1,418 research outputs found

    Internet-Mediated Communication: Publicly Interpersonal

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    A thesis on communication between individuals as mediated by the Internet, concluding that certain types of messages are interpersonal as well as public in nature. Away messages and blogs are examined as evidence that Internet- mediated interpersonal communication is a new context. The researcher determines that Internet-mediated communication (IMC) results in several communicative adaptations unique to this medium and that significance lies within the development of extended interpersonal relationship through the creation and expansion of online social networks

    Innovative techniques for survey and communication of cultural heritage

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    This paper deals with the survey and communications of Cultural Heritage through the development of innovative methodologies. The case of study is the polychrome wooden ceiling in the \u201cMagna\u201d Hall of \u201cPalazzo Steri\u201d. The \u201cSteri\u201d, built in the XIVth century by the noble family Chiaromonte, is at the present the headquarter of the Rector\u2019s Office of Palermo University. A 3D model of the wooden ceiling has initially been carried out with laser-scanning and digital photogrammetric techniques; successively a multimodal interactive guide has been realized. The guide is integrated to the 3D model, so that visitors can navigate the virtual representation of the ancient wood ceiling and achieve, interacting vocally, relevant meta information about history and sense of painted scenes


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    This paper introduces a novel methodology developed for creating 3D models of archaeological artifacts that reduces the time and effort required by operators. The approach uses a simple vision system mounted on a robotic arm that follows a predetermined path around the object to be reconstructed. The robotic system captures different viewing angles of the object and assigns 3D coordinates corresponding to the robot's pose, allowing it to adjust the trajectory to accommodate objects of various shapes and sizes. The angular displacement between consecutive acquisitions can also be fine-tuned based on the desired final resolution. This flexible approach is suitable for different object sizes, textures, and levels of detail, making it ideal for both large volumes with low detail and small volumes with high detail. The recorded images and assigned coordinates are fed into a constrained implementation of the structure-from-motion (SfM) algorithm, which uses the scale-invariant features transform (SIFT) method to detect key points in each image. By utilising a priori knowledge of the coordinates and SIFT algorithm, low processing time can be ensured while maintaining high accuracy in the final reconstruction. The use of a robotic system to acquire images at a pre-defined pace ensures high repeatability and consistency across different 3D reconstructions, eliminating operator errors in the workflow. This approach not only allows for comparisons between similar objects but also provides the ability to track structural changes of the same object over time. Overall, the proposed methodology provides a significant improvement over current photogrammetry techniques by reducing the time and effort required to create 3D models while maintaining a high level of accuracy and repeatability

    Linguistic Biases in Letters of Recommendation Written for Rheumatology Fellowship Applicants

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    Our study aimed to investigate for implicit linguistic biases in letters of recommendation written for applicants applying to our rheumatology program, and to determine if differences in gender and race exist between the applicants. Additionally, we wanted to compare these results to the gender, race, academic rank, and position of the letter writers. We found that among the preliminary 50 letters, they showed that our letters seemed to show the opposite trends than other published studies. We anticipate the need for further study, and look forward to the results

    Texture analysis on preoperative contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging identifies microvascular invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Background: Radiomic texture analysis quantifies tumor heterogeneity. The aim of this study is to determine if radiomics can predict biologic aggressiveness in HCC and identify tumors with MVI.Methods: Single-center, retrospective review of HCC patients undergoing resection/ablation with curative intent from 2009 to 2017. DICOM images from preoperative MRIs were analyzed with texture analysis software. Texture analysis parameters extracted on T1, T2, hepatic arterial phase (HAP) and portal venous phase (PVP) images. Multivariate logistic regression analysis evaluated factors associated with MVI.Results: MVI was present in 52.2% (n = 133) of HCCs. On multivariate analysis only T1 mean (OR = 0.97, 95%CI 0.95-0.99, p = 0.043) and PVP entropy (OR = 4.7, 95%CI 1.37-16.3, p = 0.014) were associated with tumor MVI. Area under ROC curve was 0.83 for this final model. Empirical optimal cutpoint for PVP tumor entropy and T1 tumor mean were 5.73 and 23.41, respectively. At these cutpoint values, sensitivity was 0.68 and 0.5, respectively and specificity was 0.64 and 0.86. When both criteria were met, the probability of MVI in the tumor was 87%.Conclusion: Tumor entropy and mean are both associated with MVI. Texture analysis on preoperative imaging correlates with microscopic features of HCC and can be used to predict patients with high-risk tumors

    Spectrum of liver lesions hyperintense on hepatobiliary phase: an approach by clinical setting

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    Hepatobiliary MRI contrast agents are increasingly being used for liver imaging. In clinical practice, most focal liver lesions do not uptake hepatobiliary contrast agents. Less commonly, hepatic lesions may show variable signal characteristics on hepatobiliary phase. This pictorial essay reviews a broad spectrum of benign and malignant focal hepatic observations that may show hyperintensity on hepatobiliary phase in various clinical settings. In non-cirrhotic patients, focal hepatic observations that show hyperintensity in the hepatobiliary phase are usually benign and typically include focal nodular hyperplasia. In patients with primary or secondary vascular disorders, focal nodular hyperplasia-like lesions arise as a local hyperplastic response to vascular alterations and tend to be iso- or hyperintense in the hepatobiliary phase. In oncologic patients, metastases and cholangiocarcinoma are hypointense lesions in the hepatobiliary phase; however, occasionally they may show a diffuse, central and inhomogeneous hepatobiliary paradoxical uptake with peripheral rim hypointensity. Post-chemotherapy focal nodular hyperplasia-like lesions may be tricky, and their typical hyperintense rim in the hepatobiliary phase is very helpful for the differential diagnosis with metastases. In cirrhotic patients, hepatocellular carcinoma may occasionally appear hyperintense on hepatobiliary phase

    The effect of inventory record inaccuracy in information exchange supply chains

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    The goal of this paper is to quantify the impact of Inventory Record Inaccuracy on the dynamics of collaborative supply chains, both in terms of operational performance (i.e. order and inventory stability), and customer service level. To do so, we model an Information Exchange Supply Chain under shrinkage errors in the inventory item recording activity of their nodes, present the mathematical formulation of such supply chain model, and conduct a numerical simulation assuming different levels of errors. Results clearly show that Inventory Record Inaccuracy strongly compromises supply chain stability, particularly when moving upwards in the supply chain. Important managerial insights can be extracted from this analysis, such as the role of 'benefit-sharing' strategies in order to guarantee the advantage of investments in connectivity technologies

    Evidenza di un caso di epatite infettiva del cane in Sicilia

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    L’Adenovirus Canino di tipo 1 (CAV-1), appartenente al genere Mastadenovirus, famiglia Adenoviridae, è l’agente causale dell’epatite infettiva del cane (ICH). Il virus replica negli endoteli vascolari e negli epatociti, causando epatite necrotico emorragica acuta. I sintomi neurologici sono rari e sono causati da una vasculite del SNC. Negli ultimi anni, la diffusa vaccinazione ha ridotto la circolazione di CAV-1 ed i casi clinici segnalati sono diventati rari ed isolati. In questo lavoro, gli Autori descrivono un caso clinico in un cucciolo di 2 mesi, non vaccinato, con febbre, prostrazione, convulsioni, vomito, diarrea ed esito infausto in una settimana. A seguito dell’esame autoptico, sono stati prelevati campioni di vari organi (cuore, milza, polmone, rene, encefalo, fegato, intestino). Questi sono stati analizzati mediante PCR ed isolamento su colture cellulari sensibili, per la ricerca dei principali agenti virali causa di malattia nel cane: parvovirus, cimurro, CAV-1 e CAV-2, coronavirus, rotavirus. Tutti gli organi esaminati sono risultati positivi sia in PCR che all’isolamento su MDCK solo per CAV-1. Il genoma estratto è stato amplificato secondo la metodica descritta da Hu et al. (2001), in grado di discriminare CAV-1 da CAV-2. L’isolamento su MDCK ha prodotto effetto citopatico al secondo passaggio ed il virus isolato è stato identificato mediante immunofluorescenza diretta e PCR. Il presente lavoro costituisce un contributo alla esigua disponibilità bibliografica sulle infezioni da CAV-1. La vaccinazione sistematica condotta nell’ultimo decennio ha sensibilmente ridotto i casi di malattia. Infatti, gli ultimi casi risalgono al 2001 in Basilicata e Puglia dove sono stati descritti rispettivamente un caso di CAV-1 con sintomatologia classica ed un altro caratterizzato anche da sintomi neurologici. La presente indagine dimostra l’attuale circolazione di CAV-1 e la sporadica comparsa di casi clinici. La vaccinazione sistematica con CAV-2 rimane il mezzo più efficace di protezione della popolazione canina e costituisce l’unico metodo di controllo della malattia
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