428 research outputs found

    Outburst Properties of V1504 Cyg and V344 Lyr

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    I begin by reviewing dwarf novae and the disk instability theory, and then present an overview of three ideas for producing superoutbursts in the SU UMa stars − the thermal tidal instability, irradiation-induced secondary mass overflow, and the plain vanilla disk limit cycle instability. I discuss the properties of the outbursts in two SU UMa systems observed by Kepler in the context of the three theories. I conclude with a look beyond the SU UMa systems

    Gamma Ray Bursts - Observations

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    We are in an exciting period of discovery for gamma-ray bursts. The Swift observatory is detecting 100 bursts per year, providing arcsecond localizations and sensitive observations of the prompt and afterglow emission. The Fermi observatory is observing 250 bursts per year with its medium-energy GRB instrument and about 10 bursts per year with its high-energy LAT instrument. In addition, rapid-response telescopes on the ground are providing new capabilities to study optical emission during the prompt phase and spectral signatures of the host galaxies. The combined data set is enabling great advances in our understanding of GRBs including afterglow physics, short burst origin, and high energy emission

    A New Paradigm for Gamma Ray Bursts: Long Term Accretion Rate Modulation by an External Accretion Disk

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    We present a new way of looking at the very long term evolution of GRBs in which the disk of material surrounding the putative black hole powering the GRB jet modulates the mass flow, and hence the efficacy of the process that extracts rotational energy from the black hole and inner accretion disk. The pre-Swift paradigm of achromatic, shallow-to-steep "breaks" in the long term GRB light curves has not been borne out by detailed Swift data amassed in the past several years. We argue that, given the initial existence of a fall-back disk near the progenitor, an unavoidable consequence will be the formation of an "external disk" whose outer edge continually moves to larger radii due to angular momentum transport and lack of a confining torque. The mass reservoir at large radii moves outward with time and gives a natural power law decay to the GRB light curves. In this model, the different canonical power law decay segments in the GRB identified by Zhang et al. and Nousek et al. represent different physical states of the accretion disk. We identify a physical disk state with each power law segment.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, accepted into the Astrophysical Journal: 23 May 200

    The Kepler Light Curve of V344 Lyrae: Constraining the Thermal-Viscous Limit Cycle Instability

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    We present time dependent modeling based on the accretion disk limit cycle model for a 270 d light curve of the short period SU UMa-type dwarf nova V344 Lyr taken by Kepler. The unprecedented precision and cadence (1 minute) far surpass that generally available for long term light curves. The data encompass two superoutbursts and 17 normal (i.e., short) outbursts. The main decay of the superoutbursts is nearly perfectly exponential, decaying at a rate ~12 d/mag, while the much more rapid decays of the normal outbursts exhibit a faster-than-exponential shape. Our modeling using the basic accretion disk limit cycle can produce the main features of the V344 Lyr light curve, including the peak outburst brightness. Nevertheless there are obvious deficiencies in our model light curves: (1) The rise times we calculate, both for the normal and superoutbursts, are too fast. (2) The superoutbursts are too short. (3) The shoulders on the rise to superoutburst have more structure than the shoulder in the observed superoutburst and are too slow, comprising about a third to half of the total viscous plateau, rather than the ~10% observed. However, one of the alpha_{cold} -> alpha_{hot} interpolation schemes we investigate (one that is physically motivated) does yield longer superoutbursts with suitably short, less structured shoulders.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures, accepted in the Astrophysical Journa

    Gamma-Ray Astronomy Technology Needs

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    In recent decades gamma-ray observations have become a valuable tool for studying the universe. Progress made in diverse 8re1lS such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), nucleosynthesis, and active galactic nuclei (AGNs) has complimented and enriched our astrophysical understanding in many ways. We present an overview of current and future planned space y-ray missions and discussion technology needs for- the next generation of space gamma-ray instruments

    Recent Progress on GRBs with Swift

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    We are in an exciting period of discovery for gamma-ray bursts. The Swift observatory is detecting 100 bursts per year, providing arcsecond localizations and sensitive observations of the prompt and afterglow emission. In addition, rapid-response telescopes on the ground have new capabilities to study optical emission during the prompt phase and spectral signatures of the host galaxies. The combined data set is enabling great advances in our understanding of GRBs including afterglow physics, short burst origin, and supernova physics

    The Nature of the Giant Outbursts in the Bursting Pulsar GRO J 1744-28

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    We investigate the possible role of an accretion disk instability in producing the giant outbursts seen in GRO J1744-28. Specifically, we study the global, time dependent evolution of the Lightman-Eardley instability which can develop near the inner edge of an accretion disk when the radiation pressure becomes comparable to the gas pressure. Broadly speaking, our results are compatible with earlier works by Taam \& Lin and by Lasota \& Pelat. The uniqueness of GRO J1744-28 appears to be associated with the constraint that, in order for outbursts to occur, the rate of accretion at the inner edge must be within a narrow range just above the critical accretion rate at which radiation pressure is beginning to become significant.Comment: 11 pages in .tex file, 4 Postscript figures, .tex file uses aasms.sty; Ap. J. L. 1996, in pres

    SWIFT Observations of a Far UV Luminosity Component in SS433

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    SS433 is a binary system showing relativistic Doppler shifts in its two sets of emission lines. The origin of its UV continuum is not well established. We observed SS433 to determine the emission mechanism responsible for its far UV spectrum. The source was observed at several different phases of both its 13 d orbital period and 162.5 d precession period using the UVOT and XRT detector systems on Swift. The far UV spectrum down to 1880 Angstrom lies significantly above the spectral flux distribution predicted by extrapolating the reddened blackbody continuum that fits the spectrum above 3500 Angstroms. The intensity of the far UV flux varies over a period of days and the variability is correlated with the variability of the soft X-ray flux from the source. An emission mechanism in addition to those previously detected in the optical and X-ray regions must exist in the far UV spectrum of SS433