25 research outputs found

    How does mother's working status and number of siblings affect school age child trauma presenting to the emergency department

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     Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mother working status and siblings on school-age child trauma admitted to the emergency department and to investigate school-age traumas.Methods: This prospective study was conducted with the approval of the ethics committee in the emergency department of a training and research hospital. All demographic data of the school-aged children (66 months-18 years) who applied to the emergency department, the location of the trauma, the mechanism of occurrence, the mother's working status, the presence and number of siblings, the duration of stay in the emergency department, clinical outcome and hospital service cost were recorded.Results: A total of 794 children were included in the study. 263(33.1%) were girls and 531(66.9%) were boys. Soft tissue trauma was the most common (94.3%). The place of the trauma was 62.7% out of school and 37.3% in school. When mother working conditions were analyzed, it was seen that 34.2% did not work. 97.1% of the children had one or more siblings. The most common trauma mechanism (65.6%) was collision and the second (60.6%) was falls. 99.1% of the patients were discharged. The length of stay in the emergency department of the Grade-schooler age group was higher than the Teen age group (p: 0,000). The length of stay in emergency department was higher in patients without siblings (p: 0.017). It was observed that those whose mothers did not work remained in the emergency room longer (p: 0,000). It was found that the ones whose mothers did not work mostly came with trauma mechanism as a result of falling (65.4%) (p: 0.044).Conclusions: Providing education for protection from accidents in schools and out of school to all people, especially children, parents and teachers, and making safe playgrounds with solid floors will minimize accident and injury rates and severity levels

    Evaluation of the relation of Platelet Volume Index, MPV and RDW values with mortality in spontaneous intraparenchymal hemorrhages

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    Introduction: Intracerebral Spontaneous Hemorrhage (ISH) is a sudden hemorrhage into the brain parenchyma as a result of a rupture of the cerebral vessels that are not related to traumas. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relation of mortality with Platelet Volume Index (PVI) scoring systems, which have been reported in a small number of studies in terms of blood RDW, MPV, platelet and intracranial hemorrhages in patients diagnosed with intraparenchymal hemorrhage in Emergency Departments. Methods: This study was performed retrospectively by examining patient files of patients who came to Emergency Medicine Clinic between 01.01.2019-31.12.2019. As a control group for comparison of blood parameters, blood parameters of 72 patients suitable for the same age population, without intraparenchymal haemorrhage.Results: A total of 54.10% (n=85) intraparenchymal bleeding patients (IPC) and 45.90% (n=72) healthy control groups (HCG) were included in the study. There was no statistically significant difference between the clinical results of IPC groups in terms of mortality of RDW parameter and MPV parameter (p=0.930; p=0.118). When PVI ratio was evaluated in IPC group and HCG; the mean PVI (MPV/Platelet ratio) in the IPC group was 4.37±1.66, and the PVI (MPV/Platelet ratio) in the HCG was 3.89±1.02.A statistically significant difference was found between the PVI in the patient group and the HCG.A statistically significant difference was found between the PVI ratio clinical results of the patients with IPC (p=0.043).Conclusion: Spontaneous Intraparenchymal hemorrhage are among the leading causes of stroke-induced mortality and disability. The Hemphill Score and hemorrhage volume are important factors in mortality evaluation in intraparenchymal hemorrhage. There are not many studied conducted on Platelet Volume Index, and it is an important marker in predicting mortality, especially in these patients

    N Terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptit level in patients with arhythmia

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    Amaç: Brain Natriüretik Peptid (BNP) ventriküler miyositlerden duvar gerilimine yanıt olarak salınan protein yapılı belirteç olup son yıllarda kullanımı gittikçe artmaktadır. Akut kalp yetmezliğinde, sol ventrikül hastalıklarında akut dispnede kullanımı yaygınlaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada amaç; aritmi tespit edilen hastalarda BNP düzeyi araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya Acil servisimize başvuran ve herhangi bir ritm bozukluğu olan hastalar dahil edildi. Hastalara yatak başı EKO yapıldı. Hastalar kalp yetmezliği olan ve kalp yetmezliği olmayan hastalar olarak iki grupta sınıflandırıldı. Hastalardan alınan 1 cc kan Etdalı tüpe alınarak N Terminal Prohormon Brain Natriüretik Peptid (NT pro BNP) bakıldı. Toplanan veriler önceden hazırlanan formlara kaydedildi. İstatistiksel analizler "SPSS for Windows 13.0'' programı yardımıyla yapıldı. Kalp yetmezliği olan hastalarda ortalama BNP düzeyi 2510010955 pg/mL iken, kalp yetmezliği olmayan herhangi bir ritm bozukluğu olan hastaların ortalama BNP düzeyi 5767,616225 pg/mL olarak tespit edildi. Sonuç: BNP ve NTpro BNP akut kalp yetmezliğinin tanısında kullanılan önemli belirteçlerdir. Son yıllarda başka hastalıklarla ilgisi konusunda çalışmalar yaygınlaşmıştır. Bizim çalışmamızda kalp yetmezliği olan disritmili hastalarda yüksek tespit edilmesi yanında kalp yetmezliği olmayıp herhangi bir aritmi tespit edilen hastalarda da normal sınırların üstünde tespit edilmiştir.Objective: Brain natriuretic peptides are the marker protein structures released in response to wall tension from ventricular myocytes, and have been increasingly used in recent years. The use of N-Terminal Prohormone Brain Natriuretic Peptide is getting more expanded in acute heart failure, left ventricular diseases and acute dyspnea. Here, we aimed at investigating the level of N-Terminal Prohormone Brain Natriuretic Peptide in patients diagnosed with arrhythmias. Materials and Methods: Patients admitted to the emergency department and with any rhythm disorder were included into this study. Bedside echocardiography was performed for each patient. Patients were classified into two groups with and without heart failure. Blood samples of 1 cc were drawn from patients and put into ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)-containing tubes, and N-Terminal Prohormone Brain Natriuretic was investigated. Collected data were recorded into the prepared forms. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS for Windows 13.0 software package. While average N-Terminal Prohormone Brain Natriuretic level was 25100±10955 pg/Ml in patients with heart failure, average level of NTerminal Prohormone Brain Natriuretic was seen as 5767.61±6225 pg/mL in those with any rhythm disorder but no heart failure.Brain Natrıuretıc Peptıt And Arhythmia Conclusion: N Terminal Prohormon Brain Natriüretik Peptid are important markers in the diagnosis of acute heart failure. In recent years, studies on their association with other diseases have become widespread. In our study, we also found BNP levels more than normal ranges in patients with arrhythmia but no cardiac failure, as well as finding N-Terminal Prohormone Brain Natriuretic levels at higher rates in heart failure patients with dysrhythmia

    The Importance of Electrocardiographic Screening in Cardiac Contusion after Blunt Chest Trauma: Case Reports

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    Tracking and monitoring of patients with blunt chest trauma, especially blunt trauma is very important. As in all kinds of trauma, cardiac contusion in isolated chest trauma may result in acute coronary syndromes. We describe two patients who present with acute coronary syndrome after blunt chest trauma. Their ECG confirmed ST elevations in the inferior derivations, medical therapies and coronary angiography were carried out. Coronary angiographies have revealed no pathology in the coronary arteries. Their conditions were considered to be related to cardiac contusion due to trauma and stress. Cardiac contusion may occur in isolated chest traumas; however, it should be remembered that acute coronary syndrome may develop along with stress after any kind of trauma. [Cukurova Med J 2013; 38(4.000): 754-758

    Bedside Sonography in Emergency Departments in Turkey

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    Emergency departments in Turkey have been steadily improving their services since emergency medicine began as a specialty over 12 years ago, but bedside ultrasound (US) has not been implemented widely. In order to learn the extent of ultrasound usage and training opportunities, a 27-question survey was distributed to emergency medicine-trained physicians working in emergency departments at ten university hospitals (the busiest one in each geographical region, plus three others), which are referral centres covering over half of the country's population

    Evaluation of the relation of Platelet Volume Index, MPV and RDW values with mortality in spontaneous intraparenchymal hemorrhages

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    Introduction: Intracerebral Spontaneous Hemorrhage (ISH) is a sudden hemorrhage into the brain parenchyma as a result of a rupture of the cerebral vessels that are not related to traumas. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relation of mortality with Platelet Volume Index (PVI) scoring systems, which have been reported in a small number of studies in terms of blood RDW, MPV, platelet and intracranial hemorrhages in patients diagnosed with intraparenchymal hemorrhage in Emergency Departments. Methods: This study was performed retrospectively by examining patient files of patients who came to Emergency Medicine Clinic between 01.01.2019-31.12.2019. As a control group for comparison of blood parameters, blood parameters of 72 patients suitable for the same age population, without intraparenchymal haemorrhage.Results: A total of 54.10% (n=85) intraparenchymal bleeding patients (IPC) and 45.90% (n=72) healthy control groups (HCG) were included in the study. There was no statistically significant difference between the clinical results of IPC groups in terms of mortality of RDW parameter and MPV parameter (p=0.930; p=0.118). When PVI ratio was evaluated in IPC group and HCG; the mean PVI (MPV/Platelet ratio) in the IPC group was 4.37±1.66, and the PVI (MPV/Platelet ratio) in the HCG was 3.89±1.02.A statistically significant difference was found between the PVI in the patient group and the HCG.A statistically significant difference was found between the PVI ratio clinical results of the patients with IPC (p=0.043).Conclusion: Spontaneous Intraparenchymal hemorrhage are among the leading causes of stroke-induced mortality and disability. The Hemphill Score and hemorrhage volume are important factors in mortality evaluation in intraparenchymal hemorrhage. There are not many studied conducted on Platelet Volume Index, and it is an important marker in predicting mortality, especially in these patients