433 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 21, 1952

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    Juniors schedule prom, show for this weekend • Operetta Sari judged to be great success • Chem group plans April 28 program • Lit. readings held • Juniors, sophomores plan activities for May 2, 3 • Loyalty forms needed for civil service jobs • Meeker awarded fellowship • Spirit group meets to plan for next year • Speaker tells of life in Africa and Pakistan • Annual campus elections to take place tomorrow • Member of Board of Directors dies • Intersorority Council plans freshmen party • French Club to give movie • Herber awarded fellowship • Group Four to give play on April 22 • Frat president elected • Editorials: Get out and vote; A question; Presidential race changing • Letters to the editor • Request made to form Eisenhower Club • Lampeter hurls eight hit victory over Temple, 6-3 • Mermaids choose future captains • Track team drops first dual meet to Haverford • Netmen lose in first outing • Engagements • Diocese president electedhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1541/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 14, 1952

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    MSGA plans for evaluation of professors • Alumni to hear Dr. Furbay speak • Language table meets • Sophs, freshmen draw up petitions; Deadline April 16 • Plans made to stop cheating • Library acquires new books • Operetta Sari scheduled for this weekend • Cultural Olympics rate play highly • French Club entertained • Jean Shepherd speaks at annual Weekly banquet: KYW disc jockey presents radio difficulties, problems • Heads named for YMCA • Late permissions discussed in WSGA meeting • Eight members to represent Pi Gamma Mu at Albright • IRC hears Ulbricht • German Club to hold hunt • Editorials: The passive student; Truman\u27s steel seizure wrong • Dean of Men leads busy life • Bruin team drops opener by last inning Ford rally • Ed Dawkins wins in Olympic tryout • Bob Swett elected captain • Former Ursinus star honored • Vermont\u27s new citizenshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1540/thumbnail.jp

    Towards an integrative model of C4 photosynthetic subtypes: insights from comparative transcriptome analysis of NAD-ME, NADP-ME, and PEP-CK C-4 species

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    C4 photosynthesis affords higher photosynthetic carbon conversion efficiency than C3 photosynthesis and it therefore represents an attractive target for engineering efforts aiming to improve crop productivity. To this end, blueprints are required that reflect C4 metabolism as closely as possible. Such blueprints have been derived from comparative transcriptome analyses of C3 species with related C4 species belonging to the NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) and NADP-ME subgroups of C4 photosynthesis. However, a comparison between C3 and the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEP-CK) subtype of C4 photosynthesis is still missing. An integrative analysis of all three C4 subtypes has also not been possible to date, since no comparison has been available for closely related C3 and PEP-CK C4 species. To generate the data, the guinea grass Megathyrsus maximus, which represents a PEP-CK species, was analysed in comparison with a closely related C3 sister species, Dichanthelium clandestinum, and with publicly available sets of RNA-Seq data from C4 species belonging to the NAD-ME and NADP-ME subgroups. The data indicate that the core C4 cycle of the PEP-CK grass M. maximus is quite similar to that of NAD-ME species with only a few exceptions, such as the subcellular location of transfer acid production and the degree and pattern of up-regulation of genes encoding C4 enzymes. One additional mitochondrial transporter protein was associated with the core cycle. The broad comparison identified sucrose and starch synthesis, as well as the prevention of leakage of C4 cycle intermediates to other metabolic pathways, as critical components of C4 metabolism. Estimation of intercellular transport fluxes indicated that flux between cells is increased by at least two orders of magnitude in C4 species compared with C3 species. In contrast to NAD-ME and NADP-ME species, the transcription of photosynthetic electron transfer proteins was unchanged in PEP-CK. In summary, the PEP-CK blueprint of M. maximus appears to be simpler than those of NAD-ME and NADP-ME plants

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 28, 1952

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    Ruth Reed is prom queen; Cub and Key taps four • Girls elect class representatives to WSGA and WAA • Y plans retreat for this weekend • Students pick MSGA men for next year • Navy man to be here tomorrow • New presidents elected for WAA, WSGA and Y • Day study girls pick new officers • Audience enjoys laughs at show • French Club to hold banquet • Classes elect officers for coming year • Spirit Committee chooses Armstrong as new chairman • Norristown Chemical Society to sponsor April 28 program • Pi Gamma Mu holds banquet • Editorials: Suggestion; Spinoza and Truman; U.S. has war attitude • Letters to the editor • Professor evaluation plan aired by poll • Engagements • TV professors make camera debuts; Thus, the educated housewife • Attention, girls: This may be last leap year! • Anderson hits grand slam as Bears whip F&M 12-7 • Girls\u27 tennis team defeats Swarthmore • Large group out for softball squad • Haverford beats Ursinus behind hurling of Wurster • Brodbeck shares lead with Stine • Ursinus blanked by Bryn Mawr, 5-0 • Rain cancels two diamond contests • Intramural crown captured by 944 • Mud-splattered track and rain mars Penn relays • Girls\u27 net squad drops first match • Temple University alumni honors Lt. Gov. L. H. Wood April 26 • Dr. C. D. Yost honored by PA. college English group • Music Club thanks directorhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1542/thumbnail.jp

    First Measurement of Unpolarized Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections From a He 3 Target

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    The unpolarized semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering (SIDIS) differential cross sections in 3He(e,e′π±)X have been measured for the first time in Jefferson Lab experiment E06-010 with a 5.9GeV e- beam on a 3He gas target. The experiment focuses on the valence quark region, covering a kinematic range 0.12\u3cxbj\u3c0.45,1\u3cQ2\u3c4(GeV/c)2,0.45\u3czh\u3c0.65, and 0.05\u3cPt\u3c0.55GeV/c. The extracted SIDIS differential cross sections of π± production are compared with existing phenomenological models while the 3He nucleus approximated as two protons and one neutron in a plane-wave picture, in multidimensional bins. Within the experimental uncertainties, the azimuthal modulations of the cross sections are found to be consistent with zero. © 2017 American Physical Society

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 10, 1952

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    Faculty show begins Chest drive, Nov. 15 • Pancoast, Miller debate merits of Ike and Adlai • Jones speaks to freshman class • Group production judged success • Death takes holiday in Curtain Club play • Frosh officers disclosed; Ronald Hutchinson, prexy • Seniors plan for show and dances • Workers net $40 for Campus Chest • Steward resigns • Cheerleaders to take over plans for future pep rallies • Pre-meds take tour • Former Ursinus student dies in automobile accident • Editorials: Was this fun?; Let\u27s go, Band • Noble sportsmen • Letters to the editor • Rushees sign fraternity bids • New patriotism will help Ike • Bears face Juniata in last home tilt • Bakermen lose to Haverford • Bakermen blast LaSalle in home soccer tilt, 2-0 • Temple drops Belles, 5-2 • Chess Club wins, ties • Messiah to be Dec. 11 • Lantern chooses selectionshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1505/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 7, 1952

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    Members begin new duties on Weekly staff • New head waiters appointed • DeSola and Scott direct new drama • Bids for queen due April 18 • China subject of Forum talk • Ursinus student body favors Gen. Eisenhower for presidential post • Curtain group plays create startling effects • Group entertained at Norristown Y • Laura Bechtle announces chief May Day dancers • Committee picks WSGA, YWCA, WAA nominees • Players intensify Sari rehearsals • Cheating is topic at fireside chats • Bids circulated for MSGA, class officers • Seniors to contact Doughty if not measured for gowns • Women day students to hold sale of cakes for furniture • Editorials: Proud tradition; Good turnout; Truman withdrawal clears air • Baker and Miller discuss Taft • Singers to meet daily • Egg hunt to be held • Letters to the editor • Engagements • Dr. Yost reads from Alcott • Chemistry students attend Pittsburgh conference • Coed presents differences between Ursinus and an all girls\u27 college • Campus scribe writes letter to folks back home • Belles end season with easy win over Rosemont • Girls\u27 intramural semi-final tonight • Sal Parent new court captain • Girls\u27 court teams post near undefeated record • Track performers burning cinders • Cricket practice announced • Brodbeck captures intramural crown • Albright tilt washed out; Bears to open with Fords • Nine basketball letters awarded • Lantern deadline set • Ulbrich speaks at IRChttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1539/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 12, 1952

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    WSGA to install officers at banquet on Thursday • Sororities hold dances, elections • Ruby selects photographer • College physician, famous coach, dies • WAA gives banquet • Bus. Ad. club takes poll • Queen and court reign at May Day pageant • Commencement, Baccalaureate speakers announced • Rosicrucians to entertain new members • Curtain Club, Alpha Psi elect new presidents • Four fraternities pick new officers • Voegler to speak at Pottstown • Campus groups hold annual elections: IRC, FTA, French Club • Queen to be on TV • Editorials: Good idea; Class struggle; Capitalistic noise and smoke • Class of 1952 is invited to Alumni Association dinner • Phila. Story is grand success • Alumni group plans banquet • Pinned • Ursinus routs Pharmacy with twenty run splurge • Snell\u27s Belles win in opener • Feist hurls five hitter, Bears rout Drexel, 9-4 • Physics Department develops film loops for better teaching • Famous columnist and editor speaks to FTA • Plans of \u2752 graduates reveal varied interests • Elizabethtown wins with eight run inning, 10 to 3 • Belles trounce West Chester • Men\u27s tennis squad victor • JV softball team whips Drexel 8-3 • Ursinus cinder men lose close meet to Albright • Ursinus finishes second in track • Y plans hot dog roast for May 14 • Marine representative speaks • Engagement • Marriagehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1544/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 5, 1952

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    Phila. Story to be presented May 8, 9 & 10 • Pre-meds elect officers • Y cabinet assumes duties at retreat • Music Club to hold elections tomorrow • Inter-sorority group holds annual party • Students will be charged for all overdue library books • Music Club to give concert • WSGA endorses removal of posters • New Lantern head selected by staff • Dan Giangiulio is elected new president of MSGA • Final plans set for May Day pageant, campus activities • Future teachers to hear talk Tuesday • Ludwig receives prize from chemical institute • Bus. Ad. club reorganizes; Bennett elected president • New Selective Service test scheduled to be given May 22 • Editorials: More pride needed; Super-patriots gag opinion • Spirit group meets to plan program for next year • Chess club loses match • Letters to the editor • German Club elects Owens • Junior-Sophomore weekend held • Pinned • Engagements • Many infected by senioritus • May pageants present queen in many guises • Parting seniors reveal one last desire • Hal Feist hurls seven-hit victory over Swarthmore • Girls net team gains shutout win • Delaware trounces Bears 10 to 3 with 15-hit attack • Cinder men rout Cadets, lose to Lehigh runners • Girls\u27 tennis team beats Stroudsburg 4-1 • Gellman elected to captain 1953 wrestling squad • Moravian beats Ursinus; Bears leave 15 on base • Stolen gloves halt intramural games • Y retreaters spend enjoyable weekendhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1543/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 8, 1952

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    Second forum enjoys speech by diplomat • First forum hears Lord • Scribe praises Fall play • 15th annual Messiah performance to be Thursday night in Bomberger chapel • Y plans vespers, town-gown day Christmas party • Senior prom, party is this weekend • Marine speaks to students • Class to hear talk on southeast Asia • Pre-meds to hear Drs. Nye, Eger • Sororities go through informal initiations • Only $510 donated to Campus Chest • U. of P. student addresses IRC • French Club plans party • Editorials: So little time; Prom problem • Color trouble • GOP still split • Letters to the editor • Canterbury Club elects pres., holds meeting tonight at 7 • Weddings • Engagements • Reporter reveals sacred secrets of Weekly hole • Class of \u2753 gives birth to yearbook • Senior ball will feature Stars in the eyes theme • Inquirer relay to be held in January • Bears wallop Pharmacy in season opener, 97-48 • Mermaids begin practice; Sis Bosler is new coach • Kolp elected captain • Dick Glock paces Ursinus offense • Bob Swett tallies 75 as Bears split two decisionshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1508/thumbnail.jp
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