327 research outputs found

    Linear and nonlinear coupling of quantum dots in microcavities

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    We discuss the topical and fundamental problem of strong-coupling between a quantum dot an the single mode of a microcavity. We report seminal quantitative descriptions of experimental data, both in the linear and in the nonlinear regimes, based on a theoretical model that includes pumping and quantum statistics.Comment: Proceedings of the symposium Nanostructures: Physics and Technology 2010 (http://www.ioffe.ru/NANO2010), 2 pages in proceedings styl

    Effect of symmetry in the many-particle Wigner funcion

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    An analysis of the Wigner function for identical particles is presented. Four situations have been considered. (i) The first is scattering process between two indistinguishable particles described by a minimum uncertainty wave packets showing the exchange and correlation effects in Wigner phase space. (ii) An equilibrium ensemble of N particles in a one-dimensional box and in a one-dimensional harmonic potential is considered second, showing that the reduced one-particle Wigner function, as a function of the energy defined in the Wigner phase space, tends to the Fermi-Dirac or to the Bose-Einstein distribution function, depending on the considered statistics. (iii) The third situation is reduced one-particle transport equation for the Wigner function, in the case of interacting particles, showing the need for the two-particle reduced Wigner function within the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon hierarchy scheme. (iv) Finally, the electron-phonon interaction in the two-particle case is considered, showing coparticipation of two electrons in the interaction with the phonon bath

    Ultra-Fast Stark-Induced Control of Polaritonic States

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    A laser pulse, several meV red-detuned from the excitonic line of a quantum well, has been shown to induce an almost instantaneous and rigid shift of the lower and upper polariton branches. Here we demonstrate that through this shift, ultra-fast all-optical control of the polariton population in a semiconductor microcavity should be achievable. In the proposed setup a Stark field is used to bring the lower polariton branch in or out of resonance with a quasi-resonant continuous-wave laser, thereby favoring or inhibiting the injection of polaritons into the cavity. Moreover we show that this technique allows for the implementation of optical switches with extremely high repetition rates

    Adenocarcinoma classification: patterns and prognosis

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    Lung cancer is the most frequent human malignancy and the principal cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Adenocarcinoma is now the main histologic type, accounting for almost half of all the cases. The 2015 World Health Organization has adopted the classification recently developed by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, American Thoracic Society, and European Respiratory Society. This new adenocarcinoma classification has incorporated up-to-date advances in radiological, molecular and oncological knowledge, providing univocal diagnostic criteria and terminology. For resection specimens, new entities have been defined such as adenocarcinoma in situ and minimally invasive adenocarcinoma to designate adenocarcinomas, mostly nonmucinous and ≤ 3 cm in size, with either pure lepidic growth or predominant lepidic growth with ≤ 5 mm invasion, respectively. For invasive adenocarcinoma, the new classification has introduced histological subtyping according to the predominant pattern of growth of the neoplastic cells: lepidic (formerly non mucinous brochioloalveolar adenocarcinoma), acinar, papillary, micropapillary, and solid. Of note, micropapillary pattern is a brand new histologic subtype. In addition, four variants of invasive adenocarcinoma are recognized, namely invasive mucinous (formerly mucinous brochioloalveolar adenocarcinoma), colloid, fetal, and enteric. Importantly, three variants that were considered in the previous classification have been eliminated, specifically mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, signet ring cell, and clear cell adenocarcinoma. This review presents the changes introduced by the current histological classification of lung adenocarcinoma and its prognostic implications

    Full Stark control of polariton states on a spin-orbit hypersphere

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    The orbital angular momentum and the polarization of light are physical quantities widely investigated for classical and quantum information processing. In this work we propose to take advantage of strong light-matter coupling, circular-symmetric confinement, and transverse-electric transverse-magnetic splitting to exploit states where these two degrees of freedom are combined. To this end we develop a model based on a spin-orbit Poincaré hypersphere. Then we consider the example of semiconductor polariton systems and demonstrate full ultrafast Stark control of spin-orbit states. Moreover, by controlling states on three different spin-orbit spheres and switching from one sphere to another we demonstrate the control of different logic bits within one single physical system

    Injection of Orbital Angular Momentum and Storage of Quantized Vortices in Polariton Superfluids

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    We report the experimental investigation and theoretical modeling of a rotating polariton superfluid relying on an innovative method for the injection of angular momentum. This novel, multipump injection method uses four coherent lasers arranged in a square, resonantly creating four polariton populations propagating inwards. The control available over the direction of propagation of the superflows allows injecting a controllable nonquantized amount of optical angular momentum. When the density at the center is low enough to neglect polariton-polariton interactions, optical singularities, associated with an interference pattern, are visible in the phase. In the superfluid regime resulting from the strong nonlinear polariton-polariton interaction, the interference pattern disappears and only vortices with the same sign are persisting in the system. Remarkably, the number of vortices inside the superfluid region can be controlled by controlling the angular momentum injected by the pumps

    Drag in a resonantly driven polariton fluid

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    We study the linear response of a coherently driven polariton fluid in the pump-only configuration scattering against a point-like defect and evaluate analytically the drag force exerted by the fluid on the defect. When the system is excited near the bottom of the lower polariton dispersion, the sign of the interaction-renormalised pump detuning classifies the collective excitation spectra into three different categories (Ciuti and Carusotto 2005 Phys. Status Solidi b 242 2224): linear for zero, diffusive-like for positive and gapped for negative detuning. We show that both cases of zero and positive detuning share a qualitatively similar crossover of the drag force from the subsonic to the supersonic regime as a function of the fluid velocity, with a critical velocity given by the speed of sound found for the linear regime. In contrast, for gapped spectra, we find that the critical velocity exceeds the speed of sound. In all cases, the residual drag force in the subcritical regime depends on the polariton lifetime only. Also, well below the critical velocity, the drag force varies linearly with the polariton lifetime, in agreement with previous work (Cancellieri et al 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 224512), where the drag was determined numerically for a finite-size defect

    Effect of the Pauli Exclusion Principle in the Many-Electron Wigner Function

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    An analysis of the Wigner function for identical particles is presented. Four situations have been considered. i) A scattering process between two indistinguishable electrons described by a minimum uncertainty wave packets showing the exchange and correlation hole in Wigner phase space. ii) An equilibrium ensemble of N electrons in a one-dimensional box and in a one-dimensional harmonic potential showing that the reduced single particle Wigner function as a function of the energy defined in the Wigner phase-space tends to a Fermi distribution. iii) The reduced one-particle transport-equation for the Wigner function in the case of interacting electrons showing the need for the two-particle reduced Wigner function within the BBGKY hierarchy scheme. iv) The electron-phonon interaction in the two-particle case showing co-participation of two electrons in the interaction with the phonon bath

    Kinetics of the thermal degradation of Erica arborea by DSC: Hybrid kinetic method

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    The scope of this work was the determination of kinetic parameters of the thermal oxidative degradation of a Mediterranean scrub using a hybrid method developed at the laboratory. DSC and TGA were used in this study under air sweeping to record oxidative reactions. Two dominating and overlapped exothermic peaks were recorded in DSC and individualized using an experimental and numerical separation. This first stage allowed obtaining the enthalpy variation of each exothermic phenomenon. In a second time, a model free method was applied on each isolated curve to determine the apparent activation energies. A reactional kinetic scheme was proposed for the global exotherm composed of two independent and consecutive reactions. In fine mean values of enthalpy variation and apparent activation energy previously determined were injected in a model fitting method to obtain the reaction order and the preexponential factor of each oxidative reaction. We plan to use these data in a sub-model to be integrated in a wildland fire spread model
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