101 research outputs found

    Preservice Teachers’ Perceived Self-Efficacy in Selection of Teaching Methods and Techniques

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    The aim of this research is to identify perceived efficacy of a group of preservice teachers regarding selection of teaching methods and techniques. It seems important for preservice teachers to benefit from teaching methods and techniques in terms of learning processes in different subjects as they practice their profession. As this is a descriptive study, the survey model was used. Data were collected with Preservice Teachers’ Perceived Self-Efficacy in Selection of Teaching Methods and Techniques Scale, developed by Durdukoca et al. (2017). The study sample comprised of 321 fourth-year students in departments of Primary Teacher Education, Turkish Teacher Education, Social Sciences Teacher Education and Preschool Teacher Education in Buca Faculty of Education at Dokuz Eylül University during Spring Semester of the academic year of 2017-2018. Obtained data were analyzed with SPSS 22, ANOVA and t-test. Data analysis showed that the preservice teachers had high perceived self-efficacy in selection of teaching methods and techniques and that there was a significant difference between the participants from different departments


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    Günümüzde bilgiyi ezberlemeye çalışan değil, nasıl öğrendiğini bilen, öğrendiklerini anlamlandırabilen, eleştirel ve yaratıcı düşünebilen, bilgilerini uygulamaya koyabilen bireylere gereksinim duyulmaktadır. Bu becerilere sahip bireylerin yetiştirilmesinde önemli öğretim yaklaşımlardan biri de Beyin Uyumlu Öğrenme (BUÖ) yaklaşımı olarak görülmektedir. BUÖ, beyinde öğrenmenin nasıl gerçekleştiğine dair bulgular ortaya koyan sinirbilim araştırmalarına dayalı, geniş kapsamlı bir öğrenme ve öğretme yaklaşımıdır. Bu çalışmada, 5. sınıf Sosyal Bilgiler dersinde BUÖ yaklaşımına göre hazırlanmış öğretim etkinliklerinin öğrencilerinin akademik başarılarına ve akademik benlik saygılarına olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma, yarı deneysel deneme modellerinden ön-test, son-test kontrol gruplu deneysel modele” göre gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma grubunu İzmir ili Buca ilçesinde orta sosyo-ekonomik düzeyde bir devlet okulundan seçilen üç 5. sınıf oluşturmuştur. Veriler, öğrencilerin Sosyal Bilgiler dersi akademik başarısını ölçmek için araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen “Akademik Başarı Testi”, ve akademik benlik saygısını ölçmek için Coopersmith (1991) tarafından geliştirilen ve Pişkin (1996) tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanan “Coopersmith Akademik Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği” ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre BUÖ yaklaşımının uygulandığı deney grubu öğrencilerinin Sosyal Bilgiler dersi akademik başarıları ve akademik benlik saygılarında kontrol grubu öğrencilerinden anlamlı düzeyde yüksek puan aldıkları belirlenmiştir.The modern times require individuals who do not only accept and memorize the information served but also aware of the structure of respective learning; giving meanings to the data learned, acting in line with critical and creative thinking, and making use of the data learned in practice. One of the significant teaching approaches to train such skilled individuals is a brain based learning which is commonly accepted. The brain based learning is a wide-range approach that supported by the neurological research findings explaining how the learning happens in the brain. This study aims to explain the effects of the teaching activities prepared in accordance with the brain compatible learning approach on 5th grade students’ Social Sciences course towards their academic achievement, executive functions and academic self esteem. In this research, quantitative research methods were both used. An experimental and two control groups were composed in the research. "unsynchronized pretest-posttest control group quasiexperimental design with" quantitative research design was used. The participants of the research, were students from the middle socio-economic level of a public school in Buca district of Izmir province. The data collection tools of the study were: Coopersmith Academic Self Esteem Scale, originally designed by Coopersmith (1991) and oriented Turkish by Pişkin (1996), Which Social Studies Academic Achievement Test was developed by the researchers. According to the findings of the study, the experimental group had higher scores on academic achievement, and academic self-esteem than the control groups of the study and this difference continued in one month


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    One of the important elements of the education system is teacher and success of the education system is mainly based on the fact that teachers who will run the system have expected competencies. While the process of bringing teachers in competencies expected from them is seen important in the 21st century world, it is also important to run the appointment process of teachers in a healthy way. It is thought that current teacher appointment system of Turkey causes teachers to get concerned and this affects their motivation for teaching adversely. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the concern of teachers for non-appointment and their motivation for teaching. This study was designed in the screening model. Target population of the study is fourth-grade teacher candidates studying Classroom Teaching Department of five different Faculties of Education in Aegean, Black Sea and Marmara Region of Turkey in 2017-2018 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 370 teacher candidates selected by simple random sampling method. In the study, the "Non-Appointment Concern of Classroom Teacher Candidates’" was measured by "Teacher Candidates Non-Appointment Concern scale" developed by Eskici (2016) and the teaching motivation was measured by "Teaching Motivation Scale" adapted to Turkish by Candan and Evin Gencel (2015). Analysis of the research data was done by SPSS v.22 packaged software, and ANOVA and t-test techniques were used. According to the results of the study, non-appointment concern of classroom teacher candidates has been found to be at a moderate level and significant differences have been determined by universities. Although the concern is above moderate level, it has been determined that teacher candidates do not lose their teaching motivation and their teaching motivation points are still above moderate level. In addition, it has been determined that the motivation of teacher candidates varies significantly by universities. There has been no significant difference between genders in both variables. It is believed that this study will contribute to improvement of the 21st century teachers’ competencies and will create an environment of data driven thinking and discussion based on the related variables.  Article visualizations


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    Eylem araştırması niteliğindeki bu araştırmanın amacı, sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının kütüphane kullanma alışkanlıklarını geliştirmektir. Araştırmaya 42 öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Araştırmanın veri toplama araçları; kütüphane kullanma alışkanlığına ilişkin tutum ölçeği, kütüphane kullanma alışkanlığına ilişkin anket ve açık uçlu soruların yer aldığı görüş formlarından oluşmaktadır. Tutum ölçeğinden elde edilen veriler SPSS 15 paket programı kullanılarak t-testi ile analiz edilmiştir. Katılımcıların görüş formlarına verdikleri yanıtlar ise betimsel analiz yoluyla çözümlenmiştir. Katılımcıların kütüphane kullanma alışkanlıklarının yeterli düzeyde olmadığı belirlenmiş ve söz konusu alışkanlığı geliştirmek amacı ile bir eylem planı hazırlanmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen eylemler sonucunda, katılımcılarda kütüphane kullanımına yönelik olumlu yönde gelişme sağlandığı belirlenmiştir. Yapılan eylemin başarılı olması nedeniyle kütüphane kullanma alışkanlığının geliştirilmesi için öğretmen adayları ile kütüphaneye ilişkin çeşitli etkinliklerin yapılması önerilmektedir. The purpose of this action research study is to improve the preservice elementary teachers' use of library. The sample of the study consisted of 42 preservice teachers. The data were obtained through the survey of attitude towards library usage, the survey of library usage, and interview forms containing open-ended questions. The data obtained via the attitude survey were analyzed using SPSS program version 15.0 and t-test analyses were carried out. The responses of participants were evaluated via descriptive analysis. It was determined that the frequency of preservice teachers' use of library was very low and to enhance that based on the literature, an action research plan was developed. The results revealed that the participants' library usage was improved positively after the administration of the action research plan. Based on the positive results obtained after the implementation of the action plan in this study, suggestions were provided for the use of some activities about library