74 research outputs found

    Estrategias de comunicación para mejorar la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes polimedicados

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    [Resumen] Introducción: La polimedicación se entiende como el hecho de tomar más medicamentos de los clínicamente apropiados. La adherencia a los medicamentos es compleja y un comportamiento dinámico que ha sido vinculado a muchos aspectos, como el estado socioeconómico, el equipo de salud y el sistema de salud. Los profesionales deben adquirir la habilidad de ayudar a su paciente a poder hablar de sus problemas y a encontrar la forma de solucionarlos, por ello se necesita disponer de un marco conceptual que intente explicar cómo se puede intervenir. Estos son conscientes del alto potencial que tienen sus intervenciones, por lo que están asumiendo un papel más importante en las actividades de promoción y prevención, así como en la gestión y el seguimiento de los pacientes crónicos. Objetivo general: Indagar sobre la experiencia en comunicación de los profesionales de enfermería en la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes polimedicados. Objetivos específicos: Identificar estrategias de comunicación en la experiencia de los enfermeros. Identificar las barreras de comunicación que dificultan la relación enfermera-paciente. Conocer cómo afecta una mejora de la comunicación en la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes polimedicados. Conocer la importancia de la comunicación con el paciente. Metodología: Estudio de carácter cualitativo basado en la fenomenología según Van Manen. La población de estudio serán enfermeros que atienden a pacientes polimedicados en centros de salud de la Gerencia de Gestión Integrada de Ferrol (XXIF). Se usará un muestreo teórico e intencionado y se llevarán a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas.[Resumo] Introdución: A polimedicación se entende coma o feito de tomar máis medicación da clinicamente apropiada. A adherencia a medicación é complexa e un comportamento dinámico que vinculase a moitos aspectos, coma o estado socioeconómico, equipo de saúde e o sistema de saúde. Os profesionais deben adquirir a habilidade de axudar o seu paciente a poder falar dos seus problemas e a atopar a forma de solucionalos, por isto necesitase dispoñer dun marco conceptual que intente explicar a forma na que se pode intervir. Estes son conscientes do alto potencial que teñen as súas intervencións, polo que están asumindo un papel máis importante nas actividades de promoción e prevención, así como na xestión e o seguimento dos pacientes crónicos. Obxectivo xeneral: Indagar sobre a experiencia en comunicación dos profesionais de enfermería na adherencia o tratamento en pacientes polimedicados. Obxectivos específicos: Identificar estratexias de comunicación na experiencia dos enfermeros. Identificar as barreiras de comunicación que dificultan a relación enfermera-paciente. Coñecer cómo afecta unha mellora da comunicación na adherencia o tratamento en pacientes polimedicados. Coñecer a importancia da comunicación có paciente. Metodoloxía: Estudo de carácter cualitativo baseado na fenomenoloxía segundo Van Manen. A poboación do estudo serán enfermeiras que atenden a pacientes polimedicados nos centros de saúde da Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Ferrol (XXIF). Usarase un móstreo teórico e intencionado e se levarán a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas.[Abstract] Introduction: Polypharmacy is understood as taking more drugs than clinically appropriate. Adherence to medications is complex and a dynamic behavior that has been linked to many aspects, such as socioeconomic status, health team and health system. Professionals must acquire the ability to help their patient so they can talk about problems and how to solve them, therefore, you need to have a conceptual framework that tries to explain how you can intervene. These are known for the high potential of their interventions, so they are aware of their most important role in the promotion and prevention activities, as well as in the management and monitoring of chronic patients. General objetive: Inquire about the communication experience of nursing professionals in adherence to treatment in polymedicated patients. Specific objetives: Identify communication strategies in the experience of nurses. Identify communication barriers that hinder the nurse-patient relationship. Know how an improvement in communication affects adherence to treatment in polymedicated patients. Know the importance of communication with the patient. Methodology: Qualitative study based on the phenomenology according to Van Manen. The population of the health centers that receive attention in the health centers of the Management of Integrated Management of Ferrol (XXIF). A theoretical and intended marker is used and semi-structured interviews are carried out.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2017/201

    Testicular torsion in the inguinal region in an extremely low birth weight infant

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    Testicular torsion is rare in newborn infants. However, its frequency has increased, most of which are reported in full-term infants. We diagnosed and treated testicular torsion in an extremely low birth weight infant (ELBWI). A 2×2 cm red mass was palpable in the left groin of a 24-week-old, 745 g, male newborn at 23 days of age. Left testicular torsion was diagnosed, and emergent orchiopexy was performed. Careful physical examination is needed in cases suspicious of testicular torsion in ELBWIs with cryptorchidism. Moreover, early diagnosis and emergent exploration are necessary to prevent complications such as the risk of anorchia

    Chondrolipoma in the Pelvic Cavity: a Case Report

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    A chondrolipoma is an extremely rare form of a benign mesenchymal tumor containing mature cartilage and fatty tissue. Chondrolipomas may be found in almost any part of the body, particularly in the connective tissue of the breast, head and neck area, as well as in the skeletal muscle. However, to the best of our knowledge, chondrolipomas located in the pelvic cavity have not been reported. In this case report, we describe a case of a chondrolipoma in the pelvis, and show that it has its own characteristic imaging findings, which included the composition of fatty tissue and calcification in most parts, as well as some focal areas of chondroid tissue based on the CT and MR findings

    Multispectral Palmprint Recognition Using a Quaternion Matrix

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    Palmprints have been widely studied for biometric recognition for many years. Traditionally, a white light source is used for illumination. Recently, multispectral imaging has drawn attention because of its high recognition accuracy. Multispectral palmprint systems can provide more discriminant information under different illuminations in a short time, thus they can achieve better recognition accuracy. Previously, multispectral palmprint images were taken as a kind of multi-modal biometrics, and the fusion scheme on the image level or matching score level was used. However, some spectral information will be lost during image level or matching score level fusion. In this study, we propose a new method for multispectral images based on a quaternion model which could fully utilize the multispectral information. Firstly, multispectral palmprint images captured under red, green, blue and near-infrared (NIR) illuminations were represented by a quaternion matrix, then principal component analysis (PCA) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) were applied respectively on the matrix to extract palmprint features. After that, Euclidean distance was used to measure the dissimilarity between different features. Finally, the sum of two distances and the nearest neighborhood classifier were employed for recognition decision. Experimental results showed that using the quaternion matrix can achieve a higher recognition rate. Given 3000 test samples from 500 palms, the recognition rate can be as high as 98.83%

    Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images Using Multifractal Analysis

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    Satellite remote sensing (RS) is an important contributor to Earth observation, providing various kinds of imagery every day, but low spatial resolution remains a critical bottleneck in a lot of applications, restricting higher spatial resolution analysis (e.g., intra-urban). In this study, a multifractal-based super-resolution reconstruction method is proposed to alleviate this problem. The multifractal characteristic is common in Nature. The self-similarity or self-affinity presented in the image is useful to estimate details at larger and smaller scales than the original. We first look for the presence of multifractal characteristics in the images. Then we estimate parameters of the information transfer function and noise of the low resolution image. Finally, a noise-free, spatial resolution-enhanced image is generated by a fractal coding-based denoising and downscaling method. The empirical case shows that the reconstructed super-resolution image performs well in detail enhancement. This method is not only useful for remote sensing in investigating Earth, but also for other images with multifractal characteristics

    Super-resolution:A comprehensive survey

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    A new stereo matching paradigm for the recovery of the third dimension in two-dimensional images

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    A new stereo matching paradigm is introduced as an integrated process of highly discriminating steps, adopting congruously all the fundamental steps of the stereo vision problem. The central objective is the extraction of a disparity map from which the depth map will be derived. A unique representation of the two dimensional (2-D) stereo images into linear, orthogonal, and spatially-varying attributes serve as the mathematical foundation from which the proposed stereo matching method has evolved. The devised attributes contribute equally to the decision making process and provide information on the characterization of a potential match and its validation through a consistency check. A fundamental contribution of this thesis is in creating the possibility for the design of a dimensionally-augmented vision system (2½ -D representation) based on an effective stereo paradigm with realistic computational requirements. In this design configuration, the geometrical mappings between the 3-D real-world measurements with the measurements obtained using the proposed 2½ -D-D representation are established. Computer results for the intended objective of creating highly accurate disparity maps for various scenes with varying complexities clearly demonstrate the soundness of the proposed method both in terms of its matching effectiveness and its realistic computational power requirements. Future objectives point to the development of enhanced algorithms for scene interpretation and understanding based on this augmented representation

    Simultaneous Homographic and Comparametric Alignment of Multiple Exposure-Adjusted Pictures of the Same Scene

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    An approach is presented that can simultaneously align multiple exposure-adjusted pictures of the same scene both in their spatial coordinates as well as in their pixel values. The approach is featureless and produces an image mosaic at a common spatial and exposure reference and also addresses the misalignment problem common to methods that compose mosaics from only pair-wise registered image pairs. The objective function considered minimizes the sum of the collective variance over pixels of a global coordinate grid on which to create the final image. The models employed relate images spatially by homographic transformations and tonally by comparametric functions. The importance of performing joint spatial and tonal registration on exposure-adjusted images is emphasized by providing two examples in which spatial-only registration fails. A discussion describing the performance between pair-wise and simultaneous registration under both spatial-only and joint registration procedures is provided