7 research outputs found

    Do brassy sounding musical instruments need increased safe distancing requirements to minimize the spread of COVID-19?

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    Brass wind instruments with long sections of cylindrical pipe, such as trumpets and trombones, sound “brassy” when played at a fortissimo level due to the generation of a shock front in the instrument. It has been suggested that these shock fronts may increase the spread of COVID-19 by propelling respiratory particles containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus several meters due to particle entrainment in the low pressure area behind the shocks. To determine the likelihood of this occurring, fluorescent particles, ranging in size from 10–50 lm, were dropped into the shock regions produced by a trombone, a trumpet, and a shock tube. Preliminary results indicate that propagation of small airborne particles by the shock fronts radiating from brass wind instruments is unlikely

    Imaging of vibrating objects using speckle subtraction

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    A simple method for imaging vibrational motion is proposed. The process consists of capturing two speckled images of a region illuminated by coherent radiation. One of the images is captured before the onset of motion and the other during motion. If the mean speckle intensity is below the threshold for detection or above the saturation intensity of the detector, subtracting the two images produces a high contrast image of the moving region. A theory is shown to agree well with experimental data

    A Simple and Inexpensive Optical Technique to Help Students Visualize Mode Shapes

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    An imaging technique is introduced that is suitable for visualizing the mode shapes of vibrating structures in an educational setting. The method produces images similar to those obtained using electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) but it can be implemented for less than 1=10 the cost of a commercial ESPI system, and the apparatus is simple enough that it can be constructed by undergraduate students. This technique allows for real-time visualization of the normal modes and detection shapes of harmonically vibrating structures, including those with shapes that make generating Chladni patterns with sand or powder impossible. The theory of operation and construction details are discussed

    Tuning the Nigerian Slit Gong

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    An experimental and theoretical investigation of the Nigerian slit gong is reported. It is shown that in tuning the gong the artisan ensures that the frequencies of the two lowest mechanical resonances are nearly coincident with the frequencies of two of the acoustic resonances of the internal cavity. Four possible tuning parameters are identified and the effects of changing these parameters is discussed

    Improved time-lapsed angular scattering microscopy of single cells

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Rochester. Institute of Optics, 2017.By measuring angular scattering patterns from biological samples and fitting them with a Mie theory model, one can estimate the organelle size distribution within many cells. Quantitative organelle sizing of ensembles of cells using this method has been well established. Our goal is to develop the methodology to extend this approach to the single cell level, measuring the angular scattering at multiple time points and estimating the non-nuclear organelle size distribution parameters. The diameters of individual organelle-size beads were successfully extracted using scattering measurements with a minimum deflection angle of 20 degrees. However, the accuracy of size estimates can be limited by the angular range detected. In particular, simulations by our group suggest that, for cell organelle populations with a broader size distribution, the accuracy of size prediction improves substan- tially if the minimum angle of detection angle is 15 degrees or less. The system was therefore modified to collect scattering angles down to 10 degrees. To confirm experimentally that size predictions will become more stable when lower scattering angles are detected, initial validations were performed on individual polystyrene beads ranging in diameter from 1 to 5 microns. We found that the lower minimum angle enabled the width of this delta-function size distribution to be predicted more accurately. Scattering patterns were then acquired and analyzed from single mouse squamous cell carcinoma cells at multiple time points. The scattering patterns exhibit angular dependencies that look unlike those of any single sphere size, but are well-fit by a broad distribution of sizes, as expected. To determine the fluctuation level in the estimated size distribution due to measure- ment imperfections alone, formaldehyde-fixed cells were measured. Subsequent measurements on live (non-fixed) cells revealed an order of magnitude greater fluctuation in the estimated sizes compared to fixed cells. With our improved and better-understood approach to single cell angular scattering, we are now capable of reliably detecting changes in organelle size predictions due to biological causes above our measurement error of 20 nm, which enables us to apply our system to future studies of the investigation of various single cell biological processes