVA IgE, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgA antibodies were quantified throughout the study. After an oral challenge, body temperature, intestinal permeability, motor activity, and mast cell protease II (RMCP-II) levels were determined. At the end of the study, anti-OVA intestinal IgA, spleen cytokine production, lymphocyte composition of Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes, and gene expression in the small intestine were quantified. Results: Serum OVA-specific IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b concentrations rose with the i.p. immunization but were highly augmented after the oral OVA administration. Anti-OVA IgE increased twofold during the first week of oral OVA gavage. The anaphylaxis in both IP and FA groups decreased body temperature and motor activity, whereas intestinal permeability increased.Interestingly, the FA group showed a much higher RMCP II serum protein and intestinal mRNA expression. Conclusions: These results show both an effective and relatively rapid model of FA assessed by means of specific antibody titres and the high production of RMCP-II and its intestinal gene expression

    Optimización de un método de detección y seguimiento de instrumental quirúrgico en video laparoscópico

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    La localización del instrumental quirúrgico es de gran interés en Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva (CMI). Determinar su posición con precisión es fundamental para el desarrollo de futuras aplicaciones tanto en la formación y evaluación de cirujanos como en el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de navegación que asistan al cirujano durante la propia intervención quirúrgica. En la literatura existen técnicas de estimación basadas en el análisis de imágenes, siendo la principal limitación común la gran variabilidad de las imágenes de este tipo de cirugía, que dificultan el diseño de un método genérico capaz de obtener buenas precisiones para todas ellas. En este trabajo de investigación se propone una optimización de un método de detección y seguimiento automático de instrumental quirúrgico basado en el análisis de video endoscópico, incorporando filtros homomórficos, un nuevo algoritmo de segmentación y un seguimiento mediante enventanado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el método propuesto consigue una detección precisa y robusta para imágenes con diferentes características sin necesidad de ninguna adaptación previa

    Validación comparativa de un método para la corrección de distorsión en secuencias de video endoscópicas

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    El análisis de las secuencias de video del endoscopio cobra gran interés para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de formación y navegación quirúrgica en Cirugía de Mínima Invasión (CMI) Requiere una corrección previa de las distorsiones que introduce la cámara, en especial de la distorsión radial. El objetivo de este trabajo es validar un método de corrección de distorsión en video laparoscópico de forma comparativa con el método de Bouguet, uno de los métodos más valorados y usados por la comunidad científica. Los resultados muestran que el método propuesto es comparable al método de referencia empleado, y que la corrección realizada cubre las necesidades del procesado de vídeo endoscópic

    Protective Effect of Hesperidin on the Oxidative Stress Induced by an Exhausting Exercise in Intensively Trained Rats

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    Intensive exercise can lead to oxidative stress, which can be particularly deleterious for lymphoid tissues. Hesperidin has demonstrated its antioxidant activity, but few studies focus on its influence on intensive training. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of hesperidin on the oxidant/antioxidant status of lymphoid tissues after an intensive training program. Wistar rats were trained for five weeks (five days per week), including two exhaustion tests plus three trainings per week. During this period, animals were orally administrated with 200 mg/kg of hesperidin or vehicle (three days per week). The oxidative status was determined before, immediately after and 24 h after an additional exhaustion test. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by peritoneal macrophages, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase activities in spleen, thymus and liver, and hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity (GPx) were assessed. Hesperidin prevented an increase in ROS production induced by the additional exhaustion test. Likewise, hesperidin avoided a decrease in SOD and catalase activities in the thymus and spleen that was found after the additional exhaustion test. The antioxidant effects of hesperidin were associated with a higher performance in the assessed training model. These results suggest that hesperidin, acting as an antioxidant, can prevent oxidative stress induced by exercise and improve exercise performance

    Porcine Digestible Peptides (PDP) in Weanling Diets Regulates the Expression of Genes Involved in Gut Barrier Function, Immune Response and Nutrient Transport in Nursery Pigs

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    CRAG 10.3390/ani10122368This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of porcine digestible peptides (PDP), spray-dried plasma (SDP), or a combination of both, on growth performance and the expression of genes related to intestinal function of weaned pigs. A total of 180 piglets (trial 1) and 198 piglets (trial 2) were used to evaluate the partial substitution of soybean ingredients with 2% SDP or 2% PDP (trial 1), and with 3% SDP or the combination of 1% SDP and 2% PDP (SDP-PDP; trial 2) during the pre-starter period (0-14 days). The gene expression of 56 genes was quantified in a qPCR platform in jejunum and ileum samples obtained from piglets 14 d after weaning (trial 2). Piglets fed SDP, PDP and SDP-PDP had a higher body weight (BW), average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (G:F) than the soybean control on day 14 (p < 0.05). In addition, the combination of SDP and PDP upregulated ten genes in jejunum samples (p < 0.05) related to intestinal function. More research is needed to confirm that gene expression upregulation by PDP in combination with SDP has an impact on intestinal function and to elucidate its underlying mechanisms

    Role of theobromine in cocoa's metabolic properties in healthy rats.

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    Cocoa is rich in polyphenols and methylxanthines and it has been reported that its consumption, among other properties, has beneficial effects on metabolism. This study aimed to investigate the role of theobromine in cocoa's metabolic properties in healthy rats. In addition to morphometric measurements, biochemical markers of lipids and glucose metabolism and gene expression of molecules related to immune cells in adipose and hepatic tissues were assessed after 7 or 18 days of diet. Additionally, a metabolomic analysis was carried out at day 7. This study revealed the presence of six discriminant metabolites in plasma due to the diets. Moreover, the results showed that theobromine is the main responsible factor for cocoa's effects on body weight gain as well as on lipid and glucose metabolism. The effects on body weight and lipids appeared as early as after 7 days of diet, whereas those affecting glucose metabolism required a longer intervention

    MKP1 mediates chemosensitizer effects of E1a in response to cisplatin in non-small cell lung carcinoma cells

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    The adenoviral gene E1a is known to enhance the antitumor effect of cisplatin, one of the cornerstones of the current cancer chemotherapy. Here we study the molecular basis of E1a mediated sensitivity to cisplatin in an experimental model of Non-small cell lung cancer. Our data show how E1a blocks the induction of autophagy triggered by cisplatin and promotes the apoptotic response in resistant cells. Interestingly, at the molecular level, we present evidences showing how the phosphatase MKP1 is a major determinant of cisplatin sensitivity and its upregulation is strictly required for the induction of chemosensitivity mediated by E1a. Indeed, E1a is almost unable to promote sensitivity in H460, in which the high expression of MKP1 remains unaffected by E1a. However, in resistant cell as H1299, H23 or H661, which display low levels of MKP1, E1a expression promotes a dramatic increase in the amount of MKP1 correlating with cisplatin sensitivity. Furthermore, effective knock down of MKP1 in H1299 E1a expressing cells restores resistance to a similar extent than parental cells. stores resistance to a similar extent than parental cells. In summary, the present work reinforce the critical role of MKP1 in the cellular response to cisplatin highlighting the importance of this phosphatase in future gene therapy approach based on E1a gene

    Effect of cocoa’s theobromine on metabolism and on plasma metabolomic profile in young rats

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessió 1. Premis del Programa FRI-INSA

    Design and approval of the nutritional warnings’ policy in Peru: Milestones, key stakeholders, and policy drivers for its approval

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    Nutritional warnings are used as a public health strategy to address obesity. Peru approved in 2013 and implemented in 2019 a law requiring nutritional warnings on the marketing and packaging of processed foods high in sugar, sodium, saturated fat, and containing trans-fat. The complexity behind the design and approval of these policies over six years provides unique learnings, that inform the obesity prevention context, especially when proposed policies face strong opposition from powerful stakeholders. Our study aims to describe the milestones and key stakeholders’ roles and stances during the nutritional warnings policy design in Peru, and to identify and analyze the main drivers of policy change that explain its approval. In 2021, interviews were conducted with 25 key informants closely involved in its design. Interviews were analyzed using the Kaleidoscope Model as a theoretical framework. Relevant policy documents and news were also analyzed. Milestones for this policy included the approval of the Law, Regulation, and Manual. Policy supporters were mainly from Congress, civil society advocates, and Health Ministers. Opponents came from Congress, ministries linked to the economic sector, the food industry, and media. Across the years, warnings evolved from a single text, to traffic lights, to the approved black octagons. Main challenges included the strong opposition of powerful stakeholders, the lack of agreement for defining the appropriate evidence supporting nutritional warning parameters and design, and the political instability of the country. Based on the Kaleidoscope Model, the policy successfully targeted a relevant problem (unhealthy eating decisions) and had powerful advocates who effectively used focusing events to reposition the warnings in the policy agenda across the years. Negotiations weakened the policy but led to its approval. Importantly, government veto players were mostly in favor of the policy, which enabled its final approval despite the strong opposition

    Proyecto PREDIRCAM 2. Análisis preliminar de uso y valoración de la plataforma

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    En la actualidad, la prevalencia de las enfermedades no transmisibles (Non-communicable diseases NCD) y la cantidad de muertes causadas por éstas es muy elevada, en su mayoría, consecuencia del envejecimiento de la población, el aumento de la obesidad y los hábitos de vida sedentarios. En este trabajo se describen el funcionamiento y los resultados preliminares del proyecto Predircam 2, destinado al desarrollo y validación de una plataforma inteligente de tecnologías biomédicas para la monitorización, prevención y tratamiento personalizados del sobrepeso, la obesidad y la prevención de enfermedades asociadas como la diabetes, hipertensión arterial o alteraciones del metabolismo lipídico. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados preliminares del análisis del uso de la plataforma, la evaluación de la usabilidad y la valoración de la atención recibida por los pacientes en relación a los profesionales sanitarios