11,126 research outputs found

    Dry matter yields and quality of organic lupin/cereal mixtures for wholecrop forage

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    In view of climate change predictions and the general desirability of increasing the amount of home grown protein, a case exists for the investigation of lupins and lupin/cereal bicrop combinations as wholecrop forage on organic farms. A replicated randomised block trial is described which took place at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, in 2005. This involved spring sown blue, white and yellow lupins, millet, wheat and triticale and lupin/cereal bi-crops. Data for dry matter yields for wholecrop silage, crude protein, MAD fi bre content and estimated ME, are presented for a single harvest. It is concluded that white lupins and white lupin bi-crops with spring wheat or triticale offer the best prospects for a viable wholecrop forage crop in an organic situation

    MUSE Illuminates Channels for Lyman Continuum Escape in the Halo of SBS 0335-52E

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    We report on the discovery of ionised gas filaments in the circum-galactic halo of the extremely metal-poor compact starburst SBS 0335-052E in a 1.5h integration with the MUSE integral-field spectrograph. We detect these features in Hα{\alpha} and [OIII] emission down to surface-brightness levels of 5×10−195 \times 10^{-19}erg s−1^{-1}cm−2^{-2}arcsec−2^{-2}. The filaments have projected diameters of 2.1 kpc and extend more than 9 kpc to the north and north-west from the main stellar body. We also detect extended nebular HeII λ\lambda4686 emission that brightens towards the north-west at the rim of a star-burst driven super-shell, suggestive of a locally enhanced UV radiation field due to shocks. We also present a velocity field of the ionised gas. The filaments appear to connect seamlessly in velocity space to the kinematical disturbances caused by the shell. Similar to high-zz star-forming galaxies, the ionised gas in this galaxy is dispersion dominated. We argue that the filaments were created via feedback from the starburst and that these ionised structures in the halo may act as escape channels for Lyman continuum radiation in this gas-rich system.Comment: Revised version after peer review. Accepted for publication in A&A letter

    Perceived barriers to employment for older displaced workers

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    Objective: This study attempted to determine if age was perceived as a barrier to employment for unemployed individuals above 40 years of age. Background: The social cognitive career theory, which posits individuals are less likely to pursue actions for which they do not expect positive results, formed the foundation of this study. Method: Job search self-efficacy was measured in 116 unemployed individuals in three states. Results: An independent samples t test was calculated to compare the mean job search self-efficacy scores of the participants above the age of 40 to the scores of the younger participants. No significant difference was found (t(114) = 1.05, p \u3e .05). Linear regression analysis computed a regression equation that was not significant (F(1,114) = 1.47. p \u3e .05) with a R2 of .012. Conclusions: For the participants of this study, age and job search self-efficacy were not correlated

    Radio Sources in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. I. Radio Source Populations

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    We present the first results from a study of the radio continuum properties of galaxies in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, based on thirty 2dF fields covering a total area of about 100 square degrees. About 1.5% of galaxies with b(J) < 19.4 mag are detected as radio continuum sources in the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). Of these, roughly 40% are star-forming galaxies and 60% are active galaxies (mostly low-power radio galaxies and a few Seyferts). The combination of 2dFGRS and NVSS will eventually yield a homogeneous set of around 4000 radio-galaxy spectra, which will be a powerful tool for studying the distriibution and evolution of both AGN and starburst galaxies out to redshift z=0.3.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Evolution of replication efficiency following infection with a molecularly cloned feline immunodeficiency virus of low virulence

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    The development of an effective vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus is considered to be the most practicable means of controlling the advancing global AIDS epidemic. Studies with the domestic cat have demonstrated that vaccinal immunity to infection can be induced against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV); however, protection is largely restricted to laboratory strains of FIV and does not extend to primary strains of the virus. We compared the pathogenicity of two prototypic vaccine challenge strains of FIV derived from molecular clones; the laboratory strain PET&lt;sub&gt;F14&lt;/sub&gt; and the primary strain GL8&lt;sub&gt;414&lt;/sub&gt;. PET&lt;sub&gt;F14&lt;/sub&gt; established a low viral load and had no effect on CD4&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;- or CD8&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;- lymphocyte subsets. In contrast, GL8&lt;sub&gt;414&lt;/sub&gt; established a high viral load and induced a significant reduction in the ratio of CD4&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; to CD8&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; lymphocytes by 15 weeks postinfection, suggesting that PET&lt;sub&gt;F14&lt;/sub&gt; may be a low-virulence-challenge virus. However, during long-term monitoring of the PET&lt;sub&gt;F14&lt;/sub&gt;-infected cats, we observed the emergence of variant viruses in two of three cats. Concomitant with the appearance of the variant viruses, designated 627&lt;sub&gt;W135&lt;/sub&gt; and 628&lt;sub&gt;W135&lt;/sub&gt;, we observed an expansion of CD8&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;-lymphocyte subpopulations expressing reduced CD8 ß-chain, a phenotype consistent with activation. The variant viruses both carried mutations that reduced the net charge of the V3 loop (K409Q and K409E), giving rise to a reduced ability of the Env proteins to both induce fusion and to establish productive infection in CXCR4-expressing cells. Further, following subsequent challenge of naïve cats with the mutant viruses, the viruses established higher viral loads and induced more marked alterations in CD8&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;-lymphocyte subpopulations than did the parent F14 strain of virus, suggesting that the E409K mutation in the PET&lt;sub&gt;F14&lt;/sub&gt; strain contributes to the attenuation of the virus

    The monoid of queue actions

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    We investigate the monoid of transformations that are induced by sequences of writing to and reading from a queue storage. We describe this monoid by means of a confluent and terminating semi-Thue system and study some of its basic algebraic properties, e.g., conjugacy. Moreover, we show that while several properties concerning its rational subsets are undecidable, their uniform membership problem is NL-complete. Furthermore, we present an algebraic characterization of this monoid's recognizable subsets. Finally, we prove that it is not Thurston-automatic

    Localizing gravitational wave sources with optical telescopes and combining electromagnetic and gravitational wave data

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    Neutron star binaries, which are among the most promising sources for the direct detection of gravitational waves (GW) by ground based detectors, are also potential electromagnetic (EM) emitters. Gravitational waves will provide a new window to observe these events and hopefully give us glimpses of new astrophysics. In this paper, we discuss how EM information of these events can considerably improve GW parameter estimation both in terms of accuracy and computational power requirement. And then in return how GW sky localization can help EM astronomers in follow-up studies of sources which did not yield any prompt emission. We discuss how both EM source information and GW source localization can be used in a framework of multi-messenger astronomy. We illustrate how the large error regions in GW sky localizations can be handled in conducting optical astronomy in the advance detector era. We show some preliminary results in the context of an array of optical telescopes called BlackGEM, dedicated for optical follow-up of GW triggers, that is being constructed in La Silla, Chile and is expected to operate concurrent to the advanced GW detectors.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Proceeding for Sant Cugat Forum for Astrophysic

    Perceived barriers to employment for older displaced workers

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    This study attempted to determine if age was perceived as a barrier to employment for unemployed individuals above 40 years of age. The social cognitive career theory formed the foundation of this study. Job search self-efficacy was measured in 116 unemployed individuals in three states. An independent samples t test was calculated to compare the mean job search self-efficacy scores of the participants above the age of 40 to the scores of the younger participants. No significant difference was found (t(114) = 1.05, p \u3e .05). Linear regression analysis computed a regression equation that was not significant (F(1,114) = 1.47. p \u3e .05) with a R2 of .012. For the participants of this study, age and job search self-efficacy were not correlated
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