4 research outputs found

    The Nursing Students Skill about Basic Life Support Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Emergency condition need help very quickly. BLS (Basic Life Support) to be one of skill that must be mastered by studentss. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge, awareness, and skill related to BLS in nursing student. Methods: We performed a search of articles in SCOPUS, MEDLINE, and CINAHL databases which was published between January 2011 and December 2017. Result: Most of the articles that have been reviewed demonstrate effectiveness BLS Training in improving the ability of students about emergency response. The value of the post test tends to be higher than the value of the pre-wedding test. Conclussion: Practice Basic Life Support (BLS) is indispensable to increase the knowledge and ability of the students. Therefore, it is expected that the health education agencies conduct routine Basic Life Support (BLS) Training


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    Latar belakang : Puskesmas sebagai fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama, harus dibekali dengan kemampuan pelayanan gawat darurat dasar untuk menunjang sistem pelayanan kesehatan yang optimal. Kemampuan perawat dalam melakukan pijat jantung atau BLS masih dibawah 50%. Pentingnya meningkatkan kemampuan perawat untuk menurunkan angka kematian akibat kasus cardiac arrest yang kurang cepat terhadap tata laksana BLS. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi Guide basic life support (BLS) berbasis android dalam penanganan Out Hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) perawat IGD Puskesmas Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode R & D. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner pengetahuan sikap dan psikomotor BLS kepada 50 perawat UGD Puskesmas untuk pengembangan aplikasi, kemudian dilakukan uji coba dan evaluasi. Evalasi dilakukan dengan metode quasi experiment dengan teknik simpel random sampling untuk mendapatkan 25 responden pada masing-masing kelompok. Hasil: Hasil penelitian adalah sebuah aplikasi Guide basic life support (BLS) berbasis android. Wilcoxon Test kelompok perlakuan menunjukan variabel ketepatan (p = 0,000) dan kecepatan (p = 0,000), Mann Whitney Test didapatkan variabel ketepatan (p = 0,000) dan kecepatan (p = 0,000). Kesimpulan : Aplikasi Guide basic life support (BLS) berbasis android dapat meningkatkan ketepatan dan kecepatan perawat dalam melakukan BLS

    Analisa Tegangan pada Expansion Joint Sistem Perpipaan Diesel Fuel Tank

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    Expansion joints installed on 30-inch pipelines that flow crude oil fluid, suffered damage caused by the high value of the bellows stress in the design conditions, resulting in over stress and over pressure on the expansion joint bellows. Stress analysis and static loading on the pipeline along with expansion joint bellows components are needed to determine the value of the internal pressure and stresses that occur. Static analysis using CAESAR II software includes stress analysis, pipe loading and pipe flexibility according to ASME B31.3 standard. While the bellows stress analysis refers to the EJMA standard. The results of static stress analysis are still within safe limits, but in a failure condition, the load received by the expansion joint is 55528 lb, exceeding the value of expansion joint pressure thrust. The amount of load received by the expansion joint, resulting in an internal pressure value of 75,175 psi exceeds the design limit, so that over pressure occurs in the expansion joint and surrounding pipelines. In addition, the value of the stress that occurs in the expansion joint bellows of 29372.601 psi, exceeds the permit limit of material stress according to EJMA standards, resulting in over stress on the bellows


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    Introduction: head injury is one of the causes of mortality and morbidity. Several studies mention predictors over outcome. The objective of this systematic review is to explore and synthesis factors which contribute to client outcome with head injury. Method: source of articles used was obtained from the search through data base which includes Pro Quest, PubMed, and EbscoHost. This search is confined from 2006 to 2016. Subsequently, the journals were reviewed for systematic review. Result: there were 10 articles reviewed. Significant risk factors of head injury include socio demographic factors such as old age, male sex, low education level, clinical factor (GCS), injury due to road traffic accident, hypotension, hypoxia, increased intracranial pressure, absence of pupillary reaction, hypo and hyperglycemia, coagulopathy, hypo and hyperthermia, abnormal electrolyte level, episode of coma, result of intracranial lesion CT scan. Conclusion: outcome predictor in a patient with head injury will be useful in Triage criteria, prognosis of injury, care and discharge planning, the use resources and patient and family counseling Keyword: risk factor, outcome, head injur